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Macao SAR Passport/ Macao SAR Travel Permit

Application procedures for Macao SAR Passport

How to Apply

Application Methods:

  • Service counter
  • “Macao One Account” mobile application
  • Self-service kiosk

Application Procedures and Documents Required

Application made at DSI counter

Aapplicants are required to obtain a number tag in advance. For the methods to obtain the tag number, please refer to “Methods to Obtain Tag Number and Appointment” of the website of the Identification Services Bureau.

Required Documents﹕:

  • Original Macao SAR Permanent Resident Identity Card (will be returned to the applicant after verification);
  • Applicant can choose to submit a 1.5-inch, color, bareheaded and full-faced photograph in plain white background which is taken at a photography studio within the last 6 months, use the photograph taken onsite at no cost (Click here for Photograph Specifications), or use the photograph for identification documents which is taken by a contracted photography studio from “My Photo” in the “Macao One Account” for the travel document application. For details about adding identification document photo to “Macao One Account”, please refer to the promotion materials of “My Photo” of “Macao One Account” and the list of contracted photography studios. (Please read Remarks 1 and 2);
  •  Macao SAR Travel Permit, if any;
  • The former Macao SAR Passport, in case of renewal (Applicants can renew travel documents which will expire in less than 9 months or have expired);
  • An official loss report issued by the competent authority (e.g. police) if applicants cannot submit the former Macao SAR Travel Permit or Macao SAR Passport;
  • If applicants are under the age of 18, their parents or the person who executes the parental right or guardianship in compliance with the law must present their original identification documents and sign in the signature field of the application form (The original identification documents will be returned after verification and photocopying) (Please read Remarks 3 and 4).

Remarks 1: If the photo submitted or the live-captured photo is found to be unsatisfactory after examination, DSI will inform the applicant of submitting another photo.

Remarks 2: The receipt QR code is provided by “My Photo” contracted studios, DSI will not charge any fee.

Remarks 3: If either parent cannot accompany his/her child to apply for the travel document, such parent has to fill out the authorization form and provide a photocopy of a valid identification document which bears his/her signature.

Remarks 4: If parents of the applicant are in the state of unmarried, separation, partition of property or divorce, or either parent is unable to sign on the signature field due to certain reason (e.g. missing), the other parent has to prove his/her entitlement to exercise parental right in order to lodge the application for underage children.

Application through the “Macao One Account” mobile application

Applicants are required to download the “Macao One Account” mobile application .

Notes on Online Application for Travel Documents

  • The online service is applicable to the first-time application or renewal of travel documents which will expire in less than nine months or have expired.
  • Applicants have to log in to the “Macao One Account” to lodge the application.
  • Applicants who cannot pass the facial recognition will not be allowed to apply for travel documents online. If applicants are twins or multiples, they can lodge the application for travel document through “Macao One Account” provided that they have bound the electronic identity with their mobile phone;
  • Applicants have to choose the photo for identification documents which is taken by a contracted photography studio from “My Photo” in the “Macao One Account”. You may refer to the latest list of contracted photography studios of “My Photo” of “Macao One Account”. The photo has to be taken within the last 6 months. (Note: In order to avoid hindrance when using the travel document, DSI will request the applicant to submit additional photo if the photo provided does not meet the specified requirements. Moreover, the receipt QR code is provided by “My Photo” contracted studios, DSI will not charge any fee) ;
  • Applicants have to agree to use the personal information stored in the Identification Services Bureau for lodging the application;
  • Applicants have to take a selfie which will be checked against the identification document photo;
  • Applicants aged 18 or above are required to collect their documents at the DSI Service Station in person  (if the former travel document is still valid, please present it for cancellation when collecting the new travel document).
  • Notes to applicants under 18 years old
    • The application has to be lodged by using the “Macao One Account” of the applicant’s father, mother or guardians, and the applicant’s “Photo for identification documents” has to be uploaded to the account;
    • The service is only applicable to applicants who reached 5 years old or above on the latest issuance date on the Macao Resident Identity Card. In addition, if there is a significant change in the underage applicant’s appearance, he/she may not be able to pass the facial recognition.
    • Both parents or guardians are required to conduct facial recognition.
    • The document must be collected by the applicant’s parent or guardian.


Circumstances under which online application for travel document is not applicable:

  • The Macao Resident Identity Card has expired (excluding those who are in the process of renewing their identity card);
  • Interdicted person or quasi-interdicted person;
  • Application for a travel document due to loss or damage of document;
  • The parent or guardian of the applicant underage applicant does not hold a Macao Resident Identity Card.


Required documents for online application:

  1. The applicant’s original travel document (in case of document renewal);
  2. A photo that is qualified for identification documents has been uploaded to “My Photo” of the “Macao One Account”.


Application via self-service kiosks (Number tag is not required):

Please visit Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

Service Location and Office Hours

Application made at DSI counter

Identification Services Bureau

  • Headquarter
    Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, nº804, Edificio “China Plaza”, 1º andar, Macau
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)
  • Macao Government Services Centre
    Address: Zona R do 2º andar do Centro de Serviços da RAEM – Rua Nova da Areia Preta, n.º 52, Macau
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)
  • Macao Government Services Centre in Islands
    Address: Zona D do 3º andar do Centro de Serviços da RAEM das Ilhas – Rua de Coimbra, n.º 225, Taipa
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)

Online Application

Apply through the “Macao One Account” mobile application

Application via self-service kiosks

Please visit Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo

Fees and Payment Methods


  • Normal: MOP 430
  • Urgent: an additional fee of MOP 150 will be charged.
  • If the applicant cannot present the original travel document or the replacement is made for the reason of damage, the extra processing fees will be charged as follows:
    – First time: an additional fee of MOP 150.00;
    – Second time: an additional fee of MOP 300.00;
    – Third time: an additional fee of MOP 600.00;
    – Fourth time: an additional fee of MOP 1,200.00;
    – Fifth time or above: an additional fee of MOP 2,400.00.

For persons who were first issued with the travel document (2019 version), the extra fee for replacement of travel document due to loss or damage will be counted for the first time all over again.

  • Applicants who are lack of financial capability due to following conditions can apply for exemption of application fees. The relevant fees can be exempted upon approval:




    1) Applicants have to sign the application form of fee exemption;
    2) Applicants have to sign a declaration to declare their unemployment status;
    3) Submit the receipts of Employment Registration issued by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) of the past 12 months to state a lack of financial capability due to long-term unemployment.


    1) Applicants have to sign the application form of fee exemption;
    2) Submit a photocopy of a valid Beneficiary Card issued by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS). (The original document is required for verification)


    1) Applicants have to sign the application form of fee exemption;
    2) Submit a photocopy of a valid Disability Assessment Registration Card issued by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS). (The original document is required for verification)
    Note: Additional supporting documents may be required for applicant’s financial incapability verification of DSI, if necessary.

Payment Methods:

Application made at DSI counter

Headquarter (China Plaza), Macao Government Services Centre and Macao Government Services Centre in Islands: Cash, credit card, Union Pay “QuickPass”, debit card, Macau Pass and MPay are accepted for payment.

Application via self-service kiosks

“GovPay” or “MacauPass”

Online Application

Online payment.

Processing Time

  • Normal: 10 working days(Performance Pledge)
  • Urgent: 2 working days(Performance Pledge)


  1. The above expected collection date is counted from the following day after submission of all necessary documents to DSI. Under special circumstances, the expected collection date would be adjusted.
  2. In case of damaged, stolen or lost the former Macao SAR Travel Permit or Macao SAR Passport, the re-issuance time of the new Passport is 60 days at maximum. Urgent application is not accepted under normal circumstances except written request and supporting documents are submitted. The approval result will be informed within 2 working days.

Remarks/ Notes for Application

  1.  The list of countries and territories which have granted travel facilitation to holders of the Macao SAR Passport and Travel Permit, please visit the official website of the Identification Services Bureau.
  2. Regarding the knowledge of Macao residents on their fundamental rights and duties under the protection of the Basic Law; information about consular protection and consular services and tips on the preparation before going abroad, safely reminders and emergency contact information for travelling overseas, please visit the dedicated website of Fundamental Rights and Duties of Macao Residents, Information about Consular Protection and Consular Services.

Progress Enquiry and Service Results Collection :

Progress enquiry:

DSI-Enquiry on the application progress

Collection Methods of service results:

Self-services kiosk

(please visit Centro de Serviços de Auto-Atendimento de 24 horas do Governo)


Target Users:

Persons who have lodged the application for resident identity card at DSI’s service counters or self-service kiosks.


Procedures for Document Collection:

1.          Scan the Electronic Identity, or scan/input the receipt number.

2.          Verify identity (facial recognition or fingerprint verification)

3.          Cancel the original resident identity card (if applicable)



  • Applicants aged 18 or above have to collect the document in person; for applicants aged under 18, the document has to be collected by a parent or guardian who is holding a Macao resident identity card.
  • For renewal, the applicant must bring along the original identity card for cancellation when collecting the new document.

Document Collection Counter Service

Collection Locations:

  •    Headquarter

Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, n.º 804, Edificio “China Plaza”, 1º andar, Macau

  • Macao Government Services Centre

Address: Zona R do 2º andar do Centro de Serviços da RAEM – Rua Nova da Areia Preta, n.º 52, Macau

  • Macao Government Services Centre in Islands

Address: Zona D do 3º andar do Centro de Serviços da RAEM das Ilhas – Rua de Coimbra, n.º 225, Taipa

  • Macao Services Counter at the Government Affairs Service Centre in the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

Address: Building 2, 868 Gang’ao Avenue, Hengqin

Office hours: Monday to Friday (except legal holidays), 9:00am-12:00pm, 2:00pm-6:00pm.


If the applicant or the legal representative is unable to come to this Bureau in person to collect the document, please complete the authorisation form on the receipt and attach a copy of the applicant’s or the legal representative’s identification document. (When collecting the new travel document, the original travel document should be submitted for cancellation if it is still valid.)


Target users: 

Applicants who lodged the application for identity document or certificate at service counters or self-service kiosks

Document Collection Procedures:

  1. Scan or input your receipt barcode. (If the receipt barcode cannot be detected, please ask our staff for assistance.)
  2. Be aware of your name and the corresponding counter number shown on the screen.
  3. Collect your document or certificate at the designated counter.

Collect in person:

Verification of applicant’s identity is required at the time of document collection.  For identity card renewal or the former travel document has not expired, the former identity document must be brought along for cancellation.

Collect by an authorized person:

To authorize a representative to collect the document, the applicant has to fill out the authorization form on the receipt and sign the receipt according to the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card signature. Details of the procedure can be found at DSI’s Questions and Answers.

Content provider: Identification Services Bureau (DSI)

Last modified: 2025-03-28 17:29

Public safety and migration Migration, residency

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.