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The World of Seaweeds: Inquiry Based Lab and Field Activities

The World of Seaweeds: Inquiry Based Lab and Field Activities

Tipo do evento Treinamento
Data do evento 2020-03-06 ~ 2020-03-09 (Monday and Friday) 18:30 - 21:30; (Saturday) 10:00 - 13:00
Local do evento University of Saint Joseph – N.A.P.E. Campus (Address: Rua de Londres 106, Macau)
Explanação de inscrição From now until 28/02/2020
Audiências Teaching staff
Quota 25
Taxa Free
Executante Professor Karen Tagulao, University of Saint Joseph
Organizadora Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Prodtor Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Lingua Inglês
Informação 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
Objetivo 1. Understand what seaweeds are and compare them to plants in the context of morphology and function; 2. Explore and understand the environment in which seaweeds live; 3. Identify the different types of seaweeds, especially the ones growing in Macao; 4. Observe how seaweed acts as a binding/thickening agent in food and other product; 5. Recognize and/or identify seaweed-based ingredients in various products used in daily life.
Mensagem Session 1 - Overview of seaweeds, its uses/importance - Class exercise: Inquiry based investigation for students from the field to the laboratory with focus on seaweeds Session 2 - Field trip: Practical field exercise to observe the natural habitat of seaweeds in Macao and to collect samples for further investigation - Laboratory exercise to process samples collected from the field Session 3 - Laboratory investigation of commonly used products with seaweed-based ingredients * Field trip in the 2nd session

Conteúdo fornecido por: Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ)

Última actualização: 2020-01-21 12:19