1. Service targets:
Registered trade unions or trade union federations
2. Required formalities and documents:
(1) At least two registered trade unions or trade union federations, by resolution of their respective general assembly meeting, have decided to form the trade union federation, and designate representatives respectively to form the preparatory committee;
(2) The preparatory committee agrees to form the trade union federation and designates a representative to handle the application formalities for the trade union federation registration;
(3) The application for trade union federation registration shall be submitted to the Labour Affairs Bureau within 30 days from the date on which the formation of the trade union federation was agreed by the preparatory committee;
(4) The Labour Affairs Bureau shall complete the vetting process within 60 days from the date of receipt of all required documents and issue a “certificate of adoptable name” in the form of an official letter to the applicant who meets the requirements (together with the reviewed draft constitution);
(5) The applicant shall, within 90 days from the date of receipt of the “certificate of adoptable name” (request for renewal once can be made), complete the notarization of the trade union federation’s establishment documents and constitution by either going to any notary office of the Legal Affairs Bureau (First Public Notary Office Tel: 28574258; Second Public Notary Office Tel: 28554460; Island Public Notary Office Tel: 28827504) or by means of a private notary;
(6) Within 15 days from the date of publication of the establishment documents and the constitution of the trade union federation in the Official Gazette of the MSAR, the trade union federation shall be registered by the Labour Affairs Bureau and acquire legal personality. The Labour Affairs Bureau shall inform the applicant of the trade union federation registration number and the association registration number by an official letter.
Required documentsNote 1 include:
(1) “Trade union federation registration application form” signed by a designated representative;
(2) A copy of the meeting minutes of trade unions or trade union federations that intend to form trade union federations and have decided at their respective general assembly meeting to form trade union federations and designate representatives to form a preparatory committee;
(3) A copy of the meeting minutes containing the preparatory committee’s consent to form the trade union federation and the designated representative signing the application form mentioned in (1) above;
(4) Copies of the MSAR Resident Identity Card of all preparatory committee members;
(5) The proposed draft constitution Note 2.
3. Fees:
Free of charge
4. Time required for processing:
60 days (counting from the date of receipt of application and all necessary documents)
Note 1: Documents must be made in any of the official languages of the MSAR; if the documents are made in any other language, a translation which is made in accordance with Articles 182 to 184 of the Notary Code must be provided, unless a translation is exempted from the Labour Affairs Bureau.
Note 2: The draft constitution shall contain the following:
(1) Name of the trade union federation (it must be identifiable, authentic, relevant, and cannot be similar or confused with or cause misunderstanding in the name of other registered trade unions, trade union federations or associations);
(2) Objects (must be with the aim of protecting and promoting employees’ labour rights and interests);
(3) Domicile (must be located in the MSAR);
(4) Members’ rights and obligations;
(5) Conditions for joining, withdrawal and removal of members;
(6) Organizations and functions;
(7) Methods of selection or designation, term of office and dismissal of office-holders;
(8) Other matters required to be specified according to law.
In addition, the trade union federation may stipulate in the constitution that honorary distinctions shall be granted to members and non-members.