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Developing English Language Skills in the Young Learner Classroom

Developing English Language Skills in the Young Learner Classroom

Tipo do evento Treinamento
Data do evento 2020-10-13 ~ 2020-10-27 (2020/10/13, 15, 20, 22, 27; 18:30-20:30; Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Local do evento English for Asia Learning Centre (Address: Avenida da Praia Grande N.599, Edifício Comercial Rodrigues, 10/D, Macau)
Explanação de inscrição From now until 2020/10/04
Audiências Primary English Teachers
Quota 18
Taxa Free
Executante Johanci Bingle
Organizadora Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Prodtor Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Lingua Inglês
Informação 83959141 (Ms. Lai)
Objetivo This series of sessions will focus on globally used methods to develop the four language skills, (i.e.) listening, reading, speaking and writing in young learners. Attendees will be presented with a variety of activities to try out and take away with them to apply in their own classrooms.
Mensagem Session 1: Receptive Skills- Listening Session 2: Receptive Skills- Reading Session 3: Productive Skills- Speaking Session 4: Productive Skills- Writing Session 5: Integrating Language Skills

Conteúdo fornecido por: Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ)

Última actualização: 2020-09-16 10:19