
Geology of Macau: Geological Settings and Identification of its Common Rocks

Geology of Macau: Geological Settings and Identification of its Common Rocks

活動類型 培訓班
舉辦日期 2019-02-26 ~ 2019-03-02 Tuesday18:30-21:30, Thursday 18:30-21:30 and Saturday 10:00-13:00
舉辦地點 University of Saint Joseph – N.A.P.E. Campus(Rua de Londres 106, Macau, China)
報名詳情 From now until 2019/02/18
活動對象 Secondary Earth Sciences and Geography teachers
名額 25
費用 Free
主講者 Professor Ágata Dias, University of Saint Joseph
舉辦機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
製作機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
語言 English
查詢方式 83959149 (Ms. Suki , Leong Sok I)
目的 Learn or review concepts in earth dynamics and tectonic plates (continental drift) theory. Integrate the geological evolution of Macau and SE Asia in the broader context of tectonic plates evolution. Learn how to identify the principal rocks outcropping in Macau. Understand and recognize the geological landforms and structures occurring in Macau.
附加訊息 Session1: - Introduction to earth dynamics and to the tectonic plates theory; - Geological evolution of SE China; Session2: - Geology of Macau; - Activity: identification of rocks and minerals outcropping in Macau; Session3: - Field Trip to Coloane for the identification of local geological features. * Field trip in the 3rd Session (Saturday), USJ will provide round trip transfer. Location: Coloane Long Chao Kok Coastal Trail龍爪角海岸徑 (near Hac Sa Beach).


最後更新時間:2019-01-18 15:01