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Commemorative Postmark Cancellation Service of “12th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair”

To cope with the 12th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair, Macao Post announced that a Temporary Post Counter will be set up at Venetian Macao Convention & Exhibition Center, on 18th to 21st October 2007, providing the commemorative postmark cancellation service for the “12th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair”. A commemorative envelope priced at MOP2.00 will be issued, together with the various philatelic products available for sale during the above activity. The service hours are as following: 18/10/2007 12H00 to 18H00
19-20/10/2007 10H00 to 18H00
21/10/2007 10H00 to 17H00 Welcome to visit and collect Macao Stamps.

Commemorative Postmark Cancellation Service of “World Post Day – UPU”(New Version)

Respond to the Universal Postal Union for the celebration of the World Post Day, the Postal Administration achieves various activities relative to this event. Macao Post announced that a Temporary Post Counter will be set up at our Philately Shop located at Macao Post Headquarters and the Communications Museum on 9th October 2007 providing the commemorative cancellation service for the “World Post Day – UPU”. Opening hours as following: Philately Shop of Macao Post Headquarters: 9H00 – 17H30 Philately Shop of
Communications Museum: 9H30 – 17H30 A commemorative envelope will be distributed to public, and various philatelic products will also be available for sale during the above activity. Welcome to visit and collect Macao Stamps.

Commemorative Postmark Cancellation Service of “World Post Day – UPU”

Respond to the Universal Postal Union for the celebration of the World Post Day, the Postal Administration achieves various activities relative to this event. Macao Post announced that a Temporary Post Counter will be set up at our Philately Shop located at Macao Post Headquarters and the Communications Museum on 9th October 2007 providing the commemorative cancellation service for the “World Post Day – UPU”. Opening hours as following: Philately Shop of Macao Post Headquarters: 9H00 – 17H30 Philately Shop of
Communications Museum: 9H30 – 17H30 A commemorative envelope will be distributed to public, and various philatelic products will also be available for sale during the above activity. Welcome to visit and collect Macao Stamps.

Over 1.2 Million People Crossed Border During from 29th September to 2nd October 2007

Immigration authorities recorded a total of 1,252,744
crossing the six immigration checkpoints of the Macao SAR from 29th September to 1st October 2007. Total number of arrivals stood at 641,005
with Border-gate: 484,514
Lotus Bridge: 15,828
Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal: 115,622
Inner Harbour Wharf Nº14: 10,139
Macao International Airport: 14,247
Zhuhai-Macao Crossborder Industrial Zone: 655 Total of departures stood at 611,739
with Border-gate: 463,285
Lotus Bridge: 12,423
Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal: 111,501
Inner Harbour Wharf Nº14: 5,684
Macao International Airport: 18,216
Zhuhai-Macao Crossborder Industrial Zone: 630 Meanwhile, total number of tourist arrivals in that period stood at 351,737

CE in Shanghai for opening of Special Olympics

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, is in Shanghai today for the opening ceremony of the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games. Mr Ho attended a luncheon hosted by President Hu Jintao for foreign guests attending the ceremony. In the afternoon, Mr Ho had a meeting with the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Han Zheng, at which they exchanged ideas on the current situation of the two cities. On behalf of Shanghai Municipal Government, Mr Han invited the Chief Executive to visit next year, and Mr Ho gladly accepted the invitation. Mr Ho also attended the opening of the Games before returning to Macao in the evening.

Splendid Fireworks Display Contest Comes to a Fruitful End

France’s Artifices JCO netted the top prize in the Wynn Macau – 19th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest at a ceremony held at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center on October 1. Macau Government Tourist Director João Manuel Costa Antunes presented the trophy and prize to the winner. The winner also received a trophy from the title sponsor – Wynn Macau which handed by Wynn Macau President and General Manager, Mr Ian Coughlan The winner also received US$6,000 and a certificate while Chinese Taiwan’s San Tai Fireworks Ind. Co.Ltd, the first runner up and Japan’s Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks Co. Ltd, second runner up won US$3,200 and US$1,800 respectively, plus trophies and certificates. The contest this year featured ten teams from United Kingdom, Korea, Australia, Chinese Taiwan, Portugal, the Philippines, United States of America, Japan, France and China Mr. Antunes noted in his speech that Macau Government Tourist Office will continue to organize more promotional activities with features to enrich the tourism resources of Macau as well as to boost its charm. They will also strive to improve year on year the quality and standard of the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest. The organizer arranged the last two fireworks shows on National Day, with marvelous fireworks displays from the last two teams - China’s Hunan Xintiancheng Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd and Artifices JCO SA. from France to celebrate this special occasion and marked the finale of the Wynn Macau – 19th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest. To add festive atmosphere to the fireworks display contest, MGTO and the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau jointly presented the Fireworks Carnival 2007 on the shorefront beside the Macau Tower on each of the fireworks display nights, offering an array of live entertainment, cultural activities and culinary delights. This year again, each participating team complemented their displays with carefully selected music, ranging from rock to orchestra, to enthrall the audience with a light and sound spectacular. The Macau International Fireworks Display Contest, organized by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO), has always been an important and renowned event. This year Wynn Macau is the title sponsor again for the International Fireworks Display Contest. The annual glamorous fireworks displays, together with the colorful activities have become a signature event that brings splendid experience to the public and visitors in Macau.

CE to visit Shanghai for Special Olympics opening

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, is to visit Shanghai on Tuesday to attend the opening ceremony of the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games. During his one-day visit to the coastal municipality, Mr Ho will attend a banquet hosted by leading officials of Shanghai and the opening of the games, before returning to Macao in the evening. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan, will be Acting Chief Executive while Mr Ho is away.

Government respects residents' opinions

The SAR Government respects and pays close attention to residents' opinions that are expressed through legitimate and rational means, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today at the National Day reception. The Secretary for Security, Mr Cheong Kuoc Va, told the press at the same event that residents have every right to express their views publicly, but they should act lawfully, obey police instructions and minimise the inconvenience to other residents.

Government continues to step up publicising Road Traffic Law

The Government would continue to step up its publicity on the new Road Traffic Law, which came into effect today, and at the same time increase parking spaces to accommodate the increasing number of motorcycles and cars. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan said the Law is a measure to balance the traffic problem and pedestrians' safety, and the Government would strengthen the related promotion and hope the people would get used to it gradually. When asked about the march this afternoon in protest of the law, she said the Government noted with high regards appeals which are expressed rationally and legally. The Secretary for Transport and Public Works said to work together with the new law, the the authorities would consider measures including efforts to make more parking available, while at the same time educating the public about the increasing number of vehiles on the roads.

Macao celebrates National Day

Promoting economic growth and improving people’s livelihood are the two main focus of the SAR Government and the aspirations of all the residents in Macao. This was underlined by Chief Executive Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah when he spoke to more than 800 officials, community leaders and luminaries at the National Day reception this afternoon. In his speech, the Chief Executive said the prerequisite for improved livelihood is a growing economy; accordingly, the SAR Government would continue to boost the tourism industry and support the advancement of the small and medium enterprises. Speaking on measures to enhance people’s livelihood, Mr Ho said the Government would pay close attention to inflation, and would study and introduce measures to curb inflation. Moreover, the Government would introduce measures to support Macao’s social workers, who are providing much-needed services to the underprivileged in a time of rapid economic development and social changes. The Government would also continue with administration reform, increase transparency and hail the rule of law and integrity of civil servants, he said. After his speech, the Chief Executive toasted the prosperity of the Mainland and Macao, and to the health of the guests and the people of Macao. In the morning, Mr Ho and more than 300 officials and luminaries attended the flag-hoisting ceremony at Lotus Flower Square to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.