
Plastic Pollution: Sources, Types and Solutions

Plastic Pollution: Sources, Types and Solutions

活动类型 培训班
举办日期 2020-02-15 ~ 2020-02-20 (Saturday) 09:30 - 12:30; (Tuesday and Thursday) 18:30 - 21:30
举办地点 University of Saint Joseph – N.A.P.E. Campus (Address: Rua de Londres 106, Macau)
报名详情 From now until 07/02/2020
活动对象 Environmental Education teachers
名额 25
费用 Free
主讲者 Professor David Gonçalves, University of Saint Joseph
举办机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
制作机构 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
语言 English
查询方式 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
目的 1. To identify various plastic wastes and learn their effects on the environment; 2. To learn about the different categories of plastics and their recycling potential; 3. Laboratory synthesis of bioplastic using corn starch.
附加讯息 Session 1 - Field trip to collect different plastic wastes on the beaches of Macau - Quantification and classification of collected plastic wastes Session 2 - Introduction to different types of plastics and their recycling potential - Introduction to bioplastics - Preparation of bioplastic using corn starch Session 3 - Characterization of the properties of corn starch bioplastic synthesized in Session 2 and comparison with conventional plastic - General discussion on the approaches to minimize environmental pollution by plastic wastes


最后更新时间:2019-12-18 11:06