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IAM organises more than 10 explanatory sessions to introduce “Hawker Management Regime” to hawkers

IAM organises more than 10 explanatory sessions to introduce “Hawker Management Regime” to hawkers

The “Hawker Management Regime” will enter into force on 1 March this year. To allow the current hawker license holders to have a clear understanding of the content of the new law, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) successively organised more than 10 explanatory sessions oriented to hawkers in Macao. The content of the law and the transitional arrangements were explained so that hawkers and relevant stakeholders can better understand and comply with the stipulations of the new law.

During the explanatory sessions, the representatives of IAM gave the hawkers detailed explanations of the scope of application of the new law, the license fees and security deposit, the obligations of the license holder, the corresponding sanctioning regime, the transitional arrangements, etc. In general, the participants were concerned about the stipulation of in-person operation of activities, the eligibility of application for collaborator, the amount of security deposit, the conditions of application for transfer of license during the transitional period and other issues. The questions were answered by the representatives of IAM on site.

In accordance with the stipulations, the current hawker license holders are required to make a choice for their operation within 90 days from the day of entry into force of the new law. IAM continuously maintains close communication with hawker license holders for implementation of the transitional arrangements. In addition, IAM previously introduced the law to the Consultative Committee on Municipal Affairs, the Community Service Consultative Committees of three districts and the representatives of the industry associations and listened to their opinions, with a view to optimising the transitional arrangements.

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