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Visitors surge 20% during the first 3 days of Lunar New Year

Macau welcomed almost 300,000 visitors in the first three days of the Lunar New Year, a remarkable growth of close to 20% over the same period of 2006. Average hotel occupancy rate reached 92.88% and average hotel room rate surged 15%. According to information from the Public Security Police, from February 18 (1st day of Lunar Year) to February 20 (3rd day of Lunar Year), visitor arrivals grew 19.6% over the same period of last year to 293,838. Over 140,000 were from Mainland China, among which 72% came to Macau on “individual visit” basis. Arrivals from Hong Kong have also increased from 109,000 last year to almost 120,000. From February 18, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and the Provincial Tourism Administrations of Guangdong and Fujian have jointly operated the “Chinese New Year Tourism Notifying System”, through which MGTO delivered information of arrival figures and hotel room rates to its counterparts of the two provinces. Information on two-star hotels and guesthouses was also included this year. Average occupancy rate of 3 to 5-star hotels was 92.88%, an increase of 0.23 percentage points, with 3-star hotels scoring the highest average occupancy rate of over 94%. The average hotel room rate was MOP$1100.23, a rise of 15.33% over the same period of last year. Both 3-star and 4-star hotels registered double-digit growths. For the first time this year, the room rates of guesthouses and 2-star hotels were included in the “Chinese New Year Tourism Notifying System”. The average room rate of guesthouses for the first 3 days of the Lunar New Year was MOP271.93, while that of 2-star hotels was MOP 532.30. During Lunar New Year, MGTO has reinforced supervision at various tourist attractions and entry checkpoints. MGTO’s information counters and tourist hotline operated as usual to provide visitors with tourist information. This press releases is available on the website of MGTO:

Results of the 4th Quarter 2006 Employment Survey

The Statistics and Census Service released the results of Employment Survey for the fourth quarter of 2006. Principal indicators such as the labour force participation rate (66.4%), unemployment rate (3.5%) and underemployment rate (0.8%) have been published in the brief report in January. The annual unemployment rate for 2006 was 3.7%, down by 0.4 percentage point compared with 4.1% in 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2006, total labour force was estimated at 286,000, of which 276,000 were employed and 10,000 unemployed, representing an increase of 5,100 workers in the employed population and a decrease of 600 in the unemployed population over the previous quarter. Regarding the employed population, 53.6% were male. In terms of industry, the openings of several large casinos inducing a larger share of the labour force to work in Recreational, cultural, gaming & other services that accounted for 21.4% of the total employed population in the fourth quarter of 2006. Meanwhile, Wholesale & retail trade; Construction; and Hotels, restaurants & similar activities took up 12.5%, 12.3% and 11.6% respectively. By occupation, 24.4% of the employed population were Clerks (including casino dealers, floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.); 20.5% were Service & sales workers and 16.8% were Unskilled workers. The overall median monthly employment earnings was MOP7,318. For Recreational, cultural, gaming & other services that engaged the majority of the employed population, the median earnings amounted to MOP9,844. The median actual hours worked per week was 47.1 hours. Within the unemployed, 89.3% were searching for a new job, while 10.7% had never worked and were searching for their first job. With regard to the educational attainment, 11.0% had lower than primary education; 27.5% had primary education; 27.9% had junior secondary education; 20.8% had senior secondary education and 12.9% had tertiary education. For the unemployed that were searching for a new job: Analyzed by the previous industry engaged, the majority had worked in Construction (19.6%), Manufacturing (19.0%), Hotels, restaurants & similar activities (17.2%), as well as Wholesale & retail trade (13.3%). In terms of the previous occupation, 26.8% were Service & sales workers, whereas Unskilled workers and Clerks accounted for 18.4% and 17.3% respectively.

Results of the Consumer Price Index for January 2007

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Composite CPI for January 2007 went down by 0.15% over December 2006 to 110.44. The decline was mainly caused by the decreases in the price indices of Housing & fuels; Communication; Recreation & culture; and Transport. However, the impacts were largely offset by the increase in the price index of Food & non-alcoholic beverages. Compared with December 2006, the indices of Communication; Recreation & culture; Clothing & footwear; and Transport recorded notable decreases of 3.72%, 1.09%, 0.73% and 0.72% respectively, which were attributable to the waiving of mobile phone license fees for 2007, lower charges for outbound package tours after the Christmas holiday period, reduction sale of men’s and women’s clothing, as well as lower gasoline prices. In spite of higher rentals for housing, the price index of Housing & fuels went down by 0.66%, as a result of lower electricity charges due to the discount in fuel adjustment surcharge. On the other hand, the indices of Food & non-alcoholic beverages and Household goods & furnishings increased by 0.97% and 0.52% respectively, on account of higher charges for meals bought away from home, dearer prices of eggs, fish and seafood, fruit, and household textiles. As a consequence of the Chinese New Year that took place in January last year, the Composite CPI for January 2007 registered a lower year-on-year increase of 3.83%. For the 12 months ended January 2007, the average Composite CPI rose by 4.98% over the previous period. In addition, the CPI-A and CPI-B for January 2007 were 111.60 and 110.14, down by 0.14% and 0.15% respectively compared with December 2006. The Composite CPI reflects the impacts of price changes on the general population. The CPI-A relates to about 49% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 3,000 to MOP 9,999, whereas the CPI-B relates to about 31% of households, which have an average monthly expenditure of MOP 10,000 to MOP 19,999.

Lau Si Io appointed as Secretary for Transport and Public Works

The State Council of the People's Republic of China has accepted the Chief Executive Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah's nomination of Mr Lau Si Io as the new Secretary for Transport and Public Works of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR). Mr Ho expressed his gratitude to the Central Government's trust and support, and extended his warmest regards and congratulations to Mr Lau. According to the MSAR Basic Law, the Secretary for Transport and Public Works is a principal official. The Chief Executive has to appoint a nominee who has Chinese nationality and is a permanent resident of Macao. The Chief Executive also has to send his nomination to the Central Government for approval. Mr Ho said that Mr Lau, who has rich experience in administration, was the most suitable candidate for the post of Secretary for Transport and Public Works. He was also confident Mr Lau to be honest and clean in performing his official duties. As a result of the appointment, Mr Lau has stepped down from his position of President of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau. Mr Lau Si Io, 51, is an engineering graduate of the University of Calgary in Canada. After working in the private sector for three years, he joined the civil service, starting with the Leal Senado in October 1984. He held various positions including assistant technician, chief of sector, chief of division in the Public Works Department, chief of the Hygiene and Cleansing Department, vice-president and president of the Leal Senado. After the establishment of the MSAR, he became vice-president of the executive board of the Provisional Municipal Council of Macao. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau was established in January 2002 and Mr Lau was sworn in as the President of the administration committee. Mr Lau had attended a number of training courses for civil servants, in Macao, the Mainland and Portugal.

Golden Dragon ushers in Lunar New Year

As a new year comes around and everything looks fresh and cheerful, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) wishes all citizens and visitors good health and prosperity, and that the tourism industry of Macau would scale new heights in the Year of the Pig! MGTO and Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) join hands to organize celebratory activities on the first day of Lunar New Year (Feb 18) at the Ruins of St. Paul’s and Senado Square to mark the spring festival and add a festive atmosphere to the city. 2006 was a fruitful year for Macau’s tourism industry as total visitor arrivals scored a new high of almost 22 million, an increase of 17% compared with 2005. MGTO has been promoting Macau’s unique multi-cultural characteristics through various activities. Lunar New Year is an important festival in the Chinese society and also a peak season for visitors to experience the traditional celebrations in Macau. MGTO and IACM take this opportunity to express New Year greetings to the citizens and hospitality to the visitors. On the first morning of Lunar New Year, Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes, Deputy Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Manuel Gonçalves Pires Júnior, Acting President of IACM, Mr. Raymond Tam hosted the eye-dotting ceremony of the golden dragon and lions at the Ruins of St. Paul’s and lit firecrackers at Senado Square to mark the celebrations. Guests and officials from MGTO, teamed up with the five Tourism Ambassadors – Smiling, Polite, Friendly, Helpful and Knowledge, the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, the Gold of Fortune and the Gods of Happiness, Prosperity, and Longevity, greeted the public and distributed “Lai Si” (red packets with lucky money) and souvenirs to residents and visitors. The crowd also enjoyed lively performance by the Folkloric Art Troupe of Xi Lin of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The vibrant dragon and lion dances signal Macau to be as energetic and spirited as these noble beasts and “Lai Si” distributed by the God of Fortune bestow good luck and fortune for the Year of Pig. The Lunar New Year celebrations are held on the first and second day of the Lunar New Year. Details of the activities are available on the website of MGTO In keeping with tradition, lucky “Lai Si” will be distributed at MGTO counters during Lunar New Year. Each packet contains a 10-cent coin as a symbol of MGTO’s wishes for good luck and prosperity throughout the year. On Lunar New Year’s Eve, MGTO staged a splendid “fireworks display duet” set off from barges anchored in waters just off the Macau Tower and Kun Iam Statue to usher in the Year of Pig. Thousands of citizens and visitors gathered at the waterfront for the magnificent spectacle.

Chief Executive extends best wishes in Lunar New Year Message

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, in his Lunar New Year Message today, extended his best wishes to the people of Macao. He said the people of Macao were always ambitious and shared a sense of responsibility, which offered the Special Administrative Region (SAR) with qualities to overcome many challenges since it was established seven years ago. Such traits would better prepare Macao for more challenges and newer opportunities, he said. He pledged that the SAR Government would continue to enhance its governance, push forward economic development, provide better public services and allocate more resources for social welfare. Moreover, the Government would promote a better distribution of the city's 'harvest' brought about by its growing economy. The Government would attach much importance on the residents' interests and safeguard Macao's stability and prosperity, Mr Ho said. He said he believed that with the concerted efforts of all the residents, Macao would become more and more harmonious and prosperous. He also thanked the civil servants and residents who have to work over the Lunar New Year holidays. Last but not least, he wished everyone in Macao a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

Secretary for Transport and Public Works meets the press

The newly appointed Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Lau Si Io, said he would perform his duties with integrity and enhance the transparency of public services in these areas. Meeting the press at the Government Headquarters this afternoon, Mr Lau expressed his gratitude to the Central Government and the Special Administrative Regional Government for their faith in him. He said housing, transport and urban planning would top his agenda, and he would keep close exchanges with the Commission Against Corruption, to ask for its opinion over public services provided by departments under his supervision. Pointing out that development, in a way, would bring about conflicts among the society, Mr Lau said he would ease the conflicts between development and social harmony when he took office. He also pledged that he would enhance the transparency of the work under his supervision. The State Council of the People's Republic of China approved the Chief Executive’s nomination of Mr Lau as the new Secretary for Transport and Public Works. Mr Lau joined the civil service in 1984, and served as the President of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau since the establishment of the bureau in January 2002.

Results of the 4th Quarter 2006 Visitor Expenditure Survey

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that per-capita spending of visitors amounted to MOP 1,670 in the fourth quarter of 2006, up by 6% year-on-year. Per-capita spending of Mainland visitors led with MOP 3,562, while that of Hong Kong visitors was MOP-970. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2005, per-capita spending of tourists edged up by 1% to MOP 2,345; however, that of same-day visitors fell by 6% to MOP 522. Per-capita non-shopping spending (excluding gaming expenses) of visitors increased by 6% year-on-year to MOP 925, of which the expenses on Accommodation and Food & Beverage accounted for 41% and 38% respectively. Furthermore, per-capita shopping spending rose by 6% to MOP 745, with the expenses on Food & Candy and Clothing sharing 27% and 18% respectively of the total per-capita shopping spending. Per-diem spending of visitors was MOP 1,470, up by 2% over the fourth quarter of 2005 and that of Mainland visitors topped with MOP_2,375. In this quarter, the average length of stay of visitors (1.1 days), tourists (1.7 days) and same-day visitors (0.2 day) remained at the same level as in the fourth quarter of 2005.

Results of the 4th Quarter 2006 Private Sector Construction Statistics

Information from the Statistics and Census Service showed that in the fourth quarter of 2006, construction of 25 buildings was started, with 2,923 units and 464,752 m² in gross floor area, up 15.4% and down 20.9% respectively over the fourth quarter of 2005, and up 8.5 times and 1.6 times respectively in comparison with the third quarter of 2006. A sum of 2,299 parking spaces for cars and 416 parking spaces for motorcycles were provided. In 2006, the newly started buildings provided 4,756 units and 1,054,289 m² in gross floor area, down 3.9% and 50.6% year-on-year respectively. In the fourth quarter of 2006, a total of 26 buildings were completed and extended, involving 122 units and 213,363 m² in gross floor area, down 67.6% and up slightly by 1.0% respectively over the fourth quarter of 2005, and down 94.0% and 60.2% respectively in comparison with the third quarter of 2006. A sum of 487 parking spaces for cars and 107 parking spaces for motorcycles were provided. In 2006, the completed and extended buildings provided 3,026 units and 1,276,321 m² in gross floor area, up 1.4 times and 2.3 times year-on-year respectively. In addition, the number of residential buildings completed and extended was 14, supplying 102 building units, which went down 68.8% and 94.6% over the fourth quarter of 2005 and the third quarter of 2006 respectively. The housing units were mainly T3 (84 units), accounting for 82.4% of the total, followed by T4 and over (11 units). The number of housing units completed in 2006 totalled 2,783, showing a year-on-year increase of 1.5 times.

Gaming revenue expected to maintain double digit growth this year

The Macao Government expects the city's gaming revenue to record a modest double digit growth this year, the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, said today. Speaking to the press at the spring festival reception hosted by the Liaison Officae of the Central Government, Mr Tam said it was difficult to forecast the gaming revenue for the whole year based only on the figures of the last month. But a low digit growth was a 'reasonable expectation', he said. According to government statistics, Macao's casinos generated 55 billion pacatas (US$6.87 billion) in gross gaming revenue in 2006, a growth of about 23 percent compared with the previous year. Mr Tam explained that the Government released the gross revenue of the whole gaming industry and particular games on a monthly basis, and it would not release the amount of tax collected from particular gaming concessionaires. Asked about the requirements for investment residency scheme, Mr Tam said the Government had no plans to amend the terms for obtaining residency by investing fixed asset, nor the minimum value of related fixed asset. He said the Government could process about 2,300 applications for property investment residency every year, about 2,100 of which were approved in 2006. There were also no plans to alter the number of applications processed and approved every year. The Government would also step up the construction of public rental housing and push forward the Home Ownership Scheme, policies that were outlined in the Government's Policy Address last year, he added.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.