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Results of the 3rd Quarter 2006 Manpower Needs and Wages Survey

The Statistics and Census Service released the results of Manpower Needs and Wages Survey for the third quarter of 2006. The survey covered the Manufacturing; Electricity, gas & water supply; Hotels & restaurants; and Financial intermediation sectors, but excluded own-account workers and insurance intermediaries not directly employed by insurance companies. The survey results, which were extrapolated based on the data of 613 statistical units successfully interviewed, was given as follows: At the end of the third quarter of 2006, the Manufacturing sector had 31,250 paid employees, down by 1.0% over the same period of 2005. Among them, 21,760 were working in the manufacture of wearing apparel. In September 2006, the average monthly earnings (excluding bonuses and allowances) for full time employees in this sector amounted to MOP 4,644, up by 5.8% over the same month of 2005. “Sewing machine operators” in the manufacture of wearing apparel received an average earnings of MOP 3,395. The Electricity, gas & water supply sector had 1,033 paid employees, similar to that in the third quarter of 2005. The average earnings in this sector increased by 4.4% over September 2005 to MOP 19,483. The Hotels & restaurants sector logged 26,962 employees, an increase of 27.3% over the third quarter of 2005, with 13,961 working in the restaurant industry. The average earnings for September 2006 rose by 17.6% to MOP 6,673. The average earnings for “Housekeeping” employees in hotels was MOP 4,455, while that of the “Waiters/waitresses” in the restaurant industry earned an average of MOP 4,850 for September 2006. The Financial intermediation sector had 4,749 paid employees, up by 7.6% compared with the third quarter of 2005, with 4,033 working in the banks. The average earnings for September 2006 went up by 5.0% to MOP 13,823. In this sector, “Bank tellers” had an average earnings of MOP 8,000. At the end of September 2006, the Manufacturing sector recorded 5,580 vacancies, of which 4,358 were in the manufacture of wearing apparel. The Hotels & restaurants sector had 5,787 vacancies, while the Financial intermediation and the Electricity, gas & water supply sectors logged 188 and 13 vacant posts respectively. In terms of recruitment prerequisites, approximately 70.0% of the vacant posts in the Manufacturing sector required working experience. The majority of the vacancies in the Electricity, gas & water supply and the Financial intermediation sectors required senior secondary or higher education. Besides Cantonese, English (87.0%) and Mandarin (70.8%) were the more preferable language skills for the vacancies in the Financial intermediation sector, while in the Electricity, gas & water supply sector, approximately 70.0% of the vacant posts required English.

Liu calls for people to work together for prosperity and beauty

Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, today urged the people of Macao to unite in harmony and make the SAR more prosperous and beautiful. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, was speaking to reporters at Macao International Airport at the end of her five-day visit to the SAR. Departing for Beijing at noon, she said she had observed the changes in Macao under the guidance of the SAR Government headed by Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah, which had proven that the correctness of the “One Country Two Systems” policy and that the “Basic Law” was the legal protection for the prosperity and stability of Macao. Earlier in the morning, Ms Liu visited the A-Ma Temple, the Grand Prix Museum, the Wine Museum, the handover Gift Museum of Macao and the Guia Fortress. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan and the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr Bai Zhijian saw Ms Liu off at the airport.

Michael Christensen wins Macau International Kart Grand Prix

Danish Michael Christensen won today the Formula A race of the Macau International Kart Grand Prix, the main category of the event, that took place in a sunny day at the Kartódromo de Coloane. “It was not easy to pass so many strong rivals and end up dominating the race. The victory had a very good taste and it’s a highlight on my career”, pointed out the 16-year old, in Macau for the second time. Macau Kart International Grand Prix gathered close to 30 Formula A karters, from 13 countries and regions, coming from Europe and Asia’s more competitive kart championships joined the Macau Formula A race. The Formula A race second position was conquered by the British James Calado and Japanese Kazuya Ishii was third. While favorite Marco Ardigo, European Formula A champion in 2005 and 2006 and last year Macau winner, was only fifth, but got the best lap award. Macau Kart International Grand Prix program included other nine races, part of the forth and last round of the Asian Karting Open Championship 2006 following Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Jakarta rounds. Considered one of the best kart circuits in the world, the Kartódromo de Coloane hosted this weekend the third and biggest edition ever of the Macau International Kart Grand Prix, with a record participation of more than 200 karters from twenty plus countries and regions. The event also attracted around one hundred reporters, coming from eight countries and regions. Macau International Kart Grand Prix is a co-organization of the Macau Sports Development Board, the Macau Government Tourist Office and the China-Macau Autosports Club.

Place national and Macao interests above everything, Liu urges

The Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, today met with leaderships of more than 30 societies, associations and organisations from different sectors. She told them that they were strong support to the long-term stability and prosperity of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). These groups, training considerable talents for the society, helped connect the SAR Government with its residents. She encouraged members of these organisations to place the interests of the nation and Macao as their priority, and contribute to the development of the motherland and the SAR. Moreover, they could make good use of their advantages to promote the connections between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, she said. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, encouraged them to unite people from different sectors and contribute to the development of Macao. The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, who was at the same function, echoed Ms Liu's remarks and said civic associations that adhered to the principle of 'loving the motherland, loving Macao' were the cradles of the future administrators of the SAR. He stressed that civic associations should strive to nurture more local talents in order to continue and support the principles of 'One country, two systems' and 'Macao people governing Macao', and 'the high degree of autonomy in Macao'. These talents should not speak nor do things that threaten solidarity and social harmony, Mr Ho said. He urged civic associations to adhere to working for the national interest and the interest of the people of Macao, and be in line with the goal of reunification of the motherland. Some 100 representatives from different associations attended the meeting and the following banquet. Earlier in the afternoon, Ms Liu met with the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Macao, José Lai Hung-seng, and visited the Ruins of St Paul's and the Museum of Macau on Fortress Hill.

Youths encouraged to contribute to the motherland and Macao

The young people of Macao were today encouraged to devote themselves to the development of the nation and Macao, to contribute to its prosperity and harmony. The Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, was speaking to about 100 students from the University of Macau and representatives from a youth organisation. Ms Liu, who was on a five-day visit to Macao, said the younger generation should enhance themselves in their studies to become the talents of the nation and serve the country. They should devote themselves to the development of the motherland and Macao, said Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

European champion Maro Ardigo wins first heat

Italian aces Marco Ardigo and Sauro Sacetti and british karter James Calado come top of the leader-board on the main race at the 2006 Macau International Kart Grand Prix. Ardigo, the new european Formula A Champion and last year’s champion in Macau won the first of three heats on the first day of qualifying races for Sunday’s decisive finals ahead of Britains duo Gary Catt and James Calado. But luck deserted the title holder on the second heat with Ardigo crashing out on the fisrt lap after a coming together with Denmark’s Michael Christiensen that put both drivers out of the race. Countryman Saudo Sacetti come forward to the defend the italian colours with a winn on heat 2, ahead of James Calado of britain and belgium’s Jonathan Thonon. Ardigo was back in form in the third and final heat, the most competitive and hard fought of the afternoon. The Italian ace falled down from firts on the grid to fitfth on the end of lap number one, but put together a masterfull performance and display of great karting by recovering up to second place, only to loose the head by 19 thousands of a second to britain’s James Calado, with Denmark’s Christensen coming home in third place. Calado was the big surprise of the pacakage in Formula A conquering a third, second and firts places that gave the agregatte best result of the threen heats and pole-position for Sunday morning’s pre-final wich will decide the grid for the grand final wich will take place later in the afternoon. World champion dominates Rok Senior Recently crowned world champion, germany’s Christian Wangard come top of the combined results in the most international field at Macau event, the ROK Senior division, one of the fastest growing classes in the karting world. Wangard won the firts heat ahead of switzerland’s Raphael Rongenmonser. The top swiss karter come up to finish first in the last heat, but compromised his chances with a bad result on heat 2. The ROK Senior division in Macau almost compares to a world championship with entrants from 12 countries and three continents. The Kartódromo de Coloane, considered one of the best kart circuits in the world, is hosting this weekend the third and biggest edition ever of the Macau International Kart Grand Prix, with a record participation of 212 karters from 22 countries and regions, racing in ten different kart categories. A total of 27 Formula A karters, the main categorie of karting, winners of the more competitive championshipes in Asia and Europe, race this weekend in Macau. The best Asian karters are also gathered in Macau for the forth and last round of the Asian Karting Open Championship. The Macau International Kart Grand Prix is a co-organization of the Macau Sports Development Board, the Macau Government Tourist Office and the China-Macau Autosports Club.

Macanese helps boost Macao, says Liu

Unique cultures and extensive links to the world shared among the Macanese would allow them to better promote the SAR's merits, the Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, said today. She was speaking when she visited the Taipa Houses-Museum this morning and met some Macanese as she continued her official visit to Macao. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that the Macanese had made significant contribution to Macao in the past few centuries, and was an integral part of the community. She said Macao was facing a new phase of development in the pursuit of prosperity and harmony, and this required the concerted efforts of all residents, including the Macanese community. On behalf of the Central Government, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the Macanese in Macao, for their contribution to the Special Administrative Region (SAR). The SAR Government, led by Chief Executive Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, had placed much importance to the Macanese community since its establishment, she said. Some Macanese hold important posts in the SAR Government, with some being members of the Executive Council and Legislative Assembly. She urged the Macanese to continue to uphold the 'One country, two systems' principle and the Basic Law and support the governance of the Chief Executive. Moreover, the Macanese could make good use of their close connections with Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries to help promote Macao, she said.

Ms Liu calls for Macao and Mainland religious groups to enhance ties

Macao's religious groups should enhance connections with their counterparts on the Mainland, said the Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made this call when she met with representatives from different religious organisations in Macao this afternoon. During the meeting, she urged Macao’s religious groups to strengthen connections with their counterparts in the Mainland, and enhance their understanding towards the nation. Different religious organisations should continue to respect each other and not interfere in the internal affairs of other religious groups, she said at a seminar with representatives from different sectors of Macao in the morning. Asked by reporters on Macao’s effort in fighting corruption, Ms Liu said corruption could exist in any society, so it was not unusual for such unlawful deeds to occur in Macao. The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government had taken timely measures on the case of Mr Ao Man Long, added Ms Liu, saying that the experience would help enhance the establishment of a clean society. She said she believed that the SAR Government, led by the Chief Executive, would continue to devote its efforts to the social development of Macao.

Liu urges for peaceful reunification of China

Associations promoting the peaceful reunification of China around the world represented a strong force for the reunification of the Motherland, the Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Ms Liu Yandong, said in Macao today. She made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the 'Overseas Chinese World Conference for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China 2006' this morning. Ms Liu, who is also the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said since the reunification of Hong Kong and Macao with the Motherland, the Central Government had maintained the principles of 'One Country, Two Systems', 'Hong Kong People Governing Hong Kong' and 'Macao People Governing Macao' and 'a high degree of autonomy' in the SARs. The Central Government had continuously supported the lawful governance by the Chief Executives and showed concern about the well-being of the SAR residents, she said. The two SARs had continued to prosper under the leadership of the two Chief Executives, and the principles of 'One Country, Two Systems', 'Hong Kong People Governing Hong Kong' and 'Macao People Governing Macao' and 'a high degree of autonomy' were proved to be completely correct, Ms Liu said. The Communist Party of China and the Central Government had shown their determination and efforts in promoting China's peaceful reunification, as well as their sincerity in seeking benefits for the compatriots in Taiwan. Ms Liu said that opposing the 'Taiwan independence' secessionists was the most urgent task for Chinese all over the world. Speaking at the same ceremony, the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said since Macao's reunification with the motherland, the Special Administrative Region had developed steadily in harmony. Macao's achievement reflected the Central Government's all-round support, he said. Macao, benefiting from the principles of 'One Country, Two Systems', 'Macao People Governing Macao' and enjoyed a high degree of autonomy, had functioned as a showcase for China's Peaceful Reunification, said Mr Ho. In recent years, increasing exchanges between the communities of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits had promoted a harmonious atmosphere for China's Peaceful Reunification. And Macao could act more actively in the beneficial interaction between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits. He said the principle of 'One Country, Two Systems' guaranteed a prosperous future for Macao, and a better understanding on Macao's development by compatriots in Taiwan and Chinese all over the world would help them seek a solution for China's Peaceful Reunification. The 'Overseas Chinese World Conference for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China 2006' was held in the Macao East Asian Games Dome this morning. The Chairman of Macao Region China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification (MRCCPPR), Mr Lao Ngai Leong, read a congratulatory telegram from the Chairman of the 10th CPPCC and the Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, Mr Jia Qinling, at the ceremony. The President of MRCCPPR, Mr Chui Sai Cheong; the Chairman of the New Party, Mr Yok Mu-ming; the Deputy Director of the Basic Law Committee of the Hong Kong SAR of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress (NPC), Ms Elsie Leung Oi-Sie, and the Chairman of Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, Mr Qiu Weilian, also delivered speeches. After the opening ceremony, Ms Liu Yandong officiated at the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the return of Macao to the motherland.

Chief Executive welcomes Ms Liu Yandong

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, hosted a welcome banquet for Ms Liu Yandong, Vice-Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. In his welcome speech at the dinner at the Headquarters of the SAR Government, Mr Ho said that with the strong support of the motherland, the “One Country Two Systems” and “Macao People Governing Macao” policies and a high degree of autonomy had been successfully implemented since the establishment of the Macao SAR, In the past seven years, social and economic development had been stable and gradual and the well being of the people was maintained, he said. “It laid a firm foundation for social harmony in the SAR and the peaceful reunification with the motherland” Mr Ho said Ms Liu’s visit had great significance and had shown the care and support of the Central Government to Macao in an important moment of the SAR’s development, and he hoped that Ms Liu would give more guidance and opinion to the development of the SAR. Mr Liu said in her response that seven years after her last visit at the establishment of the MSAR, she had returned to see a new, prosperous and beautiful and vigorous Macao, which had proved that the “One Country Two Systems” policy is the best arrangement for the prosperity of Macao and the Basic Law is the legal protection for the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao. She said the MSAR Government headed by Mr Ho and the people of Macao, with the support of the Central Government, had been implementing the “One Country Two Systems” policy and the Basic Law with determination, making “Macao People Governing Macao” policy a success. “The prosperity, stability of the society, the improvement of the people’s well-being and the developments in various sectors had shown that Macao people had the wisdom and ability to do well in governing, establishing and developing Macao.” She said China was standing on a new historical threshold: after 28 years of reform and opening up, the country had experienced great changes and the economic growth had increased 15 times -- the annual growth in the country’s income this year was equivalent to the total annual income of 1996. At the same time, the livelihood of the people had improved and the country’s international status had risen. Ms Liu said that the development of the country was the result of all Chinese people, including those living in Hong Kong, Macao Taiwan and overseas, and that the Central Government would continue to fully implement the “One Country Two Systems” policy and the Basic Law, and support the development of Macao. In this favorable situation, the future of Macao would depend on the people of Macao to exert themselves and, with the guidance of “One Country Two Systems” policy and the Basic Law, the endeavours of the Macao people would bring an even better future to Macao. Earlier in the afternoon, Ms Liu visited the children a childcare centre run by the Women’s General Association of Macau.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.