
Classroom Strategies: Getting the Best from your Learners

Classroom Strategies: Getting the Best from your Learners

活动类型 培训班
举办日期 2019-10-03 ~ 2019-10-17 (2019/10/03, 08, 10, 15 & 17 18:30-20:30)
举办地点 TBC
报名详情 From now until 2019/9/26
活动对象 Local Kindergarten, Primary or Secondary English Teachers (Priority will be given to Local Kindergarten Teachers)
名额 18
费用 Free
主讲者 TBC
举办机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
制作机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
语言 English
查询方式 8395-9149 Ms.Leong Sok I
目的 To provide engaging teacher training materials featuring a blend of both methodology (theory) presentation and practical lesson activities, assisting participants in raising the profile and standard of English within their school.
附加讯息 - Defining classroom management - Instruction giving - Learner autonomy & learner training - Lesson planning & staging - Effective use of technologies


最后更新时间:2019-09-19 16:15