


活动类型 培训班
举办日期 2020-11-13 ~ 2020-11-14 (2020/11/13 Friday, 18:00-21:00; 2020/11/14 Saturday, 10:00-13:00 & 15:30-18:30)
举办地点 澳门教师专业发展培训中心 (地址:水坑尾街78号中建商业大厦1楼)
报名详情 From now until 2020/11/04
活动对象 中学英文科教学人员(优先录取完成课程 FD20-0455 中学英文写作教学 之教学人员)
名额 45
费用 免费
主讲者 杨秀玲教授(详见章程)
举办机构 教育暨青年局 教育资源中心
制作机构 教育暨青年局 教育资源中心
语言 English
查询方式 8395 9141(黎熙小姐)
目的 In line with the goals set in “Senior Secondary English Curriculum Guide” – BAA Basic Academic Attainments: 1. Enhance teachers’ understanding of the importance of effective writing skills for students’ success and well-being; 2. Engage teachers in developing (in-person or virtual) a repertoire of teaching/learning materials and activities with a focus on writing; 3. Boost teachers’ motivation, both extrinsically and intrinsically; 4. Help teachers use a variety of ways to assess students’ writing (formative and summative).
附加讯息 This training is to be conducted in the form of presentations of basic principles, combined with Questions & Answers, workshops and group activities focusing on writing. Topics include: 1. The importance of effective writing for students’ success, well-being and motivation; 2. The relationship between intensive/ extensive reading and good writing, with examples; 3. Types of writing, and the use of exemplars; 4. Creative writing; 5. Formative and Summative Assessment of Student Writing; 6. Peer assessment and Self-assessment of Student Writing; 7. Any topics raised by teachers.


最后更新时间:2020-10-23 17:20