Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) helped property owners of Mau Tan House’s eight buildings, which are part of Iao Hon Estate, convene condominium owners’ general meetings during August and September to set up management committees (colloquially known as property owners’ associations), becoming the fourth batch of buildings at Iao Hon Estate renewal project to have management committees. Meanwhile, MUR has begun similar work with property owners of Heng Long House.
Iao Hon Estate comprisesseven blocks of flats, which are Son Lei House, Seng Yee House, Hong Tai House, Mau Tan House, Heng Long House, Kat Cheong House and Man Sau House.
Property owners taking the initiative to work together
In June, MUR was contacted by Mau Tan House’s property owners offering to be the point of contact as they join the MUR team to look for property owners as they visit every household. As a result, about 50 property owners of Mau Tan House have agreed to sign a formal request to convene a condominium owners’ general meeting, creating a channel of communication for Mau Tan House.
Urban renewal blueprint envisioned through workshops
As part of the preparation work for redevelopment, the MUR team is helping Iao Hon Estate residents sort out property ownership issues, such as their matrimonial property regime. Resolving ownership issues is a key factor to help move forward the redevelopment process.
In addition, MUR has been organising workshops for property owners to learn more about Iao Hon Estate’s conceptual design scheme, using model buildings to demonstrate how “stock optimisation” and “vertical city” could improve their living environment. Property owners were also encouraged to play an active role in the redevelopment of their building, fulfill their duties as part of their rights and responsibilities, as well as take the initiative to resolve ownership issues or ask MUR for assistance. The sessions allowed a cordial environment for communication and the feedback has been positive.
Over 50 percent of property owners of Iao Hon Estate buildings helped with the set-up of management committees
As of September 2023, MUR has helped property owners of over 50 percent of Iao Hon Estate’s buildings convene general meetings. Through forming property owners’ management committee, property owners were able to communicate more efficiently and reach a consensus, which is indispensable for the upcoming redevelopment. MUR will continue to collect the means of contact of Iao Hon Estate’s property owners, after which the company would help coordinate the set-up of management committees and start follow-up work.
Iao Hon Estate property owners can contact MUR during office hours (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)by calling 2888 2263 to discuss the redevelopment plan.