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Migration, residency



Service coverage

  1. After receiving the identity card from a Macao resident, the immigration officer at the checkpoint immediately examines the card and verifies the identification of the holder. The officer would also input the resident’s personal information to the computer either manually or through the Optical Character Reader. The identity card will be returned to the resident after it is confirmed that the information is correct.
  2. After Macao residents register their “Electronic Identity” in their Macao One Account, open “My border crossing” in “My services” to generate the QR code when undergoing immigration clearance, and then scan it at the first gate of the conventional automated channel, or scan it by following the instruction of the police constable at the manual channel, this substitutes the procedure of submitting physical Resident Identity Card.  The remaining clearance procedures are the same as the current ones. “My border crossing” is not applicable at the joint inspection automated channel for the moment.
  3. Macao residents aged 7 or above may use the Automated Passenger Clearance System for immigration clearance.
  4. Immigration officers conduct a preliminary examination of any Macao resident who fails to present an identity card or travel document upon entry or return to Macao because his/her identification document is lost or stolen outside Macao. Immigration officers also compose an application letter for verification of identity and capture fingerprints for the resident, whose entry will be permitted after the Border Control Department verifies his/her identity through the database shared by the Identification Bureau.
  5. The Border Control Department of the Macao Public Security Police Force keeps a record of the entry and exit of non-local residents on computer, as well as on their passport, travel document or other appropriate document, indicating the limit of stay granted. If necessary, the Department will also collect bio data so as to confirm or verify identities.

Target Groups and Application Eligibility

Macau Residents and non-residents.

Rules of Operation of Checkpoints

Target Groups: Persons who enter the checkpoints

Inquiry: (853) 2872 5488 (24-hour immigration hotline)


Suggestion and Complaint:

  • Tel: (853) 2878 7373 (24-hour complaint hotline)
  • Email:
  • Online: Online Suggestion and Complaint Section at official website of Public Security Police Force
  • Mail: Commissioner of Public Security Police Force or Public Relations Division at the Public Security Police Force Headquarters, Avenida do Cais de Pac On, Edifício do Comando do CPSP, Taipa, Macao

These rules are laid down in accordance with Article 100 of Law No. 16/2021 “Legal Regime of Immigration Control, Stay and Residence Authorization of the Macao Special Administrative Region” to regularize the use and operation of the checkpoints.

  1. To maintain a clean environment and to ensure orderly immigration clearance, the persons entering the checkpoints should comply with the following rules:
    1. Conform to the notices at the checkpoint and the proper instructions of the staff (including law enforcement agencies such as the Public Security Police Force, the Health Bureau, the Customs and the Judiciary Police);
    2. Remove the hat, sunglasses and all other articles that affect the staff in differentiating the facial features during immigration clearance, and stop using all electronic devices;
    3. Respect others, take care of accompanying elderly persons and children, eligible persons can use the caring channels;
    4. Take care of personal belongings carefully, do not put them anywhere or discard them anyhow, do not carry any article that jeopardizes public safety;
    5. Do not jump the queue or climb over a fence, do not enter or stay during non-operating hours;
    6. Do not stay for long hours, do not clamour, play, cause a nuisance to others or disrupt normal operation;
    7. Do not ride on a bicycle or electric vehicle (persons with obvious mobility disabilities are excepted);
    8. Do not take photos or make video and audio recordings except with prior authorization;
    9. Do not display any flag or banner, do not do anything that affects public safety and order;
    10. Do not bring any animal except with prior authorization;
    11. Do not litter, spit, blow your nose, urinate and defecate in public;
    12. Do not mark or damage any facility or article in the checkpoint;
    13. Do not expose your whole body or part of it to cause discomfort in others;
    14. Do not smoke;
    15. Do not enter restricted areas without authorization;
    16. Do not evade immigration control, especially by entering the e-Channel with another person.
  2. Users who do not comply with these rules will hold corresponding responsibility according to the applicable laws or public area regulations, and can be refused entry to the Macao Special Administrative Region:
    1. A fine of MOP300 will be imposed for violating Rule 10 in Part 1;
    2. A fine of MOP600 will be imposed for violating Rules 11-13 in Part 1;
    3. A fine of MOP1500 will be imposed for violating Rule 14 in Part 1;
    4. A fine of MOP3000-9000 will be imposed for violating Rule 15 in Part 1;
    5. A fine of MOP5000-15000 will be imposed for violating Rule 16 in Part 1.

Enquiry Methods

Service Provider: Public Security Police Force – Border Control Department


Border Gate Checkpoint 06H00 – 01H00 (next day)
Qingmao Checkpoint
(Executive Order No. 42/2024)
24 hours (target groups: eligible Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents only)
(Passengers Allowed at Qingmao Port)
Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Arrival and Departure Halls: 24 hours
Vehicle channels: 24 hours (passenger vehicles), 8:00 -20:00 (dangerous chemicals transport vehicles)
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Checkpoint
  • 08H00 – 22H00 (Zhuhai-Macao Arrival and Departure Halls)
  • 24 hours (HK-Macao Arrival and Departure Halls)
  • 24 hours (Zhuhai-Macao Vehicular Channels)
  • 24 hours (HK-Macao Vehicular Channels)
Zhuhai-Macao Cross-border Industrial Zone Checkpoint 07H00 – 24H00 (target groups: for pass holders)
Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Checkpoint 24 hours
Taipa Ferry Terminal Checkpoint 24 hours
Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal and Yacht Terminal Checkpoint 07H00 – 22H00 (Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal Checkpoint)
Airport Checkpoint 24 hours
Coloane Yacht Terminal Checkpoint Operate when necessary

Mailing address: Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macao
(853) 2872 5488
Fax: (853) 8897 0300


1. Border Gate Checkpoint Praça das Portas do Cerco, Macau (853) 8980 0321
2. Qingmao Checkpoint Edificio do Posto Fronteiriço de Macau no Posto Fronteiriço Qingmao (853) 8591 0321
3. Checkpoint of Macao Port Zone of Hengqin Port Zona do Posto Fronteiriço da Parte de Macau do Posto Fronteiriço Hengqin (853) 8805 4322
4. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Checkpoint Edifício do Posto Fronteiriço de Macau da Ponte Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau (853) 8805 0323
5. Zhuhai-Macao Cross-border Industrial Zone Checkpoint Avenida de Parque Industrial, Macau (853) 2827 1327
6. Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Checkpoint Largo do Terminal Marítimo, Terminal Marítimo do Porto Exterior, Macau (853) 8798 5327
7. Taipa Ferry Terminal Checkpoint Estrada de Pac On, Taipa, Macau (853) 2885 0355
8. Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal and Yacht Terminal Checkpoint Rua das Lorchas, Macau (853) 2893 9434 (Inner Harbour)
9. Airport Checkpoint Avenida de Wai Long, Aeroporto Internacional de Macau, Taipa, Macau (853) 8898 1317
10. Coloane Yacht Terminal Checkpoint Rua Marginal da Concórdia, Coloane, Macao (853) 2893 9434


Content provider: Public Security Police Force (CPSP)

Last modified: 2025-03-20 10:24

Migration, residency Public safety and migration

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.