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Tenth Guangdong and Macao security meeting opens in Macao

The Tenth Guangdong and Macao Police Authorities Working Meeting opened in Macao today, where top public security officials from the two sides exchanged ideas for enhancing co-operation. The Macao and Guangdong's delegations, comprising more than 30 officials, were led respectively by the Secretary for Security, Mr Cheong Kuoc Va, and the Director-General of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, Mr Liang Guoju. During the meeting, they reviewed the achievement of their past co-operation, such as in the exchange of information and intelligence. Other areas discussed included the strengthening of intelligence and technology exchanges, efforts in combating terrorism, organised crimes, cross-boundary crimes and counterfeit currency. Both parties agreed that the mechanism of the working meeting had brought substantial achievement in the past and they would continue to co-operate and contribute to the social stability and prosperity of the two places.

World Meteorological Day – Polar Meteorology: Understanding Global Iimpacts

Every year, on 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), its 187 Members, as well as the worldwide meteorological communities, celebrate World Meteorological Day. This Day commemorates the entry into force, in 1950, of the Convention that created this specialized agency of the United Nations System. For the year 2007 was chosen the theme "Polar Meteorology: Understanding Global Impacts", in recognition of the importance of, and as a contribution to, International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008, which is being co-sponsored by WMO and the International Council for Science (ICSU). To ensure that researchers can work in both polar regions during the summer and winter months, the event will actually be held from March 2007 to March 2009. The fundamental concept of the IPY is an intensive burst of internationally coordinated, interdisciplinary scientific research and observations focused on the Earth's polar regions and their far-reaching global effects. Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) organized a set of activities in order to inform the population about the different areas of human activities in which the meteorology plays an important role, in general, and, in particular, about the activities undertaken by SMG which contribute for the sustainable development of the Macao Special Administrative Region.The first commemoration activity of the "World Meteorological Day 2007", is "The Tropical Cyclone Name Nomination Contest", with the main objectives of the contest are to promote public awareness of the hazards related to tropical cyclones and to enhance the public understanding of the Tropical Cyclone Signal System in Macao. SMG will start to disseminate the four days forecast of the relative humidity. The forecast of this weather parameter is of great importance for different professional activities and the population in knowing before hand the condition of the content of water vapor in the atmosphere for their most varieties of objectives. A celebration ceremony will be held at SMG headquarters, on 23 of March at 10:00 a.m., with the presence of the Chief of Cabinet of the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Dr. Francis Wong, the ceremony for the signing of the "Cooperation Agreement between Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau and the Macao University of Science and Technology in the area of remote sensing", and through the promotion of the media about the importance of the cooperation with the university in the development of interdisciplinary in scientific knowledge in MSAR. A presentation for university students about the theme of this year will also include in this occasion.

Results of the Visitor Arrivals for February 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service showed that the number of visitor arrivals totalled 2,169,489 in February 2007, representing a notable year-on-year increase of 22.3%. As the Chinese New Year fell in February this year, visitors from Mainland China and Hong Kong registered remarkable growth of 23.1% and 24.1% respectively, whereas those from Taiwan, China dropped slightly by 1.8%. Meanwhile, same-day visitors accounted for 52.9% of the total arrivals, at 1,147,826. The majority of the visitors came from Mainland China (57.1% of the total), Hong Kong (31.3%) and Taiwan, China (5.1%). Among the Mainland visitors, 61.9% travelled to Macao under the Individual Visit Scheme, at 766,863. In the first two months of 2007, visitor arrivals totalled 4,208,257, up significantly by 22.5% over the same period of last year. Arrivals from Mainland China surged 23.8% to 2,394,004, those from Hong Kong and Taiwan, China went up by 19.3% and 4.6% respectively. Furthermore, same day visitors made up 52.4% of the total arrivals, at 2,203,079. Analyzed by mode of transport, visitor arrivals by sea went up 14.0% year-on-year to 1,440,423 in the first two months of 2007. Among them, 1,331,336 arrived at the Outer Harbour, with 61.3% from Hong Kong and 25.7% from Mainland China. Visitor arrivals at the Inner Harbour were 109,087 and 60.6% were from Mainland China. At the same time, visitors arrived by land increased 28.2% to 2,553,415, most of them arrived through the Border Gate; visitors from Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 75.7% and 17.8% respectively. In addition, arrivals by air were 214,419 in the first two months of 2007, up 19.1% over the same period of 2006. Among 212,105 arrivals at the Macao International Airport, visitors from Taiwan, China (44.7%), Mainland China (24.7%) and South East Asia (17.4%) were the major users.

Results of the Consumer Price Index for February 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Composite CPI for February 2007 rose by 1.44% over January to 112.03. The indices of Recreation & culture; Food & non-alcoholic beverages; Housing & fuels; and Miscellaneous goods & services recorded notable increase of 6.74%, 2.04%, 1.60% and 1.41% respectively, on account of the effects of the Chinese New Year. The increments were attributable to higher charges for hairdressing services, outbound package tours and meals bought away from home, as well as the general price increase of the food items, which was accompanied with higher rentals for housing and rising charges for the maintenance and repair services of dwelling. In addition, dearer prices of air tickets drove the index of Transport up by 0.71%. However, the price index of Clothing & footwear was the only section that recorded decrease, down by 2.07%, as a result of seasonal sale of Winter clothing and footwear. As the Chinese New Year took place in February this year but in January last year, the Composite CPI for February 2007 registered a larger year-on-year increase of 4.94%. Observing the changes in the average indices for the first two months can lessen the anomalous impact to the consumer prices caused by the different timing of the Chinese New Year. The average Composite CPI for the first two months of 2007 went up by 4.38% compared with the same period of 2006. For the 12 months ended February 2007, the average Composite CPI rose by 4.94% over the previous period. In addition, the CPI-A and CPI-B for February 2007 were 113.11 and 111.68, up by 1.36% and 1.40% respectively compared with January. The Composite CPI reflects the impacts of price changes on the general population. The CPI-A relates to about 49% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 3,000 to MOP 9,999, whereas the CPI-B relates to about 31% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 10,000 to MOP 19,999.

Chief Executive meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary of US Department of the Treasury

The Chief Executive of the Macao SAR Government, Mr. Edmund Ho, received the delegation led by Mr. Daniel Glazer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America, during their visit to Macao this morning. Both sides exchanged views on the latest development of the Banco Delta Asia (BDA) incident. The Macao SAR Government reiterated its concern and regret over the decision of the Department of the Treasury in regards to BDA. Both sides also agreed that mutual dialogue and cooperation should be strengthened in the process of dealing with the North Korean Accounts so as to come up with a satisfactory solution. The Delegation also visited the Monetary Authority of Macao, and provided information in regards to the North Korean Accounts.

Press release concerning DPRK related accounts at Banco Delta Asia

The Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM) notes the latest news reports in relation to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea related accounts (DPRK accounts) at Banco Delta Asia. AMCM and the parties concerned analyzed and reviewed the information provided by the United States Department of the Treasury last week in regards to their investigation on the DPRK accounts. As regards the treatment of the DPRK accounts, the process will be in accordance with the instructions of the account holders.

Macanese food debuts in US restaurant chain menus in September

From this coming September, the US Chinese food chain P.F. Chang’s will introduce Macanese food in the menus of its 155 restaurants. Company managers announced the launch date of the promotion during their visit to Macau last week. Between September and December 2007, the 17 million customers of the casual dining restaurant chain will have a choice of four to five Macanese dishes. Portuguese wine will be recommended to complement the food. The Macanese food promotion is integrated in a project of the P.F. Chang’s chain to introduce to the Americans the diversity of food from the different regions of China. “After starting the series of Chinese regional cuisine promotion with Sichuan food, followed by Yunnan food, Macanese gastronomy was a natural choice to come next, for being so different, with its mix of flavors so distinct, but that makes so much sense”, points out P.F. Chang’s executive-chef Bob Tam. P.F. Chang’s is working on a list of dishes among which four or five will be chosen. According to the Hong Kong born Bob Tam, African Chicken is already a favorite. After the promotion, some of the Macanese dishes might make it to the permanent menu of P.F. Chang’s restaurants, depending on the success of the campaign among their clients. Around two thirds of the menu of P.F. Chang’s is Cantonese food, unchanged since the opening of the first restaurant of the chain, back in 1993. The Macanese food promotion in P.F. Chang’s is named “Taste of Macau” and it is organized with the cooperation of Macau Government Tourist Office’s US representative.

Government pledges to safeguard benefit of depositors

The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, today expressed his deep regret over the US Treasury Department designating Banco Delta Asia (“BDA”) as a financial institution that has laundered money. He stressed that the Macao Government would continue to act accordingly in the interest of and to protect depositors. When asked by reporters, Mr Tam said the Macao Government has confidence to maintain the banking market stability. He also revealed that, according to the investigative report by an independent auditor outside the Macao Monetary Authority of Macao, no evidence related with illegal activity has been found. He said the Monetary Authority of Macao has done much over the past 18 months, such as strengthening the BDA's internal management, establishing an office for financial information, which achieved recognition with the United States and international organisations. Mr Tam said he believed the Monetary Authority of Macao would continue to closely monitor financial activities of banking institutions.

Two oversea offices renamed

The Executive Council today discussed two administrative orders regarding the structure of the Macao Economic and Trade Office to the European Union and the change in name of the Macao - China Economic and Trade Representive Office in Portugal, personnel regime and logo. According to the administrative orders, the two overseas offices are renamed "Macao Economic and Trade Office to the European Union in Brussels", and "Macao Economic and Trade Office in Lisbon" respectively. Mr Tong Chi Kin, spokesman of the Executive Council, said it was necessary to amend the scope of duty and rules for employment of the Macao Economic and Trade Office in European Union, which was established in 1999. Duties of the Economic and Trade Office to the European Union in Brussels include establishing closer bilateral economic relationship amongst Macao, EU and its member countries. The offices, which are under the supervision of the Chief Executive, enjoy administrative autonomy. They also enjoy the right to employ people from Macao or from the countries where the offices are based. There are two other offices set up outside Macao -- the Office of the Macao Special Administrative Region in Beijing, and the Macao Economic and Trade Office to the World Trade Organization..

Macao SAR Government expresses regrets to US Treasury Department’s decision on Banco Delta Asia

Lately, the Treasury Department of the United States of America has designated Banco Delta Asia (“BDA”) as a financial institution that has laundered money, to which MSAR Government (the “Government”) expresses its deep regret. In view of the designation of BDA as a financial institution of primary money laundering concern by the U.S. Government on 15 September 2005, the Government, in accordance with provisions of relevant legislation, swiftly adopted a series of measures, and closely mooted on the matter with relevant parties with a view to resolving the incident satisfactorily. As a consequence of recent development, the Government has decided to extend its intervention regime applicable to BDA with a view to safeguarding the benefit of depositors and maintaining market stability. Simultaneously, the Government will continue to closely moot on the matter with relevant parties so that the incident can be resolved at an earlier date. On the other hand, the Government will persistently strengthen the enforcement and supervision of measures to combat money laundering and ensure the continued proper functioning and effective risk management of financial institutions. The Government believes that the relevant policy and measures will be supported by all sectors and citizens of our community which will no doubt promote the stability and healthy development of our financial system.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.