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Self-Exclusion and Third-party Exclusion Applications

“Third-party Exclusion” Application

Application Guidelines

Procedures and documents

Applicant should submit the application along with the following documents in person at the DICJ office:

  1. Complete the “Third-party Exclusion Application form”〔DOC: Third-party exclusion application form〕〔PDF: Third-party exclusion application form〕; ( Application forms are available at DICJ office, the Resilience Center of Social Welfare Bureau and all casinos of MSAR, or downloading from DICJ website. )
  2. Valid identification documents of the applicant and the person to be excluded;
  3. A recent ID photo of the person to be excluded.


  1. The applicant must be the spouse, parent, son/daughter or brother/sister of the person to be excluded.
  2. The application requires the signature confirmation of the person to be excluded.

Location and Office hours

Submit application in person at:

The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau

Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, 762-804, Edf. China Plaza, 12th floor, Unit A, Macau.

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Friday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm


Free of charge

Note of approval

Within 5 working days, DICJ will notify the person to be excluded to sign a notification letter about the enforced exclusion period in person at DICJ office.

Notes for application

  1. Participation in the exclusion program is voluntary.
  2. The “duration of exclusion” refers to a continuous period of time until the day that the exclusion order expires, unless an application to revoke the exclusion is submitted to DICJ within the period of time that the exclusion is effective.
  3. During the enforced exclusion period, the person to be excluded is prohibited from entering or staying at all or some of the casinos in the Macao Special Administrative Region.  Failure to comply with the above requirement constitutes a crime of disobedience.
  4. The person to be excluded has the right to choose whether or not to receive counseling service from problem gambling prevention and treatment agencies.

Progress inquiry and service results collection

Inquiry the application progress: Check the application progress in person at DICJ office

Collecting service results: Collect in person at DICJ office

Imperative documents required when collecting the results: Valid identification documents of the person to be excluded

Content provider: Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ)

Last modified: 2025-03-04 10:59

Tourism and gambling Gambling

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