
Teaching and Learning Receptive Skills (Listening & Reading) in Secondary Classrooms

Teaching and Learning Receptive Skills (Listening & Reading) in Secondary Classrooms

活动类型 培训班
举办日期 2019-10-15 ~ 2019-11-07 (Tuesday and Friday), 18:30 – 20:30
举办地点 理工─贝尔英语中心(澳门高美士街澳门理工学院明德楼3楼)
报名详情 From now until 2019/10/10
活动对象 Secondary school English teachers
名额 16
费用 Free
主讲者 (to be confirmed)
举办机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
制作机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
语言 English
查询方式 8395 9173 (Ms. Chao Sok Teng, Christy)
目的 This course will review and extend secondary school teachers’ understanding, knowledge and classroom pedagogy for receptive skills in English—listening and reading. It will introduce a range of approaches and activities that teachers can use and adapt for different listening and reading skills at secondary school levels from Form 1 to Form 6. It will also develop teachers’ understanding of the principles behind the teaching and learning of receptive language skills, and how these can be applied by teachers in their own classroom teaching contexts.
附加讯息 • Listening activities, resources and methods • Reading resources, approaches and activities • Assessing students’ reading and listening skills


最后更新时间:2019-09-24 18:11