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Microbes in the School: Techniques to Isolate and Study Bacteria

Microbes in the School: Techniques to Isolate and Study Bacteria

Tipo do evento Treinamento
Data do evento 2019-11-25 ~ 2019-11-28 (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) 18:30 - 21:30
Local do evento University of Saint Joseph – N.A.P.E. Campus (Address: Rua de Londres 106, Macau)
Explanação de inscrição From now until 18/11/2019
Audiências Teaching staff
Quota 25 25
Taxa Free
Executante Professor David Gonçalves, University of Saint Joseph
Organizadora Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Prodtor Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Lingua Inglês
Informação 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
Objetivo 1. Learn about the incredible diversity of microorganisms; 2. Learn simple methods to isolate and grow bacteria from common sources; 3. Test the effectiveness of various anti-bacterial substances (antiseptics).
Mensagem Session 1 - Collection of microorganisms from outdoor (ponds, earth, etc) and indoor (water trays, classroom tables, hands, etc) sources - Introduction to bacterial reproduction processes - LB media preparation (liquid) and sterilization - Bacterial inoculation and incubation Session 2 - Observation of bacterial cultures collected during Session 1 - LB media preparation (solid) and sterilization - Antibacterial discs preparation - Bacterial inoculation and sensitivity tests Session 3 - Observation of culture and sensitivity tests from Session 2 - Measurement of zones of inhibition - Effectiveness of various common antiseptics

Conteúdo fornecido por: Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ)

Última actualização: 2019-10-10 10:20