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Over 1.3 million Crossed Border During Christmas Holidays

Immigration authorities recorded a total of 1,308,237 crossing the six immigration checkpoints of the Macao SAR over the holidays (22 to 25 December 2006) Total number of arrivals stood at 663,366 with Border-gate: 504,891 Lotus Bridge: 3,055 Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal: 132,236 Inner Harbor Wharf Nº14: 6,069 Macao International Airport: 17,062 Cross-border Industrial Zone: 53 Total number of departures stood at 644,871 with Border-gate: 510,915 Lotus Bridge: 3,371 Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal: 107,398 Inner Harbor Wharf Nº14: 4,174 Macao International Airport: 18,967 Cross-border Industrial Zone: 46 Meanwhile, total number of tourist arrivals in that period stood at 318,960 with a growth of 34.43% over the same period of last year.

Preliminary Results of By-census 2006

The Statistics and Census Service released the preliminary results of the By-census 2006 conducted this August, as follows: Information from the By-census 2006 indicated that the resident population of Macao was 502,000 on 19 August 2006, which increased by 15.4% in comparison with the Census 2001; the average annual growth rate was 2.9%. Among the resident population, 48.8% were male and 51.2% were female. The higher ratio of the female population is mainly attributable to the fact that about 60.0% of the non-resident workers and immigrants were female. In terms of age structure, the youth population aged 0-14 shared 15.2% of the total, while the proportion of the elderly population aged 65 and above was 7.0%. Analysed by Parish, the resident population living in the Nossa Senhora de Fátima Parish reached 201,000 that accounted for 40.0% of the total, which was followed by the Santo António Parish, with 113,000 persons (22.5%). Taipa Island logged 63,000 persons, sharing 12.6% of the total resident population. More detailed information on the population’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the By-census 2006 will be available in April 2007. In addition, the estimates of resident population after Census 200l will be revised accordingly based on the results of the By-census 2006.

Macau Grand Prix Committee pays tribute to Cheong Vai Kei

The Macau Grand Prix Committee (MGPC) paid today a tribute to the departed Cheong Vai Kei, with the unveiling of a sculpture of his face at the Macau Grand Prix Museum. Macau SAR Chief Executive Edmund Ho was present at the ceremony along with Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture and president of the MGPC, Chui Sai On, director of Macau Government Tourist Office and coordinator of the MGPC, João Manuel Costa Antunes, members of the MGPC, among other individuals. Cheong Vai Kei is the latest individual to be honored at the Macau Grand Prix Museum with a sculpture of his face. The Museum pays tribute to those who contributed extensively to the success of the Grand Prix during its more than 50 years of history. Sculptures of the face of Teddy Yip, John Corsmit, Arsenio Laurel and Paul Dutoit, are also showcased at the Museum. As member of the Macau Grand Prix Committee, from 1988 to 2005, Cheong Vai Kei has committed himself, through his contacts and influence, to garner the support of the local community for the event, which he firmly believed to be more than just a mere sports spectacle. While Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Macau SAR, Cheong Vai Kei once again was the fundamental bridge to further the cause of the Macau Grand Prix as an important sports event, with return on investment beyond comparison in raising the city’s international profile. The Macau Grand Prix Committee was but one of the many prestigious roles undertaken by him for the city. Born in Macau, he passed away on 22 December 2005, victim of disease, at the age of only 48. A Bachelor of Business Administration, he was director of various companies, was a legislator nominated by the Chief Executive, exercised the role of Secretary General of the Macau Olympic Committee, was president of the Military Club, among many other distinguished titles. In a multicultural society like Macau, those who know him unanimously agree that he was a vital link between the Chinese and Portuguese communities, friendly and always accessible.

Results of the Consumer Price Index for November 2006

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the Composite CPI for November 2006 was 109.94, up by 0.22% over October. The increment was driven by increases in the price indices of Housing & fuels and Clothing & footwear. Compared with October 2006, the indices of Clothing & footwear and Housing & fuels recorded notable increases of 2.44% and 0.54% respectively, which were attributable to the rising prices of women’s clothing and footwear, as well as higher rentals for housing. Moreover, dearer charges for dental services raised the index of Health by 0.14%. On the other hand, lower charges for outbound package tour pushed the price index of Recreation & culture down by 0.24%. Despite the higher charges for the meals bought away from home, the price index of Food & non-alcoholic beverages decreased by 0.05% as a result of lower prices of vegetables and fruit. The Composite CPI for November 2006 registered a year-on-year increase of 4.40%. The average Composite CPI for January to November went up by 5.20% compared with the same period of 2005. For the 12 months ended November 2006, the average Composite CPI increased by 5.24% over the previous period. In addition, the CPI-A and CPI-B for November 2006 were 111.18 and 109.63, up by 0.14% and 0.24% respectively compared with October. Starting from January 2006, the CPI has been rebased to July 2004 to June 2005. The Composite CPI reflects the impacts of price changes on the general population. The CPI-A relates to about 49% of households, which had an average monthly expenditure of MOP 3,000 to MOP 9,999; the CPI-B relates to about 31% of households, which had an average monthly expenditure of MOP 10,000 to MOP 19,999.

Results of the Visitor Arrivals for November 2006

Information from the Statistics and Census Service indicated that the total number of visitor arrivals reached 1,949,583 in November 2006, representing a year-on-year increase of 21.4%. Visitors from Mainland China; Hong Kong; and Taiwan, China grew 14.5%, 33.9% and 9.1% respectively. Meanwhile, same-day visitors accounted for 51.5% of the total arrivals, at 1,003,355. Visitors came mainly from Mainland China (54.8% of the total), Hong Kong (30.6%) and Taiwan, China (6.1%). Among those from Mainland China, 513,119 (48.0%) travelled to Macao under the Individual Visit Scheme. In the first eleven months of 2006, visitor arrivals totalled 19,835,205, which have surpassed the annual total of 2005 (18,711,187), up 16.4% over the same period of last year. Visitors from Mainland China rose 13.7% to 10,843,042, which accounted for 54.7% of the total arrivals; those from Hong Kong and Taiwan, China shared 31.4% and 6.7% respectively. Furthermore, same-day visitors made up 51.6% of the total, at 10,237,410. Analyzed by mode of transport, visitor arrivals by sea increased 13.2% year-on-year to 6,900,231 in the first eleven months of 2006, with 6,562,275 arriving at the Outer Harbour; the majority of these visitors were from Hong Kong (59.9%) and Mainland China (27.6%). Visitor arrivals at the Inner Harbour jumped 78.7% to 337,956. At the same time, the cumulative number of visitors arriving through the Border Gate soared 25.9% to 11,816,570. The majority of the visitors came from Mainland China (73.0%) and Hong Kong (19.1%). In addition, visitor arrivals by air were 1,118,404, up 17.2% compared with the same period of last year, with 1,109,147 arriving at the Macao International Airport (+17.4%). Visitors from Taiwan, China (54.7%) and Mainland China (20.2%) were the major users of this access.

Francis Tam: economic growth meets projection

The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen said today that this year’s economic growth could reach the projected 12%, with gaming revenue likely to MOP50 billion. Mr Tam, speaking to the press at the reception to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the establishment of the SAR, said the Governement was confident that these could be reached in this year. He said as the Facilitated Individual Traveling Scheme would be implemented in five more cities in China, with more tourism facilities due to open in 2007, the general economy was expected to get a boost from the booming tourism and service industry. Asked about the issue of a minimum wage, Mr Tam said that as the Chief Executive had clearly stated in his Policy Address, the Government would implement a trial of minimun wages in tenders for cleaning and security services provided to Government institutions. And next year, a bill that would include minimum wage and maximum working hours clauses would be submitted for public consultation, hopefully would be introduced later in the same year.

CE says maintaining harmony in times of rapid changes is key to success

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today Macao owed much of its success to its being able to maintain harmony in the midst of rapid changes, drawing on the full support of the Central Government and the dedication of the community as a whole. Speaking at the reception to celebrate to the 7th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR, he said Macao has experienced a historic period of progress. And in the course of its rapid development, the people of Macao have encountered unexpected challenges and trials, through which our responsiveness to change has been greatly enhanced. In the past seven years, the most important development for the SAR has been its gradual integration into the regional and international communities. Stepping into a brand new era, the Macao SAR has overcome all these tests and challenges in a relatively short time, he said. “In the new era of rapid social development, the SAR has experienced a series of unprecedented issues, which may evolve and proliferate before they are fully absorbed and understood. Through the growth of the SAR, the entire community has learned how to face the certainty that events follow their own path, regardless. “In other words, though inexperienced and unprepared, we have to deal with new issues pragmatically, avoiding both hubris and timidity, leveraging our strengths while minimising our shortcomings, and making good use of favourable conditions to best secure our future in the best interests of the SAR. “Looking ahead, such valuable experiences remain an inspiring and useful benchmark for the SAR’s future development.” Mr Ho stressed that harmony was a key to the SAR’s success in the midst of rapid changes, and that in a harmonious environment; we should mitigate conflicts and prevent more serious or debilitating conflicts through a timely positive tension, and thereby promote the self-improvement of the MSAR. “From various experience of building a harmonious society, we have realised that, in a modern society, in addition to the importance of systems, the rule of law, technology and talent, good interpersonal relationships are necessary to secure harmony. He said to realise harmony, we must respect the interests of others while we fight for our own: we must be open to other people’s opinions when we proposed our own. “We must not blame others when we are at fault; we must recognise other people’s contributions at times of success; we must also be the first to take up our responsibilities, as we require others to take their own. “A harmonious society requires that people show personal harmony, as well as tolerance, communal effort, and mutual help and encouragement. As society transforms, we must grasp every opportunity, share responsibilities, and strive for reform and breakthroughs. At a time when society is facing challenges, we must share the same vision and join together. With unity as strength, cohesion as support and harmony as foundation, we are determined to safeguard the MSAR’s hard-won achievements. With steadfast values and a pragmatic attitude, we are determined to ensure the harmony and sustainable development of MSAR society.” Mr Ho said. “After seven years’ development, the MSAR has fully demonstrated the superiority and success of “One country, two systems”, “Macao people governing Macao”, and a “High degree of autonomy.” The successful coexistence of the two different political systems, learning from each other in one sovereign country, is an impressive demonstration of harmony and inclusion, which provides the city with vitality and creativity. This power drives the MSAR to overcome challenges and refashion itself. “Today, founded on seven years’ struggle, the MSAR has reached a new beginning. The Government will continue to improve public services to meet society’s needs in the coming years. The Government will studiously take the pulse of society, listen to public opinion, help people overcome their difficulties and resolve conflicts in the evolving community. “We strongly believe that when the Government and the public are of one heart to value and maintain the stability of the community and work together to build a harmonious, impartial, prosperous and strengthening community, the MSAR has a beautiful future that will meet or even exceed our dreams,” he said. About 1,300 guests attended the reception, including the Director of the Central Government Liaison Office in Macao, Mr Bai Zhijian, the Commissioner of the Macao SAR Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, Mr Wan Yongxiang, commander of the Chinese PLA Garrison Troops in the Macao SAR, Liu Lianhua, the President of the Legislative Assembly, Susana Chou, the President of the Court of Final Appeal, Sam Hou Fai, as well as principal officials and community leaders. Earlier more than 200 guests attended the flag-raising ceremony, which was followed by a variety show. There will be a firework display in the evening to mark the end of events of the much-celebrated day.

7th Macao SAR anniversary celebrations

(Macao - 19 December 2006) A series of activities will be held tomorrow to cerebrate the 7th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). These include the flag-hoisting ceremony to be held at Lotus Flower Square at 8 a.m., to be followed by gymnastic performances presented by the Macao Sports Development Board. Afterwards, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, will attend a blessing ceremony, organised by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Buddhist Association of Macau and other organisations, to pray for blessings for the SAR. The Macao SAR Government will host a reception at Macau Tower at 4 p.m., to be attended by officials and representatives from different sectors. Earlier, at 2.30 p.m. the Fourth Guangdong-Macao Football Match will be staged at the grounds of Macau University of Science and Technology. In the evening, the Macau Government Tourist Office will present a fireworks display to mark the closing of celebrations for the day. Macao Post will open tomorrow and issue commemorative covers and offer hand-back services to the public. A number of civic organisations will also hold events to celebrate the anniversary.

Huge fireworks display celebrating the 7th anniversary of the establishment of the Macau SAR

The Macau Government Tourist Office will present a huge fireworks display with synchronized music on Wednesday to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the establishment of the Macau Special Administrative Region. The skies of Macau will be painted with a show of color and light after 9:30 p.m., for around fifteen minutes. The Macau Tower and surrounding areas are the best spots to watch the display while listening to the music, which will be traditionally Chinese. The show is expected to be spectacular, judging by the amount of fireworks to be used. Two barges will serve as the platform to launch the fireworks. Liuyang City Hongji Fireworks is the company to provide the Wednesday show. The team is from Liuyang, in Hunan province, the place where fireworks are originated and which remains today as the main pyro-production center on the Mainland, the world’s top fireworks manufacturing country. This will be the company’s third visit to Macau, after participating in the last Macau International Fireworks Display Contest and organizing the fireworks display for the sixth anniversary of the Macau SAR.

Liu meets representatives from different sectors

The Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, speaking in Macao today, urged luminaries from different sectors to take the initiative to resolutely support the governance of the Chief Executive and the Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, was speaking to more than 200 representatives from different sectors this morning. In her speech, titled 'Building Macao into a prosperous and harmonious society', she called for the promotion of three ideas -- to love the motherland and Macao, to be tolerant in search of harmony, and to be innovative and creative. She said that after Macao's return to China, the Central Government had been comprehensively adhering to the principles of 'One country, two systems', 'Macao people governing Macao', a high degree of autonomy and the Basic Law, as well as fully supporting the governance of the Chief Executive and the SAR Government. The motherland had all along been a strong backing for Macao's prosperity and stability, she said. People from all sectors should defend the nation's fundamental interests and dignity, as well as the overall and long-term benefits of Macao. They should also continue to unite people from all walks of life and strengthen their sense of loving the motherland and Macao. Moreover, luminaries from different sectors should set examples to others in supporting the administration of the Chief Executive and the SAR Government, she said. The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, who participated in the same event, said the address by Ms Liu showed the Central Government's concern for Macao, and the advice within was Central Government’s general policy towards the SAR. He said representatives from different sectors should enhance their abilities to facilitate the development of the Macao.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.