Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) had the honour to collaborate with Galaxy Entertainment Group to organise a culinary experience sharing event with Le Club des Chefs des Chefs Association for IFT Culinary Arts Management bachelor degree programme students on 30 October 2017. The founder and 6 prestigious chefs from the Association shared their meaningful and knowledgeable culinary insights and experience with the students.
Over 90 IFT Culinary Arts Management bachelor degree programme students and faculty members attended and enjoyed a lively and interactive culinary exchange with the founder and the 6 prestigious chefs of the Association that they often provide stately culinary and gastronomic experience for important guests.
During the sharing, the founder of Le Club des Chefs des Chefs Association, Mr. Gilles Bragard, and six prestigious chefs from the Association namely Christian Garcia, Executive Chef to Prince Albert of Monaco and President for the Le Club des Chefs des Chefs Association; Fabrizio Boca, Chef to the President of Italian Republic; Massimo Sprega, Assistant Chef to the Chef for the President of Italian Republic; Jerome Rigaud, former Chef to the President of The Russian Federation; Julien Dugourd, Chef-pâtissier for Château de La Chèvre d’Or; and Hu Tao Sheng, former Banqueting Executive Chef at the Great Hall of the People, the People’s Republic of China, shared their unique and profound culinary and gastronomic experiences and insights. The sharing event was followed by an interactive Q&A session with attending guest speakers, students and faculty, and a tour to IFT’s various kitchens and other culinary teaching and learning facilities provided for the guest speakers by the Institute. The sharing was held at IFT’s Grand Hall.
Le Club des Chefs des Chefs is seen as the world’s most exclusive gastronomic society. Members of this highly elite club are the current personal chefs of heads of states, or the executive chefs of the venues that host official state receptions.
IFT has been striving to enhance the skills and knowledge of local tourism and hospitality professionals and students, as well as to bring in new culinary elements and experience to Macao. Through organising this event, it is believed that the culinary knowledge and horizon of local young talent and professionals will be enhanced.
Established in 1995, the Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao (IFT) offers the most extensive selection of tourism and hospitality related bachelor degree programmes in Macao, and about twenty thousand participants attend its vocational and professional training courses annually. IFT collaborates with 101 universities and tourism organisations around the world, and builds strong links with 500 leading tourism and hospitality corporations to offer internship opportunities to its students. Being the first institution accredited by the UNWTO.TedQual Certification System for tourism education, IFT has now 8 bachelor degree programmes with the Certification. Currently, the Institute has the most number of bachelor degree programmes certified under the System of any tertiary education establishment worldwide. In 2017, the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) has received a successful International Quality Review(IQR) from the UK's Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), making IFT to become the world’s first higher education institution to receive this international recognition. IFT has been ranked by the “QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017” as the 2nd best higher education institution in Asia in the field of hospitality and leisure management and the 18th best higher education institution in this field in the world. In addition, IFT has received the Medal of Merit in Tourism from the Macao SAR Government, and won twice the Gold Award in ‘Education and Training’ from the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).
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