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Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Macao SAR

Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Macao SAR

How to Apply

Application Procedures and Documents Required:

  1. The application can be submitted in person at DSI or by post;
  2. Duly complete the application form;
  3. If the applicant is under the age of 18, either one of the parents or the legal guardian must sign the application form. For interdicted or quasi-interdicted persons, their curators or legal representative should sign the application form.
  4. For applicants above the age of 10, a clear impression of the right hand index finger is also required;
  5. Applicants is required to submit the following documents according to eligibility. (Please read Eligibility)

Required Documents:

1. Required Documents for Applicants mentioned in a.(*1)

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  • Macao Birth Certificate;
  • Proof that one of the applicant’s parent was legally residing in Macao or acquired the right of abode in Macao at the time of his/her birth, for example the past Macao identification document (*2) or Macao Birth Certificate;
  • Photocopy of parents’ valid identification document, if any;
  • Parent’s marriage certificate, if any (*4).


2. Required Documents for Applicants mentioned in b.(*1)

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  • Proof of having ordinarily resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years (*3) (such as the past Macao identification document (*2), proof of education, employment or involvement in any association activities or medical record. If the school in which the applicant studied before has not yet closed down, a proof of education with parents’ names and residential address is needed.);
  • If applicant was born in Macao, the Macao Birth Certificate and parents’ Macao identification documents (*2) are also required, if any.


3. Required Documents for Applicants mentioned in c.(*1)

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  • Proof that one of the applicant’s parents was a permanent resident of Macao at the time of his/her birth. For example: the date of first issuance of his/her parent’s Resident Identity Card should be at least 7 years prior to the date of his/her birth; Besides, a supplementary proof of having ordinarily resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years is required if needed, including proof of employment in Macao, salary tax receipt, proof of education and so on.
  • Applicant’s Birth Certificate; (*4)
  • Photocopy of parents’ valid identification document;
  • Parent’s Marriage Certificate; (*4)
  • If the applicant was born in a foreign country, he/she is required to submit his/her parents’ travel documents that they were holding at the time of his/her birth and declare the resident status at that time (*5) (such as visa, green card or naturalization certificate for America or Landing paper for Canada); if the applicant is unable to submit these relevant documents, he/she should make a declaration to clearly explain the reason of not submitting the documents.


4. Required Document for Applicants mentioned in d.(*1)

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  • Macao Birth Certificate;
  • Proof that one of the applicant’s parents legally resided in Macao or acquired the right of abode in Macao at the time of his/her birth, such as the past Macao identification document (*2) or the Macao Birth certificate;
  • Photocopy of parents’ valid identification document if any;
  • Parent’s Marriage Certificate if any(*4) ;
  • Declaration of being of both Chinese and Portuguese descent or a HongKong SAR Passport if any.


5. Required Documents for Applicants mentioned in e.(*1).

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  •  Proof of having ordinarily resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years (*3), such as the past Macao identification document (*2), or proof of education, employment, involvement in any association activities or medical record. If the school in which the applicant studied before has not yet closed down, a proof of education with parents’ names and residential address is needed;
  • If the applicant was born in Macao, he/she is required to submit the Macao Birth Certificate and parents’ past Macao identification documents if any; (*2)
  • A declaration of being of both Chinese and Portuguese descent or a HongKong SAR Passport (if any).


6.  Required Documents for Applicants mentioned in f. (*1)

  • 3 recent color or black and white photographs (1.5 inches x 1.8 inches);
  • The Hong Kong identity card or other valid travel document which bears photo;
  • Proof that one of the applicant’s parents was a permanent resident of Macao at the time of his/her birth. For example: the date of first issuance of his/her parent’s Resident Identity Card should be at least 7 years prior to the date of his/her birth; Besides, a supplementary proof of having ordinarily resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years is required if needed, including proof of employment in Macao, salary tax receipt, proof of education and so on;
  • Applicant’s Birth Certificate (*4);
  • Photocopy of parents’ valid identification document if any;
  • Parents’ Marriage Certificate if any (*4);
  • If the applicant was born in a foreign country, he/she is required to submit his/her parents’ travel documents that they were holding at the time of his/her birth and declare their resident status at that time (*5) (such as visa, green card or naturalization certificate for America or Landing paper for Canada); if the applicant is unable to submit these relevant documents, he/she should make a declaration to clearly explain the reason of not submitting the documents;
  • Declaration of being of both Chinese and Portuguese descent or a Hong Kong SAR Passport if any.

Remarks/ Notes for Application


  1.  Besides identification documents, all the photocopies should be verified. The applicant can also present the original documents of the photocopies for verification by the Identification Services Bureau (DSI). In addition, photocopies must be printed on A4-sized papers.
  2.  If the applicant is unable to provide the information of the past Macao identification document and requests help from DSI, DSI will then acquire such information from the Macao Public Security Police Force (PSP). In this case, the application will be proceeded only after the above-mentioned information is obtained.
  3.  Regarding the proof of having ordinarily resided in Macao for a continuous period of not less than 7 years, the applicant can refer to question 2 of Part A and question 2, 3, and 4 of Part B in the FAQs.
  4.  For applicant whose place of origin is Japan, France or Taiwan Region etc, besides the birth certificate, they are required to submit a valid census registration document in order to confirm the information of applicant’s place of birth and parents’ martial status.
  5.  Applicant who was born in a foreign country can refer to the question 4 to 7, 9 and 11 of Part C in the FAQ for information of the eligibility of applying for the Certificate of the Entitlement of the Right of Abode in Macao.


  1.  For applicant who does not follow the aforesaid application procedures and requirements (including fingerprint impressions), DSI will not set up a case file for any incomplete application. If the applicant cannot submit the required documents within 6 months for the incomplete application, DSI will archive the incomplete application and will not return the application materials to the applicant.
  2.  The Identification Services Bureau will keep the applicants informed of all the matters concerning the application by mail according to the address the applicant declared on the application form.
  3.  There is an effective date on the Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode showing when the certificate comes into effect. Only on that date or after, can the holder of the certificate exercise his/her right of abode in the Macao SAR.

Service Location and Office Hours

Identification Services Bureau

  • Headquarter
    Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, nº804, Edificio “China Plaza”, 1º andar, Macau
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)
  • Macao Government Services Centre
    Address: Rua Nova da Areia Preta n.º 52, Macau
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)
  • Macao Government Services Centre in Islands
    Address: Rua de Coimbra, n.º 225, 3.º andar, Taipa
    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and government holidays)

Fees and Payment Methods

Free of charge

Processing Time

The application for the Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode will take 30 working days for examinations after the day on which this bureau has received all required documents from the applicant (exclusive of the day of receipt of documents). (Performance Pledge)

Progress Enquiry and Service Results Collection :

Progress enquiry:

DSI-Enquiry on the application progress


Collection Methods and Locations:

(1) Collect at counter in person or by a delegate

  • Headquarter

Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, n°804, Edificio “China Plaza”, 1° andar, Macau

  • Macao Government Services Centre

Address: Rua Nova da Areia Preta n°52, Macau

  • Macao Government Services Centre in Islands

Address: Rua de Coimbra, n°225, 3° andar, Taipa

  • Macao Services Counter at the Government Affairs Service Centre in the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin

Address: Building 2, 868 Gang’ao Avenue, Hengqin
Office hours:Monday to Friday (except legal holidays), 9:00am-12:00pm, 2:00pm-6:00pm


To delegate a representative to collect the document, the applicant has to make an authorization statement in the “Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode” application form or submit a written authorization, and sign according to the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card signature. Details of collecting on behalf of the applicant please refer to DSI’s Frequently Asked Questions.


(2) Collect at the Government Smart Locker – “Smart Collect”

  • Identification-related certificates can be collected through the Smart Locker – “Smart Collect”. If the applicant chooses to collect his/her documents at the “Smart Collect” at the Government 24-hour Self-service Center, he/she should collect the documents within 3 days upon the receipt of the collection notice form “Macao One Account”, otherwise the documents will be sent back to the Identification Services Bureau’s Collection Counter on 1/F of China Plaza for collection during office hours. If the applicants choose to collect the documents in Hengqin, it will take 5 more working days in addition to the expected collection date. There is a possibility of having time lag in document transmission. If you have any enquiries, please call our hotline 2837-0777.
  • For details about the Government Smart Locker – “Smart Collect”, please refer to the website of the Government 24-hour Self-service Center.

Note: For details of document collection procedure, please visit electronic document collection process.

Content provider: Identification Services Bureau (DSI)

Last modified: 2025-03-12 16:07

Public safety and migration Migration, residency

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.