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Scheduled flights between Macao and Japan

With the joint efforts of the Macao SAR Government, Air Macau and the industry people in coordinating with the relevant Japanese government bodies, and the assistance which the Central People’s Government rendered to the process, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan issued an administrative permit to Air Macau on 03 July 2007 allowing the latter to operate scheduled services between Macao and Osaka. The granting of the administrative permit signifies the launching of scheduled passenger services between Macao and Japan and further enhances the development of trade, commerce and tourism between the two places. Air Macau will operate the respective flights starting 26 July 2007. The Macao SAR Government anticipates the conclusion of an Air Services Agreement with Japan in the near future so as to establish a legal framework for the development of air transport between the two areas. The SAR Government also welcomes the operation of the Japanese route by Air Macau and hopes that the local airlines will diversify the market and expand the passenger network, helping to make Macao an important air hub in the Pearl River Delta Region. The Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM), while joining the delegation of the SAR government representatives, Air Macau and the industry people to Japan last July, took the opportunity to hold an informal meeting with the Civil Aviation Bureau of Japan. A Record of Discussions was signed by both parties in which they agreed to allow their designated airlines to operate 3 flights a week between Macao and Japan. The destination granted to the designated airline(s) of Macao is limited to Osaka. Despite this, the designated airline(s) of Macao can enter into code sharing arrangements on the connecting domestic segments between Osaka and other points in Japan with any Japanese airline. The granting of the above-mentioned administrative permit is based on the principles set forth in the Record of Discussions. Air Macao will operate 2 flights per week, every Thursday and Sunday, between Macao and Osaka commencing 26 July. The airline is presently in discussion with All Nippon Airways on code sharing between Osaka and other Japanese inland cities. In addition, the airline is also keen at increasing the flights to 3 frequencies per week soon. The initial contact that Macao made with Japan in expressing the wish to establish an air link between the two places can be traced back to 1993. In addition to the numerous contacts made with and invitations sent out to the Japanese side by AACM, the Authority was also supported by the Macao Government (before the handover) and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) which helped to coordinate with the Japanese Government on this issue. After the establishment of the Macao SAR Government, the same wish was reiterated by the Chief Executive, the SAR government representatives and the industry people to the Japanese side during their visits there. During the course of coordination, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central People’s Government and CAAC provided continued assistance. Furthermore, to show that there was market demand, Air Macau has operated charter services to Japan from time to time with good results. For example, the airline operated 47 flights to cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Kita Kyushu, Fukui, Kogoshima, Miyazaki, Fukushima, Toyama and Okinawa in 2006. The success of opening up the scheduled services is a result of the long-term endeavours of the Central People’s Government, the Macao SAR Government, Air Macau and the industry people. The operation will also pave a good foundation for the conclusion of a bilateral Air Services Agreement in the future. Japan is a country with strong economy in Asia. Its population of outbound travels is not only enormous but with high consumption power. According to the data of the Statistical and Census Bureau of Macao SAR, the number of Japanese tourists visiting Macao rose from 122,184 in 2004 to 220,190 in 2006, an average of 30% increase every year. In 2006, the Japanese ranked number 4 in the East Asia market of Macao’s tourism. On the other hand, Japan possesses rich tourism resources and is a popular tourist destination for the Macao residents. Ever since the gaming industry in Macao has been liberalized, the local economy has been facing favourable growth, stimulating the residents to travel outbound. With the operation of the scheduled flights between Macao and Japan, the tourism market between the two places can further be enhanced. The aviation industry in Macao depended heavily on the Taiwan market in the past. With the success of the Macau International Airport in attracting low cost carriers and the efforts of the local carriers in expanding their network, the passenger market distribution has gradually changed. In 2000, the Taiwanese occupied 68% of the passenger market. The percentage decreased to 51% in 2006. The number of passenger destinations in Asia, excluding points in mainland China and Taiwan, increased from 5 in 2004 (Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Seoul and Singapore) to 9 in the present moment (additional: Clark, Jakarta, Male and Kota Kinabalu). Furthermore, AirAsia will operate a new route between Johor Bahru and Macao in the coming August. As of May 2007, the passenger market share was as follows: Taiwan 47.1%, mainland China 29.1%, other Asian markets 21.8% and markets out of Asia 2%. The opening up of the Japan market will further help Macao to come out from single market specialization to market diversification. The implementation of the individual traveling scheme by the mainland in Macao has led to an immense increase in the number of tourists visiting the city. To cope with the demand of the air transport market in the future, AACM reviews the Air Services Agreements from time to time and will initiate discussions with the other aeronautical authorities to create a more liberal environment. For example, AACM met with the aeronautical authorities of Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam respectively in September 2004, April 2006 and August 2006 to renew the respective Memoranda of Understanding. The new Memoranda have established more liberal conditions for developing the air transport markets between Macao and these places. Apart from Japan, according to the need of our aviation market and the requests from the other countries, AACM also plans to renew the Memoranda of Understanding with Indonesia and the Philippines and conclude the Air services Agreements with Angola, Egypt, Italy, Mexico and Qatar in the near future. Up till the present, Macao has initialed 45 Air Services Agreements with other countries, of which 39 have been officially signed. The details are as follows: Country Number Asia and Pacific Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia*, Israel*, Lao* 21 Middle East United Arabs Emirates, Oman* 2 Europe Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Greece*, Slovak Republic* 19 Africa South Africa 1 Americas Brazil, USA 2 Total 45 Note: * pending for official signing

Macao and Mainland sign CEPA Supplement IV

Macao and the Mainland today signed Supplement IV to the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), offering yet more favourable terms to Macao's businesses conducting trade in services on the Mainland. The pact was signed by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, and the Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr Liao Xiaoqi, at Government Headquarters, after representatives of the two sides attended the sixth meeting of the Joint Steering Committee of CEPA between the Mainland and Macao. The supplementary pact allowed Macao's services providers to enter 11 areas of trade in services on the Mainland, including management consultation, photography, printing, social services, translation and interpretation. Moreover, more liberalisation measures for 17 areas of trade in services were introduced. These areas included legal, construction, convention and exhibition, audiovisual, distribution, tourism and transport. The Supplement IV would further promote the diversification of Macao's industrial portfolio, Mr Tam, said after the signing ceremomy. CEPA was introduced in 2003, followed by the signing of three supplements to the agreement in the past three years. Today's signing ceremony was witnessed by the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, the Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Chen Zuoer, and the Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR, Mr Bai Zhijian, and many other officials and guests.

Macao, Shanghai tie up health co-operation

Macao and Shanghai will further step up collaboration in studying the prevention and treatment of tumour, exchanging information on latest infectious diseases, and enhancing specialists training. A statement issued by the Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture said the Secretary, Mr Chui Sai On, led an official delegation to Shanghai on 27 June and that members were mainly from the health sector. During the visit, Mr Chui met with officials from the Shanghai Health Department and discussed several issues, including the recuitment of specialists from Shanghai who will also help train Macao medical professionals. Both parties agreed to establish a mechanism to further work out the collaboration. The statement said the Macao delegation also visited Shanghai’s main health facilities.

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Chui Sai On kicks off the opening ceremony of the “Experience Macau” roadshow

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macau Special Administrative Region, Chui Sai On and Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Government, Yao Mingbao presided at the opening ceremony of the “Experience Macau” roadshow held by Macau Government Tourist Office in Shanghai on June 30. Following the “Shanghai - Macau Trade Mini-mart” and the “Shanghai - Macau Tourism Forum” held June 29 in Shanghai, MGTO hosted the opening ceremony of the “Experience Macau” roadshow at the Brilliance Shimao International Plaza on June 30, officiated by the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Chui Sai On, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Government Yao Mingbao, Chief of Office for the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam and Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes. With the objective of promoting the image of Macau as a unique cultural destination to the Shanghai citizens, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has initiated a series of promotional activities for the two-day “Experience Macau” roadshow, featuring Portuguese folkdances, lion dances, music and magic performances as well as quiz with prizes. The 5 Tourism Ambassadors “Friendly, “Helpful, “”Smiling”, “Polite” and “Knowledge” also greeted the Shanghai citizens with performances and Macau snacks, showing not only characteristics of the unique blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures, but also the hospitality of Macau to the Shanghai citizens. To highlight Macau’s invaluable world heritage – “The Historic Center of Macau” and its colorful festivities, MGTO has set up a huge replica of A-Ma Temple and decorated the stage with a large replica of the Ruins of St Paul’s in addition to other panels showcasing pictures of Macau’s world heritage sites and festive events at the plaza. MGTO also joined with 20 hotels, travel agents, airlines and convention and exhibition industry representatives to set up information booths at the roadshow to provide the latest tourism information to the Shanghai citizens. As the “Experience Macau” roadshow is held at the Nanjing Road, a famous tourist attraction in Shanghai, visitors from other Mainland cities and around the world visiting Shanghai also had the opportunity to experience the unique tourism features of Macau.

Results of the External Trade Statistics for May 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that Macao’s total value of exports amounted to MOP1.79 billion in May 2007, down by 2.9% over the same month of 2006. Among this, the value of domestic exports dropped by 18.7% to MOP1.08 billion, while the value of re-exports increased by 37.6% to MOP708 million. Total value of imports amounted to MOP3.67 billion, up by 13.4% year-on-year. A trade deficit of MOP1.89 billion was recorded for May 2007. During the period of January-May 2007, the value of total exports dropped by 7.1% year-on-year to MOP7.68 billion, of which the value of domestic exports fell by 20.5% whereas the value of re-exports rose by 28.7%. Meanwhile, the value of imports grew by 16.9% to MOP16.45 billion, bringing a trade deficit of MOP8.77 billion. The exports/imports ratio decreased from 58.7% in the first five months of 2006 to 46.7% in the same period of 2007. In the first five months of 2007, the value of Textile & garment exports, which accounted for 62.1% of the total exports, decreased by 22.9% over the same period of 2006; however, value of Non-textile exports rose by 40.4%, of which Machines & apparatus, parts & accessories thereof and Footwear, the major components of non-textile exports, surged by 115.5% and 55.8% respectively. The USA and the EU remained as Macao’s major export markets, together making up 56.1% of the total value of exports. Within this, the value of exports to the USA, which made up 40.6% of the total, registered a year-on-year decrease of 22.8%; the value of exports to the EU, which took up 15.5% of the total, decreased by 18.4% year-on-year. In the first five months of 2007, Macao’s total value of imports grew by 16.9% year-on-year, on account of the increases in the value of imports of, by broad economic categories, Capital goods (+49.0%), Consumer goods (+14.8%), Fuels & lubricants (+13.2%) and Raw materials & semi-manufactures (+3.1%). Moreover, Macao’s main suppliers of imported goods still concentrated in the Asian region. The value of imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong, comprising 52.6% of the total, rose by 11.5% and 12.6% respectively year-on-year.

Results of the Employment Survey for March-May 2007

According to the results of the Employment Survey released by the Statistics and Census Service, the unemployment rate for March-May 2007 was held stable at 3.2%, same as that in the previous period (February-April 2007), but down by 0.7 percentage point year-on-year. The underemployment rate was up by 0.1 percentage point over the previous period to 0.9%, but fell by 0.4 percentage point over the same period of 2006. Total labour force was estimated at 301,000 in March-May 2007. Labour force participation rate was 68.0%, up by 0.7 percentage point over the preceding period and by 2.8 percentage points year-on-year. The employed population was estimated at 291,000, an increase of about 4,500 over the previous period, principally induced by the increment of the number of persons working in Gaming; and Hotels, restaurants & similar activities. Meanwhile, the unemployment situation in other sectors remained stable. In addition, the unemployed population was estimated at 9,500, up slightly by 100 compared with the previous period. Among the unemployed, about 600 were searching for their first job, representing 6.6% of the total unemployed, down by 2.2 percentage points over the preceding period.

MGTO Annual Marketing Meeting opens

The opening ceremony of the Macau Government Tourist Office Annual Marketing Meeting was held today (June 25) at the Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Convention and Exhibition Center, where Director of Macau Government Tourist Office, João Manuel Costa Antunes presented the tourism development of Macau and outlined future marketing strategies to guests and MGTO’s representatives from 16 countries and regions. Speaking at the Marketing Meeting, Antunes pointed out that Macau’s tourism industry has entered a new phase of growth and is moving towards diversification. During the first five months of this year, visitor arrivals exceeded 10 million, registering an increase of 21.45% compared with the same period of 2006. Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan continue to be the three largest visitor generating markets, with growths of 19.44%, 23.21% and 1.93% respectively. Apart from markets of the greater China region, international market arrivals have surged more than 40% year-on-year during the last three years, with Southeast Asia region showing exceptionally strong performance and recorded an increase of 68.3% during the first five months. Malaysia, for the first time, became the 4th visitor generating market, showing a healthy progress towards diversification of source markets. Antunes expressed that diversification is the key message today and product diversification helps to minimize the risk of over-dependence on key products, as well as helping to reduce seasonality, spreading tourism demand more equitably throughout the year. He continues that MGTO has employed “Experience Macau” as the promotional theme this year under the slogan, “A World of Difference, the Difference is Macau” for a series of promotions around the world through its representatives. Launching the theme - “Experience Macau” gradually moves the tourism development of Macau towards the goal of source markets and tourism product diversification. MGTO counts on its representatives around the world for their strong and extensive local networks to bring the promotional effect to its full. He noted that MGTO has put forward a number of promotional activities under the theme “Experience Macau” during the first half of 2007, which include participating in major and new tourism fairs worldwide, organizing of roadshows, worldwide advertising, print/electronic media promotional publications, themed tourism routes, sales promotions among others. He also stressed that the 10 “Experience Macau!” travel routes recently launched by MGTO’s representation in Hong Kong have received enthusiastic responses. These 10 routes, targeting different market segments of luxury, family, heritage, honeymoon or couples, retired seniors, photographers, religion, university students, history scholars and sports lovers, are designed to offer tailor-made experiences for visitors with different interests and enrich Macau’s tourism products. Macau will continue to strengthen regional and international tourism cooperation to attract more visitors to Macau as a single destination or one of the destinations in regional travel, he added. Antunes stressed that Macau needs to develop more flight routes to extend its transportation networks, which are essential to the diversification of source markets. MGTO will reinforce its cooperation with airlines to draw more visitors to fly to Macau while expanding its source markets and visitor portfolio. MGTO is developing new and potential international markets namely Indonesia, Vietnam, Russia and the Middle East. He emphasized that “Independent Travel” is a travel pattern gaining great popularity in the world, and riding on this trend, MGTO is taking measures to meet the needs of the these travelers through specific promotion methods and contents, travel information tools, online travel marketing, innovative tourism services among others to provide independent travelers with convenience access to the most up-to-date information and tailor-made services to fully “Experience Macau” in their visits. “The Historic Center of Macau” is Macau’s valuable tourism resource, and when integrated with its unique blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures, leisure and entertainment, cuisines, festivals and events as well as sports, is the charming jewel to attract visitors. The large-scale convention and exhibition venues, shopping and resort facilities to be completed soon will further drive Macau along its path of tourism diversification. Antunes expressed that the Macau SAR Government is striving to develop business tourism and the MICE industry. The "Macau Business Tourism Center" established last April has assumed the role of a platform to facilitate the development of convention, exhibition and business tourism through supporting various convention and exhibition activities and training efforts. In 2006, the "Macau Business Tourism Center" has provided services and support to 78 events since April 2006. Under the coordination of the center, the 11th Asia Pacific Life Insurance Congress, to be attended by close to 10,000 participants, will be held in Macau in 2009. Antunes continued that MGTO will put great efforts in promotion and marketing while working to enhance the overall service quality in the tourism industry, aiming to develop Macau’s tourism industry healthily and to achieve diversification. MGTO needs to strengthen the strong partnership between the private and public sectors to achieve long-term sustainable growth. Following the meeting was a mini mart hosted by MGTO for the local tourism trade to meet with the 40 some representatives of MGTO to discuss business opportunities to bring in more visitors. After the opening ceremony, a 170-member delegation comprised of representatives of MGTO, travel trade, Commission for Tourism Development as well as performers headed for Shanghai in varies groups for the marketing meeting and “Experience Macau” promotional activities.

Macao and Mainland to enhance science and technology co-operation

Four specialised groups had been formed to further reinforce science and technology co-operation between Macao and the Mainland. The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Lao Si Io, said this in Beijing as he discussed concrete collaborative items of science and technology industry with his counterparts in the first meeting of the Mainland and Macao Science and Technology Co-operation Committee. These four specialised groups focus on the relation of technology in Chinese medicinal industry, energy saving and environment industry, electron and information industry, and to make popular the knowledge. “Following the set up of these groups, we believe this will promote bilateral co-operations and as a result, Macao’s science and technology will develop rapidly,” said Mr Lao who is also the Chairman from Macao side of the Committee. He said that the government was highly concerned with Macao’s the science and technology development. After the establishment of the Macao SAR, the government launched several co-operative projects to work with the governmental sector and public organisations to boost the industry. During the meeting, the Committee also agreed on a working plan for the year 2007-2008. Both sides agreed to establish a liaison office and to call one meeting every year.

Results of the Consumer Price Index for May 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Composite CPI for May 2007 rose by 0.57% over April to 113.22. The increment was mainly attributable to the increases in the price indices of Housing & fuels; Food & non-alcoholic beverages; Clothing & footwear; and Transport. Compared with April 2007, the indices of Clothing & footwear; Housing & fuels; and Transport recorded notable increases of 2.37%, 1.37% and 0.98% respectively, on account of dearer prices of women’s clothing and footwear, LP gas and gasoline, as well as higher rentals for housing. In spite of lower prices of fresh vegetables, the price index of Food & non-alcoholic beverages went up by 0.44%, as a result of higher charges for meals bought away from home. On the other hand, lower charges for outbound package tours after the Easter holidays pushed the index of Recreation & culture down by 1.56%. The Composite CPI for May 2007 registered a year-on-year increase of 4.68%. The average Composite CPI for January to May 2007 went up by 4.62% over the same period of 2006. For the 12 months ended May 2007, the average Composite CPI rose by 4.66% over the previous period. In addition, the CPI-A and CPI-B for May 2007 were 114.66 and 112.87, up by 0.62% and 0.57% respectively compared with April. The Composite CPI reflects the impacts of price changes on the general population. The CPI-A relates to about 49% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 3,000 to MOP 9,999. The CPI-B relates to about 31% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 10,000 to MOP 19,999.

New route for public administration reform

The SAR Government today announced a new reform plan for public administration, including the introduction of accountability for officials. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan, announced at a press conference held today at Government Headquarter.. Ms Chan said the new plan symbolised a landmark for Macao's public administration development. "The plan not just only perfects the Government's internal operation, but will also enable all of us to have a clearer picture of the public administration reform in the long run. We'll introduce a basket of important policies step by step," said the Secretary. The policies in the reform included to step up the incorruptibility and to increase transparency of policy; to promote the ability as well as quality of the entire civil service, to propose accountability for officials in the new public servant management scheme; and to relocate power by studying the SAR government structure scientifically. "A centralised organisation will be set up especially for the reform. It is equipped with three main functions, namely consultation, decision-making and execution," said Ms Chan. She said a string of break-through tactics would be applied in the reform, such as building up the partner relationship between the government and the public by reforming the operation of existing mechanisms for consultation and evaluation, so that the public may provide constructive suggestions. The government would also focus on urgent social issues and dedicate to provide solution by advancing the government's connection with the society and its ability in executing policy, the Secretary added.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.