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Macau Government Tourist Office hosts “Experience Macau Media Campaign and Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibition” in Kuala Lumpur in Kuala Lumpur

H.E. the Chief Executive of the Macau Special Administrative Region, who is on an official visit to Malaysia, presided over the launch of the “Experience Macau Media Campaign and Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibition” held by the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO). The launch ceremony held today (April 11) at the Malaysia Tourism Centre in Kuala Lumpur was officiated by H.E. the Chief Executive of the Macau SAR Mr. Edmund Ho, Deputy Minister of Tourism of Malaysia, Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai, President of the Legislative Assembly Susana Chou, Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen, and Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes, who accompanied by other guests, also visited the Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibition. “MGTO has decided to employ “Experience Macau!” as the promotional theme for a series of promotions in all markets around the world this year, to highlight both our heritage as well as the new developments that are shaping Macau’s tourism product offering into the future. Today in Malaysia, we are launching a large-scale media campaign, featuring 30 promotional buses which will tour the streets of Kuala Lumpur to spread the image of Macau to Malaysian citizens, and become part of their everyday lives.” said Antunes in his welcome address. The “Experience Macau Media Campaign and Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibition” launched in Kuala Lumpur features 30 decorated buses, which will run through the city in 5 different routes for one month, with promotional images of the theme “Experience Macau!”. The campaign, if receives enthusiastic response, will be extended for a longer period to achieve the optimum result. The “Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibition” held in the Malaysia Tourism Centre will last for a month. Built in 1935, the Malaysia Tourism Centre is a landmark in Kuala Lumpur and has been the venue for numerous historical events including the Installation Ceremony for the first Malaysian King. In 1988, the Malaysia Tourism Centre was refurbished and currently serves as a one-stop tourist centre, which also houses facilities and services for meetings and performances. MGTO is the first foreign official tourism organization to hold a promotinal event at the Malaysia Tourism Centre. Malaysia became the 5th largest source market of Macau in 2006. Macau welcomed over 200,000 Malaysian visitors in 2006, a remarkable growth of 106 percent over the previous year. The first two months of 2007 saw another significant growth of 93%, with over 40,000 arrivals from Malaysia. Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes will introduce Macau’s latest tourism industry development and the new tourism products and facilities to guests participating in the “Malaysia-Macau Business Relations Seminar” to be held tomorrow (April 12) in Kuala Lumpur. Macau will continue to strengthen cooperation and exchange with the travel trade in Malaysia to boost the tourism development of the two places.

Chief Executive visits Melaka and Kuala Lumpur

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, today met with high-level officials and representatives of the Malaysian Government and its legislature as he continued his three-day visit to the country. He made courtesy calls on the Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Mr Adnan Tengku Mansor; the Speaker of the House of Representative of the Malaysian Parliament, Mr Ramli Ngah Talib; and the Governor of Melaka, Mr Khalil Yaakob. In the evening Mr Ho attended the opening of a photo exhibition on Macao’s heritage sites. The event, organised by the Macau Government Tourist Office, was aimed at promoting Macao’s tourism industry and heritage. Tomorrow Mr Ho is scheduled to make courtesy calls on the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mr Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Syed Hamid Albar, before departing for Singapore.

Macao strengthens co-operation with Thailand

Macao and Thailand issued a joint press statement today in regards to the official visit by the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, to the country, saying that the two sides would enhance co-operation in tourism industry and many other areas. At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Mr Nitya Pibulsonggram, Mr Ho paid an official visit to Thailand and held official talks with the Minister, the statement noted. Both sides agreed that Mr Ho's visit would contribute significantly to the strengthening of the existing cordial relations and co-operation between Thailand and Macao, and they reaffirmed their shared determination to enhance and broaden mutually beneficial co-operation in all areas of common interest, including trade and investment, culture, tourism, hotel management, services and labour. As regards to investment, the Thai side encouraged Macao to increase its investment in their country, particularly in areas of Macao's strength such as tourism and services. Moreover, they agreed to discuss the expansion of air links between Thailand and Macao to facilitate business and tourism. They also agreed to encourage more exchanges of visits at various levels between delegations of the two places, and set up an informal contact and co-ordination mechanism to help facilitate relations in areas of mutual interest and benefit. The Chief Executive also expressed his sincere appreciation to the Minister for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to him and his delegation. Mr Ho extended an invitation to Mr Pibulsonggram to pay an official visit to Macao, which was accepted. The date of the visit would be further discussed through diplomatic channels, the statement said. Earlier in the morning, the Chief Executive paid a courtesy call on the President of National Legislative Assembly, Mr Meechai Ruchupan, and visited Parliament House, before departing for Malaysia to continue on his seven-day-visit in Southeast Asia.

Response to the US Department of the Treasury's latest statement on Banco Delta Asia

The SAR Government of Macao has noted the public statement released by the U.S. authorities in relation to the North Korea funds in Banco Delta Asia. The Monetary Authority of Macao will continue to coordinate all parties concerned in Macao to properly deal with this issue within the parameters of existing legislations. Simultaneously, it expects all parties concerned to come up with appropriate and responsible arrangements respectively.

Chief Executive meets Thai Foreign Minister

Macao and Thailand could further enhance co-operation in the tourism industry, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, today in Bangkok. Speaking to the press after meeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Mr Nitya Pibulsonggram, the Chief Executive said both sides agreed that Macao and Thailand could collaborate in their tourism industries, which he believed would not compete with each other fundamentally. Mr Ho said the Thai side was interested in boosting their investment in Macao’s tourism industry, as well as using Macao’s role as a business platform to enter the Pearl River Delta and the Portuguese-speaking countries. Earlier in the morning, Mr Ho attended the opening ceremony of the Thailand-Macao Economic Co-operation Seminar and witnessed the Macau Government Tourist Office representatives sign a memorandum of understanding with Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau on co-operation in business tourism. On the same occasion, Macao’s Chamber of Commerce also signed a memorandum of understanding with its counterpart in Thailand. After visiting the Emerald Buddha Temple and the Grand Palace in the afternoon, Mr Ho paid a courtesy call on Thailand’s Minister of Commerce, Mr Krirkrai Jirapaet. Mr Ho arrived in Bangkok yesterday on the start of his seven-day official visit to Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. He also met with the Ambassador of China to Thailand, Mr Zhang Jiuhuan. Mr Ho is scheduled to visit the Parliament of Thailand tomorrow morning, before leaving for Malaysia.

The Fourth China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference held in Macao

The Fourth China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference, hosted by the Public Prosecutions Office of Macao Special Administrative Region will be held in Macao between April 10 and April 12. The theme of the Conference is “Direct Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Crimes”. The China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference was initiated by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China in 2004. The two special administrative regions – Hong Kong and Macao – have been taking part in this conference mechanism as members of the Chinese delegation. The aim of the conference is to strengthen exchange and cooperation among prosecution services of China and ASEAN countries. The first three conferences were held in Kunming, Bangkok and Jakarta, with full support from prosecution services of every country. In the past few years, based on the requirements set forth in the joint declaration, prosecution services of participating countries have launched different forms of substantial cooperation and exchange - such as judicial assistance, interchange of information on judicial and prosecutorial reform, sending prosecutors to exchange experiences and practices - making the China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference an important platform for exchange and cooperation between prosecutions services of China and ASEAN countries. In addition, this conference mechanism has a significant effect on regional legal assistance, and is highly remarked by international judicial and prosecutorial fields. The opening ceremony of the Fourth China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference will be held at Macao Fisherman’s Wharf, Convention & Exhibition Centre on April 11, presided over by the Prosecutor-General of Macao SAR, Dr. Ho Chio Meng. Prosecutor-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of PR China, Jia Chunwang, and Acting Chief Executive, Florinda Chan will also be present at the opening ceremony where they will deliver an address. The Public Prosecutions Office of Macao SAR stated that in the Third China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference held in Jakarta, participating countries unanimously voted for this Conference to be held in Macao and to be hosted by the Public Prosecutions Office of Macao Special Administrative Region. Through this international conference, the Public Prosecutions Office hopes to promote exchange and cooperation among prosecution services of China and ASEAN countries, and to develop a new and effective channel for the fight against cross-border crimes. Under the principles of “one country, two systems” and mutual benefits, the Public Prosecutions Office will continue to motivate international and regional communication and cooperation in the judicial field.

Chief Executive on Southeast Asian visits

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, left today for Thailand on the start of his seven-day official visit to three Southeast Asian countries. Mr Ho is scheduled to pay courtesy calls on high-level government officials of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore during the visit, at which he would bolster bilateral co-operation in the tourism industry and promote Macao's role as a business platform between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries. During his visit to Singapore, the last stop on his itinerary, Mr Ho is scheduled to attend a briefing on its upcoming integrated resort projects. Speaking at the airport before his departure, Mr Ho said he believed that Macao and Singapore could further co-operate in terms of regional tourism and many other areas, building on the basis of their existing co-operation. However, Mr Ho said he believed that there were not much co-operation or fierce competition in their gaming sector due to the geographical locations and different target customers. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan, is to act as Chief Executive while Mr Ho is away.

Chief Executive to visit to three Southeast Asian nations

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, is scheduled to leave on Sunday (April 8) on a seven-day official visit to Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. He will also be making courtesy calls on high-level officials of these nations and visit various institutions and historical attractions. In Bangkok, Mr Ho is scheduled to call on the Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr Surayud Chulanont, as well as the President of National Legislative Assembly and other officials. He also has plans to attend a trade promotion seminar and visit Thailand's attractions. From Thailand Mr Ho is scheduled go on to the former Portuguese enclave of Melaka in Malaysia, which historic ties are similar to Macao's. He will also call on officials there. In Kuala Lumpur Mr Ho is to meet the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mr Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and the Speaker of the House of Representative-Parliament of Malaysia, as well as other officials. Mr Ho is also scheduled to attend a trade promotion seminar and attend promotional events held by Macao's tourism department. Last nation on Mr Ho's itinerary will be Singapore, where he is scheduled to make a courtesy call on the Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, the Speaker of Parliament and the Minister Mentor. Mr Ho is to visit an education institute and attend a briefing on Singapore's upcoming gaming resort projects, before returning to Macao on Saturday (April 14).

Government to provide up to 9,000 public housing units in five years

The Government has set a new target of providing up to 9,000 public housing units within five years and, at the same time, introduce a housing scheme for the 'sandwich class' who are presently not eligible for such housing. This was disclosed today by the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, when he attended a plenary session of the Legislative Assembly this afternoon, to answer questions from legislators on public issues. Mr Ho said that the Government had obtained some land from developers and philanthropic societies which would allow it to speed up the construction. The Government's new target is to build 4,000 units within three years, bringing the total to between 8,000 to 9,000 within five years. Mr Ho also revealed that the Government had plans to introduce a housing scheme for the 'sandwich class', leasing them flats by collecting only a reasonable proportion of their income as rent, offering them opportunities to buy the flats at a fair price after a certain period of time. He also disclosed that the Government would amend outdated provisions in the home-ownership scheme, and that homes provided in this scheme in the future will have two or three bedrooms. The Government expects to provide 10,000 units in total for the home-ownership scheme and the housing scheme for the 'sandwich class'. Mr Ho also said that the Government would adjust the equation for calculating land premiums about the middle of the year, so that premiums would better conform to Macao's current real estate market. Moreover, the Government would soon set up a consultative panel for urban planning and land concession to enhance transparency and public faith in decisions of land concessions and changes in land use, he said. The Government was also studying plans to introduce an 'automated transit system' for pedestrians, which could help ease the traffic between light rail stations and tourist attractions.

Government suspends realty investment residency

The Official Gazette today published a by-law to suspend the fixed-asset investment residency policy, with effect from tomorrow. The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, announced the Government's decision this afternoon when he attended a plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly to answer legislators' questions over public issues. Meeting the press after the session, the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, said the decision to have the by-law come into effect tomorrow was to prevent rumours and further speculations on Macao's real estate market. The Government had paid great attention to the realty investment residency scheme, said Mr Tam, and he believed that the suspension was widely supported by the public. The new regulation would not affect the more than 4,000 applications accepted prior to the effective date of the by-law. Names of these applicants and all other data would be delivered to the Commission Against Corruption to prevent any change identity of these applicants and possible subsequent speculation activities, Mr Tam said. Renewals and applications for family members of people who have acquired residency would not be affected, the by-law stipulated. Mr Tam also said that the Government would continue to review the fixed-asset investment residency policy and continue to watch the market and formulate new provisions in the future.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.