The first edition of the “Encounter in Macao – Arts and Cultural Festival between China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries”, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, has been launched, featuring a series of excellent activities, of which the “Annual Arts Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, to be inaugurated on 7 and 8 July at various distinctive exhibition venues, presenting a series of four contemporary art exhibitions closely linked to Macao’s urban landscape. The four exhibitions, namely “Alter Ego”, “The Universe”, “Penetrate” and “Aiya”, showcase representative artworks from Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Portugal, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste, presenting the current tendencies of contemporary art in China and the Portuguese-speaking countries. The exhibitions are open to the general public. Admission is free.
The exhibition “Penetrate” will be inaugurated on 7 July, at 3:30pm, at the Tak Chun Macau Art Garden. Local curator James Chu, in collaboration with six artists who are residing in Macao, use different media and techniques to interpret Macao and how it is deeply influenced by the Sino-Portuguese history and culture. The exhibition “Aiya” will be inaugurated on the same day at 5:30pm, at the Gallery of the Orient Foundation, presenting Macao’s different situations and conditions. Curator José Drummond joins hands with local artists to interpret the diverse culture of Macao.
The exhibition “The Universe” will be inaugurated on 8 July, at 3:30pm, at the Ox Warehouse. Taking on the Buddhist concept of the “universe”, the exhibition tries to analyze the peculiar interrelationships among reality, art and the exhibition sites. The curators Feng Boyi and Wang Xiaosong will introduce China’s representative contemporary art works in Macao, bringing a new dynamics.
The exhibition “Alter Ego” includes six thematic exhibitions held at various venues, to be inaugurated on 8 July, at 5:30pm, at the Macao Museum of Art. The exhibition is an exploration of this seminal idea, fulfilled through the expression of contemporary art. Through six thematic exhibitions, the curators Alexandre Farto aka Vhils and Pauline Foessel try to evoke the audience’ introspection, delving deeply into the intricate construction process and quality of the self. The six thematic exhibitions include: “The Self” at the Macao Museum of Art; “The Other” at the Old Court Building; “From Language to Travel” at Tap Seac Gallery; “Culture Clash” at the Temporary Exhibitions Gallery of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau; “Globalisation” at Taipa Exhibitions Gallery and Nostalgic House of the Taipa Houses; and “Alter Ego” at Navy Yard No. 1 – Contemporary Art Centre, taking the audience on a visually striking journey. In addition, the exhibition specially invited artists to create public art at the Spectacle in MGM COTAI and in front of the building at No. 12, Praça de Ponte e Horta, allowing the audience to get close and enjoy a unique style of artworks.
The four thematic exhibitions are organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, with special partner MGM COTAI and the local support of the Oriental Foundation and the Tak Chun Macau Art Garden. For more information about the exhibitions, please visit the thematic webpage of the Cultural Affairs Bureau “Encounter in Macao – Arts and Cultural Festival between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” at www.icm.gov.mo/FCP, or contact IC through tel. no. (853) 89884000, during office hours.
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