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Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey 2006

The Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS), jointly conducted by the Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM) and the Statistics and Census Service of Macao (DSEC), is aimed at collecting information on investment by Macao residents in securities issued by unrelated non-residents, in terms of market value and geographical distribution. The results of CPIS for the reference year of 2006 are summarised as follows: On 31 December 2006, the investment of Macao residents (including individuals, the government and other legal entities, but excluding Macao’s foreign exchange reserves) in securities issued by unrelated non-residents amounted to MOP83.2 billion at current market value, up 25.6% or MOP16.9 billion from 2005. Of this, equity securities, long-term debt securities and short-term debt securities were valued at MOP28.8 billion, MOP48.8 billion and MOP5.6 billion respectively. In comparison with the previous year, the investment in equity securities and long-term debt securities soared by 27.4% and 30.2% respectively whereas that in short-term debt securities fell by 8.6%. The investment in securities issued by Hong Kong entities accounted for the largest share, representing 18.7% of the total market value of Macao residents’ portfolio investment abroad. The rest was mainly invested in the United States (11.7%), Mainland China (9.8%), the United Kingdom (8.8%), the Netherlands (6.7%), Australia (6.0%), Germany (5.2%) and the Cayman Islands (4.2%). The market value of investment in securities issued by Hong Kong entities reached MOP15.6 billion, an increase of 10.2% or MOP1.4 billion from 2005. Among these securities held by Macao residents, equities accounted for MOP7.5 billion, long-term debt securities MOP6.9 billion and short-term debt securities MOP1.2 billion, constituting 26.0%, 14.2% and 21.5% of the total in the corresponding categories. On the other hand, the investment in securities issued by Mainland Chinese entities remained on the rise. The respective market value more than doubled from a year ago, and its share in the total securities investment rose from 6.1% in 2005 to 9.8% in 2006. Among the three types of securities issued by Mainland Chinese entities, equities skyrocketed by 170.4%, making up 22.7% of the total value of equity securities. The share of investment in European securities increased slightly from 34.4% in 2005 to 34.9% in 2006. As major European currencies strengthened against the US dollar during the survey period, the market value of investment in European securities rose by more than 60%. Although the market value of British securities investment fell by 11.0% over one year earlier to MOP7.3 billion, the United Kingdom still accounted for the largest share among all European countries or regions. In the meantime, Macao residents’ investment in securities issued by entities from the Netherlands grew significantly by 146.9% to MOP5.6 billion. The United States remained the largest debt securities issuer in the globe. At end-2006, the market value of US securities held by Macao residents reached MOP9.8 billion, up 9.9% over the same period of 2005. Long-term US debt securities were valued at MOP8.5 billion, accounting for the largest share in the respective category. Partly attributed to the strong Australian dollar, the market value of investment in Australian securities rebounded 14.5% from 2005 to MOP5.0 billion. The investment was mainly concentrated in debt securities; of which, long-term debt securities rose 14.8% from the previous year to MOP3.9 billion, while short-term debt securities advanced by 8.1% to MOP0.9 billion. For enquiry, please contact:
Research and Statistics Department
Monetary Authority of Macao (Tel:3952532Fax:28353042)
19 September 2007
(Detailed report on CPIS2006 is available on: Annex Table

Macao participates in 36th Session of ICAO Assembly

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will hold the 36th Session of its Assembly from 18 to 28 September 2007 in its headquarters in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The meeting will be attended by delegates from ICAO’s 190 Contracting States and aviation-related international organizations, who will meet to discuss ICAO’s activities in the past three years and approve the work programme and the budget of ICAO for the period 2008 to 2010. The Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM) will participate in the meeting as members of the Chinese Delegation. The themes for the meeting will include aviation safety and security, air navigation and environmental protection. In addition, the meeting will also discuss air transport policies, and various economic, medical and legal issues related with aviation. Being a specialized body of the United Nations and the global forum for civil aviation, ICAO aims at enhancing the safety and the sustainable development of civil aviation through cooperation with its member states. The Assembly is held every three years so that participants can gather and discuss issues on enhancing global civil aviation safety and security, minimizing the adverse effect of civil aviation on the environment, enhancing the efficiency of and maintaining the continuity of aviation operations, as well as strengthening laws that govern international civil aviation. AACM delegates include the President, Mr. Chan Weng Hong and representatives from air transport and international relations, airport infrastructure and air navigation, airworthiness, flight standards and licensing.

HATA hosts Annual Convention in Macau to celebrate Golden Jubilee

HATA (Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents) 35th Annual Overseas Convention kicked off today at the Venetian Macau Resort Hotel attended by a record of more than 300 members, representing around 100 travel agencies in Hong Kong and Macau. On a welcome speech to the convention, director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) João Manuel Costa Antunes said that Macau has entered into a new era, emphasizing that to keep the current success, quality of tourism services needs to be a top priority. “Macau’s tourism industry is thriving. We have worked very hard to achieve what we are witnessing now: the diversification of our tourist product. Macau has now a product offer that justifies a few day’s visit”, Costa Antunes pointed out. But the MGTO director emphasized that, in these booming times, quality of services must be a priority of the tourism industry, in order to attract tourists to repeat their visit to Macau and to extend their length of stay. “The current success did not come overnight”, he stressed, referring to the UNESCO listing of The Historic Centre of Macau along with the development of the conventions and exhibitions industry. Regarding the plans for the development of the MICE industry, Costa Antunes noted that in April 2006, the Macau Business Tourism Centre, under MGTO, was created, to perform the functions of many conventions bureaux in other cities and countries. The chairlady of HATA, Lily Agonoy, told the convention that this is the perfect time to host the meeting of the association in Macau, due to its fast development. “We selected Macau as many of us have been witnessing Macau develop its fascinating entertainment and tourism business. The theme of our Convention ‘Macau: Friend or Foe?’ on which we want to explore collaborating business opportunities for MICE and Leisure with our Macau partners,” Lily Agonoy said, during the one day long meeting. The HATA 35th Annual Overseas Convention, which is attended by guests and speakers of Hong Kong and Macau including also MGTO Deputy Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel President Mark Brown, Senior Vice-President for Destination Marketing Aliana Ho, Macau Tourism Development Commission member Eva Lou, Air Macau Co. Ltd CEO. David Fei, Vice Chairman of HATA Paul Leung, HATA 35th Annual Overseas Convention Chairman, Jason Shum, Federation of Hotel Owners Executive Director Michael Li JP, Swire Travel Service Ltd. Managing Director Andrew Leung, Shun Tak – China Travel Ship Management Ltd Deputy General Manager Anna Hong and Associated Tours Ltd Vice President Ken Chang. The Annual Overseas Convention features keynote speeches, product updates, workshop and panel discussion where travel agents from Hong Kong and Macau can gain updates on the development of the tourism industry while enhancing connections with their counterparts. This year is the 50th anniversary since the founding of HATA, which has chosen Macau to host its annual overseas convention to celebrate its golden jubilee. HATA has a total of 260 members, representing 70% of the travel agents in Hong Kong. Its members include outbound travel operators, inbound travel operators and ticketing agents. HATA hosted its first annual overseas convention in Macau in 1972. This press release is available on MGTO’s website:

Results of the 2nd Quarter 2007 Manpower Needs and Wages Survey

The Statistics and Census Service released the results of the Manpower Needs and Wages Survey for the second quarter of 2007. The survey coverage includes Wholesale & retail trade; Transport, storage & communications; Security activities; and Public sewage & refuse disposal activities, but excludes the own-account workers engaging in these industries. The survey results were extrapolated based on the data obtained from 843 statistical units successfully interviewed, given as follows: At the end of the second quarter of 2007, a total of 21,841 paid employees were working in Wholesale & retail trade, up by 9.6% over the same period of 2006, with 11,996 working in Retail trade. The average earnings (excluding bonuses and allowances) for full-time employees in June 2007 was MOP 7,700, representing a year-on-year increase of 13.3%. Sales representatives and Salespersons earned an average of MOP 9,489 and MOP 6,244 respectively. Transport, storage & communications took on 7,388 paid employees, which rose by 9.3% compared with the second quarter of 2006. In June 2007, the average earnings for full-time employees in this sector increased by 4.7% to MOP 13,490. The average for Passenger vehicle/truck drivers in Land transport was MOP 11 486. Security activities had 3,640 paid employees, up by 16.4% year-on-year. The average earnings in June 2007 was MOP 6,205, up by 16.7% over the same month of 2006, with Security guards earning MOP 5,795 in average. There were 590 paid employees working in Public sewage & refuse disposal activities, up by 12.4% compared with the second quarter of 2006; the average earnings in June 2007 increased by 6.5% year-on-year to MOP 10,462. At the end of June 2007, Wholesale & retail trade reported to have 4,328 job vacancies, of which 2,533 were in Retail trade. In addition, Security activities; and Transport and storage & communications had 1,218 and 1,201 vacancies respectively. In terms of recruitment prerequisites, 61.0% of the vacant posts in Wholesale & retail trade and 40.1% in Transport, storage & communications required working experience. Furthermore, the majority of the vacant posts in the above mentioned industries required junior secondary or lower in educational attainment, while 85.8% of the vacancies in Security activities required primary education only. As regard the language skill, besides Cantonese, 48.3% of the vacancies in Wholesale & retail trade required Mandarin.

“Wynn Macau – 19th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest” unveils its curtain

“Wynn Macau – 19th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest” kicks off today (September 15) as the fireworks teams from the United Kingdom and Korea light up the sky of Macau with splendid fireworks. Director of Macau Government Tourist Office João Manuel Costa Antunes and President of Wynn Macau Ian Coughlan officiated the opening ceremony at the Macau Tower Outdoor Plaza. Held on September 15, 22, 25, 29 and October 1 at the sea area across the Macau Tower, Wynn Macau – 19th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest has attracted ten teams from around the world to vie for the contest. The contest this year features ten teams from the United Kingdom, Korea, Australia, Chinese Taiwan, Portugal, the Philippines, United States of America, Japan, France and China; each will show off their pyrotechnic wizardry to spectators both from Macau and overseas. This year again, each participating team is requested to complement their display with music to enthrall the audience with a light and sound spectacular. MGTO will strive to improve year on year the quality of the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest to make it an event not to be missed for residents and visitors. To enhance the effect and audience enjoyment, sound systems are installed at the waterfront of the Macau Tower Outdoor Plaza, at the Macau Tower Street seaside and at the square in front of Kun Iam Statue on Ave. Dr Sun Yat Sen so that the public can enjoy synchronized music to the spectacular displays. For the first time, spectators are able to listen to live music of the fireworks displays through Radio Macau’s live broadcast at FM100.7. The teams taking part in this year’s contest are: Kimbolton Fireworks Limited from the United Kingdom, Hanwha Corporation from Korea, Five Star Fireworks from Australia, San Tai Fireworks Ind. Co., Ltd. from Chinese Taiwan, Grupo Luso Pirotecnia from Portugal, Starmaker Inc. from the Philippines, Illumination Internationale Ltd. from the United States of America, Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks Co., Ltd. from Japan, Artifices JCO SA from France and Hunan Xintiancheng Fireworks Manufacturing Co., Ltd from China. Each fireworks display will last for approximately 18 minutes, and there will be two displays per evening at 9pm and 10pm. MGTO also launched today the issue of a book titled “Fireworks Art in Macau” and an exhibition of over 20 artworks that illustrate fireworks and historic sites in Macau printed on the book. Published by MGTO and two fireworks enthusiasts Mr. Lei Ip Fei and Ms. Anita Fung Pou Chu, the book “Fireworks Art in Macau” introduces, in five sections, the 18-year history of the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest, the history and development of fireworks and firecrackers, the art and culture of fireworks, the artistic appreciation of fireworks and a series of artworks (oil on canvas) illustrating fireworks and historic sites in Macau, with the aim to educate the public about the relationship between Macau and the art of fireworks. 1,000 copies have been published and will be available for sale at the lobby of Macau Tower on each of the fireworks displays nights. To further enhance the event, MGTO and the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau join hands again to present the Fireworks Carnival 2007 on the shorefront beside the Macau Tower The opening ceremony of the Fireworks Carnival 2007 was held today (September 15) at 6pm. Citizens can enjoy an array of live entertainment, cultural activities and culinary delights at the carnival between 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. on each of the fireworks display nights. Over 20 stalls offering snacks and souvenirs will also add sparkle to the party. This press release is available on the website:

Commemorative Cancellation of “Open Day of Government Headquarters of the MSAR”

To cope with the Open Day of Government Headquarters of the MSAR, Macao Post announced that a Temporary Post Counter will be set up at our Philatelic Shop located in front of Government Headquarters, Avenida Doutor Stanley Ho, at 9H00 to 18H00 on 15th to 16th September 2007 providing the commemorative cancellation service for the “Open Day of Government Headquarters of the MSAR”. A commemorative envelope and a post card each priced at MOP2.00 will be issued, together with the various philatelic products available for sale during the above activity. Welcome to visit and collect Macao Stamps.

Results of the Package Tours and Hotel Occupancy Rate for July 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that visitor arrivals in package tours totalled 320,378 in July 2007, which surged by 41.1% year-on-year. Visitors from Mainland China (218,995) increased by 18.3%, whereas those from Taiwan, China (30,086) and Hong Kong (26,540) recorded remarkable growth of 131.2% and 227.3% respectively compared with July 2006. In the first seven months of 2007, visitors arrived in package tours increased by 35.6% over the same period of 2006 to 2,276,872. In July, the number of Macao residents travelling in package tours dropped by 14.4% year-on-year to 21,391. Mainland China, Thailand, and Japan were the three most popular tour itineraries, which accounted for 66.5%, 10.2% and 6.5% of the total respectively. In the first seven months of 2007, Macao residents travelling in package tours dropped by 23.3% over the same period of 2006 to 119,361. Meanwhile, 38,813 residents travelled under own arrangements using services provided by travel agencies, an increase of 5.4% over July 2006. Hong Kong (49.7%), Mainland China (22.0%) and Taiwan, China (12.3%) were the major destinations. In the first seven months of 2007, Macao residents travelled under such arrangements dropped by 5.6% compared with the same period of 2006 to 196,428. At the end of July 2007, the number of guest rooms available in the hotel industry registered an increase of 1,067 rooms (+9.0%) year-on-year to 12,859 rooms. In July 2007, a total of 470,524 guests checked into hotels and similar establishments, representing a year-on-year growth of 17.9%. The average hotel occupancy rate rose by 5.7 percentage points to 77.7%, with 4-star hotels leading at 86.9%. The average length of stay of hotel guests increased by 0.1 night to 1.26 nights. The majority of the guests came from Mainland China (48.3%) and Hong Kong (31.0%). Number of hotel guests totalled 3,165,629 in the first seven months of 2007, up by 23.7% over the same period of 2006. In the first seven months of 2007, hotel guests (excluding Macao residents) accounted for 42.6% of the total number of tourists, up from 41.0% in 2006.

Four Projects Selected for Cultural Affairs Bureau Academic Research Grants

Four projects have been selected for the Cultural Affairs Bureau Academic Research Grants supported by the Macao Special Administrative Region aimed at fostering academic research on Macao-related fields.
With more specific criteria, greater openness and enhanced conditions, the Cultural Affairs Bureau Academic Research Grant is aimed at supporting academic research projects in the Humanities that make a significant original contribution to the understanding of Macao, and of Macao's relationship with China and other countries.
The regulations provide a flexible scheme for application and for the payment of grants. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year. The Evaluation Panel meets twice annually and applicants will be informed of the Panel's decision in March or August, depending when the application is received. The year-round application scheme allows a convenient and prompt application procedure.
This semester, the following projects were chosen out of twelve applications received between December 1, 2006 and May 31, 2007:
Qi Yin Ping will focus on “New Research on St. Joseph’s Seminary in Macao”. Qi obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Zhejiang University in 1999 and is currently a professor in the university’s Philosophy Department.
Lúcio Manuel Rocha de Sousa will analyse “Macao: Trading Law in the 16th and 17th Century (1557-1614)”. Rocha de Sousa received a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Porto in 2007.
Zhang Ting Mao will prepare “A Study on Macao and Shanghai Trade during the Late Qing Dynasty”. Zhang obtained his Ph.D. in History from Jinan University in 1997 and is now an assistant professor in the Department of History at the university.
Tan Shu Lin will be investigating “The East India Company and Macao”. Tan received a Ph.D. in History from Zhejiang University in 1999 and is currently a professor at the History Department of Nanjing University.
Each grantee must submit, within the research period, a monograph of 120,000 words minimum and the Cultural Affairs Bureau reserves the exclusive right to publish all or part of the grantee's original monograph, for example, in the Bureau’s publication Review of Culture. For more information on the Cultural Affairs Bureau Academic Research Grants, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s website:

Macao continues to bolster ties Fujian

Macao would continue to proactively bolster its co-operation with Fujian by capitalising on Macao's edges in tourism, the conference business and its historic links with the European Union and Portuguese-speaking countries. This assurance was given by the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, when he addressed several hundred delegates at the opening ceremony of the Second Forum on West Coast Economic Zone of Taiwan Strait, which opened in Xiamen today. By devoting much effort on its strategy to diversify its industrial portfolio, Macao's popularity as an integrated tourist destination continues to rise, said Mr Ho. He said new convention facilities and improved inputs would enable next month's 12th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair (MIF) to attain new heights. Mr Ho revealed that at the MIF, Macao would help organise a trade seminar aimed at boosting co-operation between enterprises of Macao, Fujian and the European Union. Moreover, Macao would help organise two trade seminars in Fujian in the near future, to enhance co-operation between the convention sectors of Macao and Fujian. Mr Ho said that Macao would continue to help Fujian businesspeople explore markets in the Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as encourage Macao residents who originated from Fujian Province to bolster bilateral trade and cultural exchanges. In the evening, Mr Ho attended a welcoming banquet for the 11th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), which is to open tomorrow.

Chief Executive in Xiamen to attend economic forums

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, is in Xiamen, Fujian, to attend the Second Forum on West Coast Economic Zone of the Taiwan Straits and the 11th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), on 7 and 8 September respectively. Soon after his arrival, Mr Ho, who was accompanied by the Deputy Director of the Liaison Office in Macao, Ms Gao Yan, met the Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Fujian Provincial Committee, Mr Lu Zhangong, the Governor of Fujian, Mr Huang Xiao Jing and other high-ranking provincial officials. During the meeting, Mr Ho said there was a close relationship between Macao and Fujian which had greatly supported Macao in implementing “One country, two systems” after the establishment of Macao Special Administrative Region. He said the Fujian Government had organised a huge delegation to participate in the 12th Macao International Trade and Investment Fair to be held next month, adding that he believed the co-operation between Macao and Fujian was enormous. Mr Lu thanked Mr Ho for attending the forums. He said Fujian hoped to strengthen its links with Portuguese-speaking countries by using Macao as the platform. Mr Ho is to deliver a speech tomorrow at the Second Forum on West Coast Economic Zone of the Taiwan Straits. A Macao delegation comprising almost 100 Macao entrepreneurs and businessmen are in Xiamen with the Chief Executive.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.