The first edition of the “Encounter in Macao – Arts and Cultural Festival between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), offers a series of excellent events. The “Cultural Forum between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” will be held on 7 and 8 July for two consecutive days, on the 4th floor of the Macao Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre, aiming to promote cultural exchange between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and establish an exchange and communication platform. Specialists from cultural sector were invited to take part in the Forum and offer thematic presentations. The Forum is open to the general public.
This “Cultural Forum between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” is dedicated to the theme of “cultural diversity”. Specialists from Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, East Timor, São Tomé and Príncipe and Guinea-Bissau will explore the significance of multiculturalism and offer thematic presentations and research experiences related to the cultural development in their respective countries. The public should take note that the guest speaker from East-Timor, Ms. Cecília Assis, will not be able to attend and will be replaced by the National Director for the Art, Culture and Cultural Creative Industries of East-Timor, Mr. Carlos Jesus Freitas, but the respective presentation will remain unchanged.
During the Forum, exchange seminars will also be held, allowing the exchange and sharing of experiences between specialists of each country. Through this Forum, IC hopes to facilitate cultural cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries with Macao as a centre, thereby motivating public interest in treasuring and protecting the unique and diversified cultural resources of Macao, while also appreciating the cultural context of China and Portuguese-speaking countries.
Thematic presentations and exchange seminars will be conducted in Cantonese, Mandarin and Portuguese, with simultaneous translation provided in Chinese, Portuguese and English. Admission is free but seats are limited; interested parties may register in advance from today onwards through tel. no. 2836 6320 during office hours. For more information, please refer to the booklet or visit the webpage www.icm.gov.mo/FCP.