The Consumer Council conducted a questionnaire on the services of indoor playground for kids and the result is published in the latest issue no. 299 Consumer Report. Consumers are reminded to pay attention to the age restriction when purchasing tickets, and know more about the games and facilities in order to choose a more suitable playground.
Pay attention to age group in indoor playground for kids
The Council conducted a questionnaire on licensed indoor kids playgrounds, the surveyed playgrounds are located in hotels or ground floor shops in buildings, and all have different admission, contents, and play periods. The questionnaire also reflects that different playgrounds have different age restrictions, consumers are therefor to pay attention to the regulation to avoid choosing unsuitable playground for children. Moreover, consumers should also note that small children are required to be accompanied by adults for admission to these playgrounds.
The questionnaire on the services of indoor playground for kids is now available in the latest Consumer Report.
“Smart choice” includes price info of on sale items from 100 supermarkets
The Consumer Council added a “Smart Choice” function to its website version of “Supermarket price information platform” to let consumers check which on sale items are available among the surveyed 100 supermarket. The new function provides more efficient price information for consumers’ reference to make it easier to purchase lowest priced products. A feature of the “Smart choice” function is included in the current issue of Consumer Report.
Consumer Council and Portugal consumer organziation signed work agreement
The Council and Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO) formed a partnership and signed a work agreement last month, the agreement further strengthens the co-operation between Macao and Portugal and utilizes the status of Macao as “One Platform” to push forward co-operation between consumer organizations in both China and Portugal, as well as other Portuguese-speaking countries. Details can be found in Consumer Report.
The list of winners of the Council’s 4-panel comic drawing contest and recent work coverage are now published in the latest Consumer Report. Consumer Report is now available free of charge at the Council (Av. Horta e Costa, N.º 26, Edf. Clementina Ho), and the service counter of the Council at Macao SAR Government Service Centre (Rua Nova da Areia Preta, Nº52), Public Information Centre at Vicky Plaza, libraries, and bookstores. Consumers may also access the magazine online on the Council’s official website (http://www.consumer.gov.mo) and WeChat official account.
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