
Classroom Assessment and Learning

Classroom Assessment and Learning

活動類型 培訓班
舉辦日期 2019-11-18 ~ 2019-11-22 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) 18:00 - 21:00
舉辦地點 University of Saint Joseph – Ilha Verde Campus (Address: Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17, Macau)
報名詳情 From now until 11/11/2019
活動對象 Teaching staff
名額 25
費用 Free
主講者 Professor Elisa Monteiro, University of Saint Joseph
舉辦機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
製作機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
語言 English
查詢方式 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
目的 1. Evaluate student learning to get feedback on classroom content, instruction and processes 2. Use classroom assessment techniques to collect data on student learning 3. Create assessment tools that help improve student learning
附加訊息 Session 1 - Key concepts in current thinking on learning and assessment - Introduction to classroom assessment Session 2 - Design and implement ongoing classroom assessment techniques to strengthen teaching and learning in the classroom Session 3 - Examples of classroom assessment projects carried out in different subjects


最後更新時間:2019-10-09 09:52