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Classroom Activities in Teaching Mathematics

Classroom Activities in Teaching Mathematics

Tipo do evento Treinamento
Data do evento 2020-12-14 ~ 2020-12-16 (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) 18:30 - 21:30
Local do evento University of Saint Joseph – Ilha Verde Campus (Address: Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17, Macau)
Explanação de inscrição From now until 08/12/2020
Audiências Primary Mathematics teachers
Quota 25 25
Taxa Free
Executante Professor Huey Lei, University of Saint Joseph
Organizadora Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Prodtor Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Lingua Inglês
Informação 8395 9169 (Ms. Wong)
Objetivo 1. Mathematics Education 2. Classroom Activity 3. Task Design
Mensagem 1. understand model of tool of semiotic mediation fostering interactive pedagogy enhancing students’ learning mathematics; (tool of semiotic mediation) 2. explore teaching approaches for school mathematics with teachers’ designed tasks involving use of concrete and digital tools; 3. integrate different tool-based activities into mathematics classrooms with designing tool-based teaching tasks for specific mathematics topics.

Conteúdo fornecido por: Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ)

Última actualização: 2020-11-16 12:15