
Teaching English through Storytelling and Drama Techniques

Teaching English through Storytelling and Drama Techniques

活動類型 培訓班
舉辦日期 2020-11-11 ~ 2020-12-09 (2020/11/11, 11/18, 11/25, 12/02, 12/09; 18:30-20:30; Wednesdays)
舉辦地點 English for Asia Learning Centre (Address: Avenida da Praia Grande N.599, Edifício Comercial Rodrigues, 10/D, Macau 地址:澳門南灣大馬路599號羅德禮商業大廈10/D)
報名詳情 From now until 2020/11/05
活動對象 Kindergarten English Teachers
名額 18
費用 Free
主講者 Johanci Bingle
舉辦機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
製作機構 Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
語言 English
查詢方式 8395 9141 (Ms. Lai)
目的 Children love stories and dramatic plays! They provide them with opportunities to develop their creativity, listening and critical thinking skills, just to name a few. In this course we will explore drama and storytelling as tools to raise learner confidence and enabling them to practice their speaking skills.
附加訊息 Session 1: The Benefits of Storytelling and Drama in the English Classroom Session 2: Staging a Storytelling Lesson Session 3: Strategies to Incorporate Drama in your English Curriculum Session 4: Drama Games and Activities for Young Learners Session 5: Planning and Preparing for a Drama Performance


最後更新時間:2020-10-23 15:54