The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, today directed Government departments to step up their effort to address flooding issues, particularly in relation to easing the effects wrought by unstable weather conditions during tropical cyclone season.
During today’s cross-departmental meeting to review anti-flooding measures, Mr Chui said the recent flooding at Inner Harbour had highlighted the need to enhance flood control and prevention measures. He called for closer cross-departmental effort to realise the Government’s medium- and long-term plan regarding flood control and prevention.
Mr Chui added the Government would take all measures in the interim period before the completion of its long-term flood control measures, in order to relieve flooding issues experienced by people and businesses in the Inner Harbour area.
During today’s meeting, a number of Government departments reported to the Chief Executive the respective measures taken to address the flooding relating to a lunar high tide that affected the Inner Harbour from 13 to 15 July.
The meeting also received a report on progress regarding the overall planning of the Government’s flood control and prevention measures. Mr Chui paid particular attention to issues concerning: the operations of the existing pipe network and pumping facilities; construction of more pumping facilities and rainwater storage facilities in the Inner Harbour area; the coordination and effectiveness of the proposed reinforced concrete walls alongside the Inner Harbour; and the construction of a cross-boundary flood control system.
To ease flooding issues in the Inner Harbour, the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau would continue to enhance the drainage pipe network in the area; strengthen the system for the area’s refuse collection services; and optimise all of its monitoring equipment.
The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau and other responsible departments would strive to install further sensing equipment in waters away from the shore, in order to receive, in a timely manner, any data indicating a water level rise.
Mr Chui pointed out the need to promote a greater range of ways by which the public can gain access to “real-time tidal information”, a service launched by the Marine and Water Bureau and the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau. Government departments would foster emergency alert services regarding any forecast of unusual tidal conditions.
In addition, the Government would optimise its methods of delivering timely information in order to allow members of the public to prepare in advance for an emergency.
To respond to adverse weather conditions in an era of global warming, the Chief Executive urged all Government departments to perform their duties unremittingly, in order to minimise the risk faced by the public.