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Lecture: “The 400th Anniversary of Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church: Testament to Chinese and Western Cultural Exchange during the Ming and Qing Dynasties”

The Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government will organize a Research Grant Lecture in Tap Seac Gallery at 6:30pm on November 23rd. Mr. Yu Sanle, an associate researcher in the History Department of the Beijing Administration College, will give a lecture on “The 400th Anniversary of Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church: Testament to Chinese and Western Cultural Exchange during the Ming and Qing Dynasties”. Mr. Yu Sanle’s lecture will look at Beijing as the focus for cultural exchange between China and Europe in China from 1601, when Matteo Ricci entered Beijing, to 1774 when the Holy See disbanded the Society of Jesus. Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church, which was constructed in 1605, became the core of this centre. In addition to his work in the History Department of the Beijing Administration College, Mr. Yu Sanle is also vice-chairman and secretary-general of the Matteo Ricci Chapter of the Society of Chinese Ming History. His works include The Western Missionaries and Beijing in the First Modern Period (awarded second prize in the 7th Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievements Awards), the translated work From Matteo Ricci to Johann Adam Schall von Bell – Late Ming Jesuit Missionaries, and several articles published in the Cultural Institute’s Review of Culture. This research topic was awarded a grant in the 11th Research Scholarship Competition of the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government. Tap Seac Gallery is located at No. 95, Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida Avenue near the Central Library. Those who are interested may join the lecture at 6:30pm on November 23. Cantonese, Portuguese and English simultaneous interpretation will be provided. Entrance is free. For more information, please contact Ms. Chu at the Studies, Research and Publication Division (5993105) of the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government, or visit the Cultural Institute’s website:

Well prepared for the 51st Macau Grand Prix

The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Dr Chui Sai-on today (18 Nov) told the press that he was satisfied with the preparations for the 51st Macau Grand Prix (MGP) during his visit in the Grand Prix Building. Accompanied by the Coordinator of the Macau Grand Prix Committee (MGPC) Mr Costa Antunes, Dr Chui was briefed on the working conditions of each subcommittee of the Macau Grand Prix Committee. “I’m pleased with the overall preparation, especially the security of the Guia circuit, and the first practice day went smoothly and was in order,” said the Secretary. More than nine hundred media professionals from some two hundred organizations have come to cover the 51st Macau Grand Prix which help to promote Macao internationally. It is expected that sixteen million tourists may come to Macao this year, meaning the MGP may attract an appreciable number of visitors.

AACM and CAAC renews Memorandum of Understanding regarding air transport

To cope with the demand of air transport between the inland and Macao, the Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM) and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) meet regularly every year to discuss the air services and the market demand between the two places. This year, the two authorities met on 22 September in Beijing to hold discussions and came up with preliminary conclusions. The two delegations met on 17 November in Macao to continue the discussions and signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at 16:00 on the same day. The two parties also agreed to continue to hold regular meetings in the future to strengthen cooperation. The signatories were the Acting President of AACM, Mr. Chan Weng Hong and the Deputy Director General of the Transport Department of CAAC, Mr. He Jinri. The new MOU greatly enhances the liberalization of the air transport market between the two places: the destinations have been increased from 31 to 37; the capacity has also been raised, with passenger and cargo combination services increased to 539 flights per week (a rise of 82%) and all-cargo services increased from 25 to 50 flights per week. In what regards airline designation, the old MOU only allowed each party to designate one airline to operate. But the new MOU states that since the winter schedule of 2004, each party is allowed to designate two airlines to operate, except for Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and since the summer schedule of 2006, all designated airlines are allowed to operate services to all destinations. Co-terminalization on the service points is allowed with the exception of the following points: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. But the designated airlines of Macao do not have traffic rights between the co-terminal destinations. In the area of airline cooperation, the designated airlines of both places can cooperate with each other through code-sharing, except third party code-sharing. The above arrangement has put into consideration the potential development of the Macao aviation industry under the present environment and paved way for big expansion in the future. Apart from the above conclusions, the two authorities also discussed issues such as allowing foreign airlines to fly to the inland through Macao. But due to technical factors, CAAC is not able to fulfill all the requests of the Macao side at the present stage. Despite this, the two parties agreed to discuss the issues in the future. Apart from the two signatories, the delegations also comprised: from Macao -- the Director of Air Transport and International Relations of AACM, Mr. António Menano and the Consultant of Air Transport and International Relations of AACM, Mr. Ren Jinfang; from China -- the Vice Director of the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CAAC, Ms. Wu Li, the Deputy Director of the Domestic Air Transport Division of the Transport Department of CAAC, Ms. Su Hong, the Deputy Director of the Air Traffic Flow Management of Air Traffic Management Bureau, Mr. Zhang TongGuo and the Officer of the Domestic Air Transport Division of the Transport Department of CAAC, Ms. Shang KeJia. Representatives from CAM-Macau International Airport Company Ltd., Administration of Airports Ltd., Air Macau Co. Ltd. and East Asia Airlines Ltd. also attended the signing ceremony.

Chief Executive: Macao Government devoted to lift residents’quality of life

The Chief Executive,Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah said in his Policy Address 2005 today that the MSAR Government was devoted to lift the quality of life of the residents Macao. He announced an old age allowance scheme in addition to continue deductions on income tax, property tax and exemption on some other taxes and fees implemented two years ago. Stamp duty on some bank and insurance transactions would also be abolished. Mr Ho said the MSAR Government would step up administrative reforms and intensify the accountability of officials at all grades, as well as gathering and listening to public opinion. The government would also continue the legal reforms, he said, indicating that these would focus on areas that concerned the society concerns the most. The government would also increase the use of Chinese in the judicial area, he said. Mr Ho said the government would formulate a comprehensive and visionary policy for city planning and infrastructure. On economy, he said the government would continue to strengthen the major industries, such as the gaming and the tourism industry. He acknowledged the urgency to deal with the traffic issues and the said the government would step up its study on the viability of a mass transportation programme. The government would continue to take part in regional cooperation, in accordance with the advantages of Macao, he said. “Forging external relations and cooperation is a long term strategy and a pragmatic way of governing,” said Mr Ho. On education, he said that the Government would propel education reforms in order to lay a primary foundation for an advance education system in its second term. He said more regulations will be induced in education in accordance with the freedom of education, thus the two ideas can be balanced and complement each other. Stronger identity of the country and its cultural heritage, independent mind, generally knowledgeable and better managing of foreign languages were some of the qualities Mr Ho expected the reform would bring to students in Macao. Mr. said that the of “One country two systems” and “Macao people ruling Macao” principles, as well as a high degree of autonomy were the major premises for the development of Macao. He said democratic development in the Government would be gradually pushed forward in accordance with the Basic Law and as required by the development of the society. In addition, the Government would promote democracy in different levels of the society, create a larger arena for residents to participate in the consultation for public affairs, thus building a solid foundation for the development of sophisticated democracy. Mr Ho will attend a Questions and Answers session relating to his Policy Address between 3 pm and 6 pm on Thursday (17 November), at the Legislative Assembly to answer members' questions. This is the sixth policy address of Mr Ho and the first one after he was re-elected for a second term in August this year.

Chief Executive to deliver the 2005 Policy Address

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho, will present his Policy Address 2005 at the plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday (16 November) at 3 pm. After delivering the speech, the Chief Executive will meet the press at Government Headquarters at 5.00 pm to explain his policy initiatives. Mr Ho will attend a Questions and Answers session relating to his Policy Address between 3 pm and 6 pm on Thursday (17 November), at the Legislative Assembly to answer members' questions. The Chief Executive's Policy Address, his meeting with the press and the Questions and Answers sessions will be webcast live on the MSAR Government web site (, website of the Legislative Assembly ( and the Infomac webpage ( webpage of and broadcast live on local television station, TDM.

Asian Karting Open Championships (AKOC), Macau 13-14/11/2004

On November 13 and 14, Macau will host the penultimate round of the 2004 Asian Karting Open Championships (AKOC) as part of the Motorsport Festival – Grand Prix Carnival. Through the efforts of the Sports Development Board (SDB), the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and the China-Macau Autosports Club (ACMC), Macau has been confirmed as the fourth round of the region’s leading karting series. In addition to Macau, the Championships includes stops in Malaysia, the Philippines, India and Indonesia, and is recongnised as the most challenging karting series in the region. With its line up of some the region’s most talented youngsters, the addition of the Macau round has encouraged more than 120 karters from China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and, of course, Macau etc, to sign up for the series. Launched in 2002, the objectives of the AKOC are to develop karting as a sport in the region and to the increase levels of driver skill. These aims are in line with the on-going programmes of the Macau Grand Prix Committee and the ACMC in promoting motorsport and encouraging competitive excellence. The series comprises five different classes, with a special class introduced this year as a direct consequence of the inclusion of Macau on the calendar, the Macau Piston Port Cup, for National C License holders aged 15 or above in 100cc karts. The other racing categories in the AKOC are: Formula 100 open (Formula A) / Macau ICA Cup, the premier class and the highest category in the series for International B License holders aged 15 or above; the Rotax Max Senior/Masters, the best supported class, for International C License holders aged 17 years or above in Rotax Max 125cc karts; the Rotax Max Junior, for International C License youngsters aged between 12 and 17 in Junior Rotax Max 125cc karts; the Junior Intercontinental A for 13 to 15-year-old Intercontinental C License holders in 100cc karts who, after competing in this category, can step up to the Formula 100 Open class; and the Formula Cadet 85 for 9 to 13-year-olds and considered the entry-level class. In 2005, the champions of both the Senior and Junior Rotax Max classes will join the Rotax Max Challenge, giving Asian karters the opportunity to join the World Cup Rotax Challenge and race with the best karters in the world. Karting is recognized worldwide as the entry point for young racers and leading international motorsport teams watch the category closely in their constant search for future champions. Many of the most famous names in motorsport started their careers in go-karts, including the late Ayrton Senna, and current F1 stars Jenson Button and David Coulthard. Closer to home, up-and-coming local talent Rodolfo Avila began racing karts in Macau at the tender age of six, and recently tested in the UK with one of the world’s top Formula 3 outfits, Carlin Motorsport. And to host this prestigious event, Macau already has an impressive facility in the Kartodromo, Coloane. The international B grade karting facility is fully equipped with a 1.25km circuit, a grandstand which can seat up to 2,500 spectators, control tower, briefing room, restaurant, VIP rooms – and even has a children’s go-kart circuit. The organizer will also arrange shuttle bus service between Macau (bus stop in front of Bank of China Building) and Kartodromo for the citizens and visitors on November 13 and 14, operating every 15 minutes from 9am to 5:30pm. First bus will depart from Macau and last bus will depart from Kartodromo.

Macao and Canada looking at air links

Macao and Canada have jointly expressed the will to establish air links in the near future and to open up services for air transportation of passenger and cargo. The Secretary for Transport and Public Work, Mr Ao Man-long discussed the issue with the Vice-minister of Transport of Canada, Mr. Louis Ranger when they met in Canada. Both parties agreed to assign specialists to follow up on details. Meanwhile, at the invitation of the Minister of Transport of Canada, Mr Ao attended the Second Joint Ministerial Conference of the Paris and Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in Vancouver. Speaking at the conference, Mr Ao said that the Macao SAR Government has high regard for the International treaty and stressed the importance of fulfilling its responsibilities. He said Macao would ensure marine security, prevent and combat sea pollution, and facilitate harbour activities by stipulating measures and strengthening the co-operation and personnel training with neighbouring regions to actively support the Paris and Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control and to execute the responsibility of protecting marine security and resources.

Public security improves smoothly in first three quarters

Macao’s public security had improved in the first nine months of the year, with a drop in overall crime and violent crime compared with the same period last year, the Secretary for Security, Mr Cheong Kuok Va, announced. “With the co-operation of the public,’ street crimes’ ” has significantly decreased and the police will continue to monitor closely and act in response to the new characteristics of these crimes,” he said. Mr. Cheong said efforts in fighting street crimes had shown significant results: street robberies dropped from 217 cases to 163 cases and “motorcycle robberies” dropped from 63 cases to 3 cases. He said the police were concerned with a number of Chinese herbal shop burglaries recently and was monitoring the situation. According to the latest statistics, a total of 7,186 crimes were recorded in the first nine months of 2004, a four per cent drop (-296 cases) compared with the same period last year. He said the drops were in offences against the person and property related offences, which had dropped by 4.7% (-86 cases) and 13.8% (-569 cases) respectively. There were 651 cases of violent crime, a drop of 18.7% (-150 cases). The total number of offences against the person was 1,749, among which 1,241 cases were physical offences, a drop of 3.4% (-44 cases). Criminal intimidation had dropped by 6% (-18 cases) while serious physical offences had increased by 8% (up two cases). Among the 3,568 property related cases, 2,073 cases were theft, a drop of 8.3% (-187 cases). Decreases were also recorded in the number of extortion, loan sharking and criminal damage. Robberies also dropped by 37.4% (-157 cases). However, violation of social lives had increases by 59.6%, (up 233 cases), mainly caused by increases in forged documents and using counterfeit currency. According to Mr. Cheong, 221 cases of counterfeit currency were recorded -- 122 of these were related to a single counterfeiting group smashed in a joint operation with Hong Kong and Guangdong Police. Juvenile crimes also increased by 10.4% to l70 cases, involving 107 people.

Edmund Ho Vows to Improve Quality of Life in Macao

Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr. Edmund Ho said today after his re-election that improving the quality of life of the people in Macao would be his priority in the next five years in office. Meeting the press after the poll, Mr. Ho said that he would stick to the existing economic policies, as the positioning of Macao’s economic development in the past five years was on track and rational. However, the government would make necessary adjustment as required to meet new challenges, he said. He said that he would try to maintain the development of the economy and the stability of the society, and to make the majority to benefit from the improvement of the economy. Asked how he would lift the quality of life of people in Macao, Mr. Ho said that he had listened to many opinions from the public during the campaign, and he would announce some necessary policies in the Policy Address for the fiscal year 2005. Regarding the cultivation of successor for the betterment of "Macao people governing Macao", Mr. Ho said that we should encourage the young generation to participate in the development of Macao, so that they could accumulate the necessary experience and contribute to the mission of "Macao people governing Macao" in the future. Asked about the number of ballots he gained, Edmund Ho said that he was more than pleased to have 296 votes. As to the three blank votes, he said it showed that every voter had a choice.

AACM invited DGCA Conference delegates to Macao for one-day tour

The 41st Conference of the Directors General of Civil Aviation, Asia and Pacific Regions, was held in Hong Kong from 01 to 05 November. To grasp the opportunity to promote Macao’s tourism to the delegates, the Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM) invited them to Macao for a one-day tour. The Conference is an annual meeting in the aviation industry for the high-level government officials. The participants usually comprise the directors general of civil aviation and high-ranking officers of the international organizations. This year, more than 170 people from 3 international organizations and 34 countries or territories participated in the meeting. Upon the invitation of AACM, about 120 delegates including their families joined the one-day Macao tour. Those who visited Macao were from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association, the International Business Aviation Council, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Vanuatu and Vietnam. The one-day tour was sponsored by the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO). The route was specially designed to meet the theme of Macao as a city of culture. In addition, AACM hosted a welcome dinner at the open area outside the Taipa-Houses Museum, one of the eight views of Macao. During the dinner, performances such as the Portuguese folk dance, Chinese and western music were arranged so that the delegates were able to experience the Macanese cultural relics and heritages relaxingly in an environment characterized by Portuguese culture. The delegates all expressed their deep impression on Macao after the trip. The Vice Director of MGTO, Ms. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes and the local aviation industry insiders also attended the dinner. The Conference is organized annually by ICAO and hosted by a country or a territory each year. This year, the administration was the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department. AACM also delegated representatives to take part in the meeting.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.