
Experience Sharing: Some Tips for Sensible Language Teaching from the Perspective of a Fellow Teacher and Parent

Experience Sharing: Some Tips for Sensible Language Teaching from the Perspective of a Fellow Teacher and Parent

活动类型 培训班
举办日期 2020-12-19 15:00:00 ~ 17:00:00 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00
举办地点 澳门教师专业发展培训中心 (地址:水坑尾街78号中建商业大厦1楼)
报名详情 From now until 2020/12/13
活动对象 English Teachers
名额 45
费用 免费
主讲者 郑咏妍导师(详见章程)
举办机构 教育暨青年局 教育资源中心
制作机构 教育暨青年局 教育资源中心
语言 English
查询方式 8395 9141 (Ms. Lai)
目的 Teachers will get some insights into their teaching styles and make changes to or reinforce activities/approaches which are currently in use.
附加讯息 Discussing and commenting on some aspects of language teaching and learning which are worth our reflection


最后更新时间:2020-11-23 17:19