Service Introduction
Procedures for the issuance of Pharmacy Licence to individuals or legal persons (corporations) who intend to run a pharmacy. According to Article 18 of Decree-Law no. 58/90/M dated 19th September, anyone who intends to open a pharmacy must file an application to and obtain prior authorisation from Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau.
Service targets:Individuals or legal persons (corporations) who intend to run a pharmacy.
According to Article 29 of Decree-Law no. 58/90/M dated 19th September, the authorisation for the opening of a pharmacy depends on the fulfillment of the following general requirements:
- The applicant shall reside or be based in Macao, and be constituted in accordance with law if the applicant is a legal person;
- The applicant, or its managers and administrators or directors, shall not engage in any activity that involves provision of medical services, particularly doctors or related professions;
- The applicant, as well as its managers, administrators or directors (applicable to legal persons), shall possess the appropriate civil qualification for engaging in pharmaceutical activities;
- Technical guidance shall be ensured for the pharmacy in accordance with this law;
- The personnel that will work in the pharmacy shall possess the qualifications that are required by law for performing related duties;
- The pharmacy’s facilities and equipment shall fulfill the appropriate conditions stipulated in this law and other legislation on safety, sanitation and hygiene in commercial premises.
Result of application: Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau will issue a pharmacy licence to the individuals or legal persons (corporations) that meet the statutory requirements.
Executive department and unit: Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau – Inspection and Licensing Department – Licensing Division
Correspondence Address: Avenida Sidónio Pais, n.º 51, Edif. “China Plaza”, 3.º andar, Macau
Telephone: 8598 3522
Facsimile:2883 1923