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AMCM delegation visits Mozambique, Angola and Portugal

The Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM) organized a delegation comprised of representatives from local banks and insurance companies which paid a friendly visit to Mozambique, Angola and Portugal from 1 July to 15 July. The visit accomplished fully the intended purposes, enhanced mutual understanding, friendship and co-operation. To further promote the function of the MSAR as a service platform for the liaison between China and Portuguese speaking countries, and to enhance communication and co-operation in the financial domain, AMCM invited decision makers from some local banks and insurance companies to form the 19 member Macao financial visiting delegation. The Chairman of its Board of Directors, Mr. Anselmo Teng was the team leader, while its Executive Director, Mr. António Pontes was the deputy, Mr. Zhou Zhihui, Director of Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government was the advisor. The delegation paid a visit to Maputo and Luanda, capital of Mozambique and Angola and then to Lisbon in Portugal from 1 July to 15 July. This was the first time that an independent delegation from the financial sector of Macao paid a business visit to these two African countries. During the stay in Africa, the delegation met with the central banks and insurance regulators of Mozambique and Angola and exchanged with local financial authorities knowledge of the latest economic and financial market development and perspectives. An initial agreement was concluded with the two central banks to strengthen co-operation in the domains of exchange of information, business development, technology support and staff training. In Mozambique, the delegation visited a number of banks funded by Portuguese capital and shared with the practitioners the experience in developing local market and explored channel and mode of future co-operation. In Angola, the delegation benefited from the introduction from many Portuguese financial institutions operating locally regarding their business development. An in-depth and serious discussion on banking business development experience, challenge and related opportunity was conducted. In Angola, AMCM executed an agreement of co-operation with the Institute of Insurance Supervision of Angola which was officiated by the Minister of Finance, Mr. José Pedro de Morais, who expressed his satisfaction with the co-operation between the regulatory authorities of the two territories and hoped that the two institutions will further promote related communication within the framework of the co-operation agreement. After the 10-day visit to Africa, the delegation arrived at Lisbon, Portugal. The delegation visited the Bank of Portugal and Institute of Insurance Supervision of Portugal. Both sides exchanged views on the development and perspectives of international financial market and financial supervision. The discussion took one step further as to how to strengthen communication and co-operation between Macao and Portugal and among Portuguese speaking countries. At the same time, the delegation conducted business communications with major local financial enterprises, particularly on retail banking, professional financial services, business development. All parties benefited from these discussions. During the stay, the delegation paid a visit to Chinese Embassy in Mozambique, Angola and Portugal and Macao-China Economic and Trade Representative Office in Portugal. The delegation received warm welcome from the diplomats who gave the delegation a detailed introduction to local political, cultural, economic and financial scenario. The delegation concluded, after the 14-day visit, that the visit made by practitioners from our financial sector to Africa and Portugal personally to observe the actual market situation in these territories and listen to the highly informative briefings of the governments and practitioners relating to the contemporary status of their financial markets and perspectives would enable our delegates to secure an in-depth and overall picture of the situation. At the same time, through the culturing of personal relationships with local practitioners and channel of communication, we believe that the visit has positively motivated local financial institutions to advance one step further to analyse and explore co-operation and development in partnership with African Portuguese speaking countries. Further, AMCM considers that, through the endeavour of the MSAR financial regulator and practitioners, the role of MSAR as a service platform for economic, trading and financial co-operation between China and Portuguese speaking countries will further be fortified which will enable Macao to play its part as a service medium more effectively. From what we have learned from the financial institutions of Mozambique and Angola, more and more enterprises funded by capitals form China and Macao are inaugurating their business in these countries. The scale, in terms of both number and size, is on the rise which has brought tremendous business opportunity for our financial institutions. AMCM hopes that our financial institutions can review the experience arising from the visit in order to maintain and strengthen links with relevant organizations with a view to building up, in a timely and practicable manner, business connections at appropriate levels, and make full use of the competitive edge of the financial industry of MSAR. In this way, the institutions can expand their business scope and simultaneously offer a full display of their function to construct Macao as a service platform. Finally, AMCM would like to express its gratitude to local and host financial institutions and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government for their auspices in arranging this African Portuguese speaking countries visit. A vote of thanks should be given to all delegates who have exhibited a high degree of accommodation and initiative in participating in various activities. It can be envisaged that this highly innovative expedition has laid down a solid foundation for building a more close-knit and sustainable link with Portuguese speaking countries.

Results of the 2nd Quarter 2007 Tourist Price Index (TPI)

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Tourist Price Index (TPI) for the second quarter of 2007 was 129.59, up by 2.29% over the previous quarter. Attributable to price increase of food and beverages in restaurants, the index of Restaurant service rose significantly by 9.67% compared with the first quarter. The indices of Clothing & footwear and Miscellaneous goods went up by 5.72% and 2.70% respectively, on account of dearer prices of the new arrival of Summer clothing and footwear, as well as higher jewellery prices that was pushed up by rising gold prices. On the other hand, the index of Accommodation went down by 2.87% due to lower charges of hotel guest room after the Chinese New Year. Compared with the second quarter of 2006, TPI rose by 7.95% in this quarter, with notable increase in the indices of Restaurant service (+15.89%), Miscellaneous goods (+9.85%) and Clothing & footwear (6.91%). The average TPI for the last 4 quarters ended in the 2nd quarter of 2007 increased by 9.09% over the previous period. In the first half of 2007, TPI increased by 8.91% over the same period of 2006. TPI is an indicator that reflects the price changes of goods and services purchased by visitors, which is compiled based on the consumption pattern of visitors derived from the Visitor Expenditure Survey. TPI covers 8 sections of goods and services, namely Food, alcoholic drinks & tobacco; Clothing & footwear; Accommodation; Restaurant service; Transport & communications; Medicine & personal goods; Entertainment & culture; and Miscellaneous goods. The base year of TPI is from July 1999 to June 2000.

Government announces optimized plan for Macao LRT System

The Macao SAR Government today announced the optimized plan for the new brand collective transportation – the Macao Light Rail Transit System (LRT) – which could be running by the end of 2011. The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Lau Si Io, introduced the plan to the media at a press conference this afternoon, soon after he and his team presented the proposal to the Legislative Assembly in the morning. According to a statement from the Infrastructure Development Office, the government would embark on the project after a public consultation period of 45 days starting today. Work on the first phase of Macao LRT system is expected to start in the middle of next year. With 20km of tracks and at a cost of MOP4.2 billion, the suggested route would cover the main boundary checkpoints and then on to Taipa, with 23 stations and operating 19 hours a day. Compared with other systems, the advantages for LRT system includes simpler construction, a shorter period of construction, lower costs for construction and operation and less disruption to traffic and public life. The LRT system is to meet the increasingly demand for public transportation due to Macao’s rapid development, in addition to promoting the sustainable development of Macao, advancing the visitors carrying capacity, and facilitating the integration of the Pearl River Delta. The LRT system, which will be the backbone of the entire transportation network, might facilitate personal transportation as auxiliary tools, to increase the total passenger carrying capacity. The Government will continue to study the possibility of developing a new route in the inner part of the Macao peninsular and Taipa in its second phase. The Government first proposed the study plan for a light rail system in 2003. The plan was amended three times following public consultation.

The Cheoc Van Youth Hostel of DSEJ will be reopened on 16th July

After 3 months of interior renovation, the Cheoc Van Youth Hostel of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau will be reopened to the public and be at service on 16th July. There are two 10-bed dormitories and two 2-bed rooms. The Cheoc Van Youth Hostel can provide 24 beds. In addition, the Hác Sá Youth Hostel of DSEJ is located near the beautiful scenery of Hac Sá Beach. It can provide 100 beds, with three 16-bed dormitories, ten 4-bed rooms and six 2-bed rooms. There are private shower and lavatory in each room. The foregoing youth hostels also provide free service of internet access, facilities of shared kitchen and barbecue stoves, etc., providing a comfortable and good environment for users. For detail information of the youth hostels of DSEJ, please surf the website of the bureau: For enquiry, please call Miss Sou Sut Fai of DSEJ, telephone: 3972638.

Results of the Package Tours and Hotel Occupancy Rate for May 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that visitor arrivals in package tours totalled 289,226 in May 2007, up by 21.3% year-on-year. Visitors from Mainland China (189,086) decreased by 2.2% and those from Taiwan, China (32,630) and Hong Kong (22,012) recorded remarkable growth of 128.2% and 193.8% respectively compared with May 2006. In the first five months of 2007, visitors arrived in package tours increased by 36.5% over the same period of 2006 to 1,698,338. In May, the number of Macao residents travelling in package tours dropped by 32.7% year-on-year to 13,370. Mainland China, Thailand, and Japan were the three most popular tour itineraries, which accounted for 70.5%, 8.8% and 5.1% of the total respectively. In the first five months of 2007, Macao residents travelling in package tours dropped by 28.8% over the same period of 2006 to 77,483. Meanwhile, 24,098 residents travelled under own arrangements using services provided by travel agencies, a decrease of 8.7% over May 2006. Hong Kong (37.6%), Mainland China (30.8%) and Taiwan, China (14.2%) were the major destinations. In the first five months of 2007, Macao residents travelled under such arrangements dropped by 12.8% compared with the same period of 2006 to 125,018. At the end of May 2007, the number of guest rooms available in the hotel industry registered an increase of 1,727 rooms (+15.2%) year-on-year to 13,052 rooms. In May 2007, a total of 453,669 guests checked into hotels and similar establishments, representing a year-on-year growth of 32.3%. The average hotel occupancy rate rose by 6.9 percentage points to 72.3%, with 4-star hotels leading at 77.6%. The average length of stay of hotel guests increased by 0.11 night to 1.26 nights. The majority of the guests came from Mainland China (51.3%) and Hong Kong (26.7%). Number of hotel guests totalled 2,287,312 in the first five months of 2007, up by 26.2% over the same period of 2006. In the first five months of 2007, hotel guests (excluding Macao residents) accounted for 42.7% of the total number of tourists, up from 40.5% in 2006.

Security chief visits Sichuan and Tibet

The Secretary for Security, Mr Cheong Kuoc Va, was in Sichuan Province and the Tibet Autonomous Region for a six-day visit last week, during which he met his counterparts to enhance bilateral co-operation. Mr Cheong and members of the delegation arrived in Sichuan last Tuesday and met with the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Public Security of Sichuan Province, Mr Zhao Jian. They reviewed their co-operation in recent years and discussed measures to tighten their links in the future, especially on the fronts of combating trans-boundary organised crimes and fighting against offences affecting the general public. Later, Mr Choeng and his delegation visited the Tibet Autonomous Region and met with its Deputy Director-General of the Department of Public Security, Mr Lei Jinxiang. They expressed plans to build links between the two security bodies. Mr Cheong returned to Macao yesterday.

Bomb Threat Exercise 2007

In accordance with the 2007 year plan of the Facilitation and Security Committee, a bomb threat exercise was carried out in Macau International Airport from 02:30 to 05:30 on 06 July 2007. The exercise simulated the scenario of a terrorist who claimed that he had put a bomb in the passenger terminal of Macau International Airport. Upon such notification, the airport declared emergency and the security contingency procedures were activated. This bomb threat exercise was a form of joint training to assess the effectiveness of the security procedures and contingency plans. In addition, it also aimed at emphasizing the vital role played by aviation security personnel in maintaining a safe and efficient operation environment for civil aviation. Coordinated by Public Security Forces, the exercise involved the participation of Unitary Police Force, Macao Customs, Judiciary Police, Fire Services, Security Coordination Office, Civil Aviation Authority, Department of Health, Maritime Administration, CAM-Macau International Airport Company Ltd., Administration of Airports, Ltd., SEMAC-Companhia de Segurança de Macau, Lda., Menzies Macau Airport Services, Air Macau Company Ltd. and so on. About 100 people took part in the exercise. To ensure that Macau International Airport is a safe and secure airport in the world, a security exercise is carried out every year to simulate a serious incident likely to be encountered by security personnel and to assess their capacity in dealing with such emergency.

Republic of Maldives Grants Visa on Arrival to Holders of Macao SAR Passports and Travel Permits

The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) was informed by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Maldives in Hong Kong that holders of the Macao SAR Passports and Travel Permits can obtain visa-on-arrival when visiting the Republic of Maldives. Presently, a total of 76 countries and territories have agreed to grant visa-free access or visa-on-arrival to the Macao SAR Passport holders. While 9 countries have agreed to grant visa-free access or visa-on-arrival to the Macao SAR Travel Permit holders.

MGTO enhances cultural performances at world heritage sites

In view of the enthusiastic responses received from both visitors and locals, Macau Government Tourist Office has decided to introduce additional location and shows for the cultural performances first launched in May. Every Saturday and Sunday from July 7 to August 26, MGTO will stage lion dance and Portuguese folk dance performances at the Ruins of St Paul’s and A-Ma Temple for visitors and citizens to enjoy the unique ambience of Macau’s blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures. A 20-minute performance of lion dance will be staged at A-Ma Temple at 3pm and at the Ruins of St Paul’s at 4pm on Saturdays, while the 20-minute folk dance performance will be staged at the Ruins of St Paul’s at 10:30am and at A-Ma Temple at 11:30am on Sundays to bring Macau’s world heritage to life and enrich the tourism product of Macau. In line with this year’s tourism policies, MGTO will continue to capitalize on cultural heritage resources to develop more tourism products, among which include staging cultural performances at tourist spots for visitors and locals alike. MGTO is employing “Macau: a World of Difference, the Difference is Macau” as the promotional slogan and “Experience Macau!” as the promotional theme for a series of promotions in all the priority, potential and forthcoming markets around the world.

CE expresses regrets over US report

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said it was regretable that the United States Government's annual "Trafficking in Persons" report has placed Macao on its 'Tier 2 watch list' for the second consecutive year. "We put high priority on the human trafficking issue in Macao, however, from our point of view, Macao's problem is relatively less serious than many other countries. Certainly there is room for improvement," said the Chief Executive. He said that being a responsible government; a string of measures would be introduced to tackle the problem. "We will regulate relevant legislation, step up the management in exiting and entering a country, and work closely with women associations to provide sufficient assistance for victims." Law enforcement officers will institute prosecutions promptly when they discover evidence of criminal activity, said Mr Ho. He said this issue would not affect the bilateral co-operative relationship, and added that the two governments have been communicating in a friendly atmosphere. Mr Ho also said he has confidence that the situation would have a significant improvement after the stricter measures to be applied soon.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.