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Cross-border industrial zone officially opens today

The Zhuhai-Macao Cross-border Industrial Zone officially opened today, three years after its ground breaking ceremony. The Chief Executive of the Macao SAR, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, and the Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Huang Huahua, officiated its inauguration in Zhuhai today, together with their subordinates, and officials from the Central Government. Speaking at the inauguration, Macao's Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, said enterprises entering the Macao zone would meet the SAR Government's policy of diversifying its industries. He expected the industrial zone could act as a platform for further co-operation between Macao and other provinces and cities, he said. Moreover, the industrial zone's strength in having a round-the-clock checkpoint represented the Central Government's concern about Macao, said Mr Tam. On co-operation between Guangdong and Macao, Mr Tam said that the industrial zone was a fine pilot project for their partnership. Since work started on the industrial zone three years ago, the governments of Macao, Guangdong and Zhuhai had worked together closely in building its infrastructure and in devising the systems of its operation, said Mr Tam. He emphasised that Macao SAR Government would continue to work closely with Guangdong and Zhuhai to enhance the operation of the industrial zone.

Macao and Guangdong to enhance co-operation

Top officials of Macao and Guangdong today studied the principles and measures under the framework of the Eleventh Five-year Plan and reached consensus for further partnership in various directions. The Chief Executive of Macao SAR, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, and the Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Huang Huahua, attended the 'Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference 2006' in Zhuhai today. They led dozens of high-ranking officials of the two Governments respectively to attend the conference and delivered speeches at its opening. Macao's Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, and the Executive Vice-Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Tang Bingquan, reviewed the achievements of the partnership of the two Governments since the first conference in 2003. At the meeting, they discussed further co-operation in areas including partnership in service industry under the framework of Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and the building of the Zhuhai-Macao Crossborder Industrial Zone. More co-operation in food safety, public hygiene, environment protection, water supply, infrastructures across jurisdictions and the building of the Hengqin Economic Development Zone, were also being discussed. Moreover, the two parties studied 15 key projects for further co-operation. The two parties agreed to further work together in different areas to pursue the betterment of Guangdong and Macao.

Chief Executive informs subordinates of Mr Ao Man Long’s detention

(Macao - 7 December 2006) The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, met with officials of all levels today to officially inform them of the detention by the Commission Against Corruption of Mr Ao Man Long, the former Secretary for Transport and Public Works. In the meeting, Mr Ho told them that the Central Government had agreed to the removal of Mr Ao Man Long from official duties as the Secretary for Transport and Public Works. Due to the seriousness of the incident, the image of the SAR Government and the morale of the public servants could be affected, said Mr Ho. However, it also demonstrated the MSAR Government’s resolution in the pursuit of a clean society. He urged the officials to behave honestly in performing their official duties and continue to give all out efforts in their positions to serve the public. He stressed that the MSAR Government placed much confidence in the vast majority of public servants and told them to look at the issue objectively and pay attention to the development, stay away from hearsay and stand with the facts, and be confident in the judiciary to make a just judgment. He also urged them to continue to fulfill their duties of leading their subordinates with professionalism. The Chief Executive said Mr Ao had administered over many areas and was involved in many public affairs. Yet, he believed that officials in those areas could focus on proceeding with their work. He stressed that the policy of the SAR Government had integrity and continuity and would not be affected by a particular incident. Describing the incident as heartbreaking, Mr Ho said he believed that the MSAR Government would become more confident and determined to reform and enhance its governance.

Chief Executive suggests Central Government to remove Ao Man Long from official duties

After an intensive investigation, the Commission Against Corruption detained the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Ao Man Long, at 10 pm last night (6 December), for alleged involvement in taking serious bribe and irregular financial activity. And in accordance with the Article 50 (6) of the Macao Basic Law, the Chief Executive had suggested to the Central Government to remove Mr.Ao from all official duties. A statement from the Macao Government issued today stressed that the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government had always strictly requested officials at all levels to behave honestly in performing their official duties: it is strictly against any abuse of power for personal gain. Macao, being ruled by law, does not allow anyone to violate the law, the statement said. According to the statement, this incident reflects the MSAR Government's determination in building a clean and incorruptible society. Officials at all levels shall continue to implement policies legally and to service the community to promote the development of the MSAR, it said.

Daily information on salinity level of potable water (07/12/2006)

【Low/Green】 The potable water salinity level today (07/12/2006) is 75.8 g/litre, and is classified as “Low” or “Green” and all parameters are well within WHO standard.

Macao's real estate market becomes promising

The prosperous gaming and tourism industry is turning Macao into one of the world's most promising and exciting property markets, the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, said today. Addressing more than 500 hundred real estate professionals during an international property conference this morning, Mr Tam said the gaming and tourism industry had successfully transformed Macao into a modern entertainment and business hub. It created growing demand for hotels, convention centre, shopping malls, office space and residential property in Macao, guaranteeing the city to be one of the world's most promising and exciting real estate markets. Mr Tam said traditionally the property market had been one of the major economic pillars of Macao, contributing significantly to the territory's economic development. He said another source of great potential and opportunity came from Macao's geographical location. 'Located on the Southeast coast of China to the west of the Pearl River Delta, business entities in Macao could reach a marketplace with huge potential, making Macao a perfect platform for networking on real estate projects, investments and finance across sectors and regional borders. 'There is general agreement that Macao is not only a growing property market on her own, but also a strategic platform for developing real estate business in the region,' said Mr Tam.

Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference to open on Friday

The Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference 2006 will be held in Zhuhai on Friday (December 8). The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, and the Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Huang Huahua, will lead the delegations of the two Governments respectively to attend the meeting. The two delegations would discuss various measures to promote co-operation between the two places.

2006 Macau International Kart Grand Prix around the corner Press Release (Translation Copy)

Jointly organized by the Macau Sports Development Board (MSDB), the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and the China-Macau Autosports Club (ACMC), the 2006 Macau International Kart Grand Prix will be staged in Macau on December 16 and 17. Director of MGTO João Manuel Costa Antunes, Acting President of MSDB Alex Vong, President of ACMC Chong Coc Veng and Asian Karting Open Championship Managing Director Johnny Tan were present at the press conference today (December 4) to brief the media about the race arrangement. Macau will host this karting event for the third consecutive year and the previous events were acclaimed as successful by both spectators and competitors. This year, in addition to a number of leading karters who will join the Formula A category again, the Asia Karting Open Championship (AKOC) has given the race higher profile by tying up with the ROK Cup series. The organizer specially invited about 30 world-class Formula A karters who had outstanding performance in various world-class karting competitions. Among them is the champion of the 2006 CIK-FIA European Formula A Championship, Marco Ardigo, who will compete in the Formula A category along with other world leading drivers and to defend his Formula A champion title won last year in Macau. In addition, the region’s most talented drivers will also battle it out for the fourth round of the 2006 Asian Karting Open Championships. A line up of 229 competitors from 22 countries and regions, including the United Kingdom; Finland; Italy; Denmark; Switzerland; South Africa; Belgium; France; New Zealand; Australia; Germany; Japan; South Korea; Malaysia; the Philippines; Indonesia; Thailand; Singapore; Mainland China; Taiwan, China; Hong Kong and Macau will take part in various racing categories of the Macau International Kart Grand Prix. The youngest racer, Christian Joseph Gaddi from the Philippines who will compete in the Formula Cadet 60 category, is only 7 years old. There are 6 drivers from Macau joining the competition, including Chang Wing Chung who is 10 years old. The young Philippine driver Michele Marie Bumgarner, who was crowned as the overall champion for ICA class of the AKOC last year will challenge the experienced Formula A drivers. She is the only female driver among the 229 competitors. 2006 Macau International Kart Grand Prix will gather together the best drivers from the world to bring thrilling and high level races to motor fans and visitors alike. While admission is free, entry will be restricted to holders of admission coupons which are available now at Kong Seng’s 3 service stations at Av. Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, Rua Comandante Mata e Oliveira and Av. Horta e Costa, the main office of the Macau Sports Development Board (Macau Forum, Block 1, 4th floor, Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues), the China-Macau Autosports Club (Edf. Grande Prémio de Macau, Av. da Amizade, opening hours: 9:30am to 7pm) and 4 tourism information counters of MGTO at the Macau International Airport, Macau Ferry Terminal, Border Gate Checkpoint and Ritz Building at Senado Square. Limited amount of tickets will also be available on site on December 16 and 17. There will be free admission for the practice days on December 14 and 15. The event will be broadcast live on TDM Radio on December 16 and 17 to bring the excitement to local residents. Macau Satellite TV will also transmit a 10-minute highlight of the races on December 16 and 17 through satellite, facilitating more instant and convenient coverage by the international media to promote Macau and the event.

Macau celebrates recording-breaking 20 million visitor arrivals

Macau has received its record-breaking 20 millionth visitor for the year 2006. On Sunday, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) celebrated the new milestone with performances of Portuguese Folk Dance, Dragon and Lion Dance at six major tourism spots in Macau peninsula and Taipa island. In addition, Macau Tourism Ambassadors distributed give-aways to visitors during the day. In the year 2000 and 2001, Macau’s visitor arrivals experienced breakthroughs of 9 million and 10 million respectively. Seven years after the establishment of the Macau SAR, the number doubled to 20 million. In the first ten months of 2006, visitor arrivals exceeded 17 million, an increase of 15.85 per cent compared to the same period last year. The top ten tourism market sources of Macau (in accordance with volume) are Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan China, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Korea, the United States, Singapore and Thailand. Mainland China, the largest source market, occupies nearly 54 per cent of total visitor arrivals; among which, half of the 9.7 million visitors are comprised of individual travelers. On the other hand, the increment of the other markets was also satisfactory. Director João Manuel Costa Antunes of MGTO cited: “It is not easy for Macau, a tiny enclave with an area of only 28.2 sq. kilometers and a population slightly over 500 thousand to receive 20 million visitors a year. The outstanding result is fruitful of the great support of the Central Government, our Macau SAR leaders as well as the hard work both the travel and tourism industry and the public.” He continued: “In addition to the Historic Centre of Macau that exhibits Chinese and Western cultures, lifestyle and unique cuisine, the liberalization of the gaming industry attracted investments for world class tourism and MICE facilities to Macau. These led to high-speed growth and development of the tourism industry. In return, the multi-dimensional tourism development will motivate other industries.” He added, “We see opportunities and challenges ahead of us. We must, therefore, have the initiative to improve, offer quality service to visitors and refine our tourism brand.” MGTO has been striving to provide diversified tourism products and quality service to satisfy the need of different markets. “The Historic Centre of Macau” inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List gave Macau a golden chance to reinforce a quality tourism brand, enabling visitors to learn of the history of Macau and to personally feel the mood of being present at the “Historic Centre of Macau”. Culture is closely related to tourism. As mentioned by Vice mayor of Guangdong Province, Tang Bingquan at the Guangdong International Tourism and Cultural Festival 2006, “Culture without tourism lacks vitality, while tourism without culture lacks charm.” MGTO launched a series of activities for “2006 Macau World Heritage Year”, through different channels and format to actively promote Macau’s world heritage. For instance, MGTO organized one of the largest groups of international media to visit Macau. The close to one hundred media from 13 countries/regions visited Macau’s world heritage. On the other hand, people from different spectrums also formed familiarization groups to visit the heritage, among which included specialists, scholars, students, seniors, media and tourism stakeholders. Visitors from Japan are especially fond of Macau’s world heritage and are interested in ecotourism. Therefore, world heritage visit is certainly included in their itineraries.
Other related promotional activities included organizing Macau World Heritage Photo Exhibitions in Macau, mainland cities as well as overseas; placing advertisements and TV/radio commercials at local, regional and international media; using “World Heritage” as the theme for large-scale promotional events and at international travel fairs; and holding “Macau World Heritage Passport Campaign” etc. Antunes pointed out: “Promotion of world heritage is a very meaningful and long term task, results cannot be easily seen in a short period of time. We will continue to promote to different peoples in various ways, to gradually uplift the fame and value of Macau’s world heritage.” MGTO will retain “A World of Difference, The Difference is Macau” as promotional theme for Macau tourism, with emphasis on world heritage. At the same time, it will promote comprehensive tourism with multi-faceted elements: culture, convention & exhibition, gaming, retail, sport, leisure, gourmet, grand events and festivities.

Macao and the Introduction of Western Medicine into China

The Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government will organize a Research Grant Lecture in the Cultural Affairs Bureau Auditorium (Edifício do Instituto Cultural, Tap Seac Square, Macao) on December 4 (Monday) at 6:30pm. Dr. Dong Shao Xin of Fudan University will give a lecture on “Macao and the Introduction of Western Medicine into China”.
Macao has been an important point of interchange with the West since its early history – it channeled eastern culture into Europe and western culture into China. The introduction of western medicine into China is one of the many important cultural exchanges to have taken place there since late Ming Dynasty.
Macao was the first city in Chinese territory to use western medicine, establishing its first western hospital in as early as 1568. During the early 17th century, the Jesuits of Macao’s St. Paul’s College researched both eastern and western medicine. As a result, many missionary doctors traveled into China to serve the Chinese imperial family, at times facilitated by the city’s senate. Various kinds of medicines were brought into China, expanding an already complex system of medicines and Macao’s medical activities spread across the Pearl River Delta, exemplified, for instance, by the clinics and pharmacies of the Franciscan Order.
In 1805, the smallpox vaccine was introduced into China through Macao. This extraordinary event gave Protestant missionaries a leading role in the history of the introduction of western medicine into China. In 1820, Dr. John Livingstone of the East India Company opened a clinic in Macao; while in 1828 Dr. Thomas R. Colledge, who also worked for the Company, established an eye hospital, going on to found the Medical Missionary Society in China in 1836. Macao’s role as the main channel for introducing western medicine into China gradually declined after the opening of the other five treaty ports.
Dong Shao Xin received a Ph.D. in History from Sun Yat-sen University in 2004 after which he took up a teaching position in Zhejiang University. Since August 2005, Dong has been conducting post-doctoral research at Fudan University’s Institute of Chinese Historical Geography. His academic research includes Macao history, the history of Sino-western relations, Catholic history in China and medical history. This research topic was awarded a grant in the 13th Research Scholarship Competition of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government.
The lecture will be given in Mandarin with Cantonese, Portuguese and English simultaneous interpretation. Entrance is free. For further details, please contact Ms. Chu of the Macao Historical Archives of the Cultural Affairs Bureau at 5986510, or visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s website:

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.