
Effective Use of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning (Primary & Secondary)

Effective Use of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning (Primary & Secondary)

活動類型 培訓班
舉辦日期 2020-12-15 ~ 2021-01-21 (Tuesday & Thursday)18:30-20:30
舉辦地點 理工─貝爾英語中心(地址:澳門高美士街澳門理工學院明德樓3樓)
報名詳情 From now until 2020/12/01
活動對象 Primary / Secondary school teachers of English
名額 16
費用 免費
主講者 John Wheeler
舉辦機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
製作機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
語言 English
查詢方式 8395 9173 (Ms. Christy Chao)
目的 This course will introduce various educational technology tools for the teaching and learning of English that are applicable to primary and secondary school classrooms. It will provide better understanding of the principles behind using technology in education, and give practice in using a variety of “edtech: tools, websites, apps, and other resources. It will also let teachers develop their own effective use of edtech for their classroom teaching and their students’ learning, including adapting activities and coming up with innovative uses.
附加訊息 1. Educational technology tools, resources and materials 2. Principles of technology use in education and language learning 3. Using, adapting and developing resources for specific classroom needs 4. Presenting ideas and sharing best practice with fellow teachers


最後更新時間:2020-10-23 15:54