Pursuant to Article 6, Clause 1 of Law No. 10/2012 – “Regulating the Conditions of Entering, Working and Gaming at Casinos”, upon the application of an individual to exclude himself/herself from casinos, or upon the confirmation of an exclusion request made by his/her spouse, ascendant, descendant, or a family member related to him/her within the second degree of kinship by blood, the Director of DICJ may prohibit the person from entering all or some of the casinos for a maximum period of two years.
Coverage and period:
The applicant can apply for exclusion from all or some of the casinos in Macao, and the maximum exclusion period is two years.
Note: The “duration of exclusion” is a continuous period until the expiry day of the exclusion order; however, an application can submit revocation request to DICJ within an enforced exclusion period.
Eligibility and restrictions
- “Self-Exclusion” application: Any person above 21 years old.
- “Third-Party Exclusion” application:
- Eligibility: The applicant must be the spouse, parent, son/daughter or brother/sister of the person to be excluded. The person to be excluded must be above 21 years old.
- Restrictions: The application requires the signature confirmation of the person to be excluded.
- Exclusion revocation: The excluded person may submit the revocation request to DICJ at any time within the enforced exclusion period.
- Extension of the exclusion period: After the exclusion order has expired, or the excluded person had revoked the exclusion, the exclusion period may be extended only after a new self-exclusion application is made, or after the applicant has confirmed a new third-party exclusion application.
- DICJ will notify the applicant of the start and end date of the exclusion period.
- DICJ will notify the applicant of the effective date of the revocation request.
Responsible Department: The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau
Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, 762-804, Edf. China Plaza, 12th floor, Unit A, Macau.
Tel:(853)8397 3286
Fax:(853)2871 2331