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Chief Executive to visit Guangxi

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, leaves tomorrow Wednesday (26 January) on a four-day visit to Guangxi, at the invitation of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government. Mr Ho is scheduled to meet with the secretary of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Committee, Mr Cao Bochun, and the Chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Mr Lu Bing, during the visit. The delegation, which includes about 110 representatives from the business sector, will also visit Nanning, Liuzhou, Fang Chenggang and Guilin. They are scheduled to return to Macao on Saturday (29 January). Members of the official delegation include the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Tam Pak Yuen; the Vice Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Lau Cheok Va; members of the Executive Council, Mr Tong Chi Kin, Mr Ma Lao Lai, Mr Lam Heong Sang; the Chief of the Office of the Chief Executive, Mr Ho Veng On; the Chief of the Office of the Economy and Finance, Ms Lok Kit Sim; the Director of the Macau Government Tourist Office, Mr João Costa Antunes; the President of the Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau, Mr Lau Si Lo; the president of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Mr Lee Peng Hong; the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Victor Chan; the Director of the Cultural Institute, Ms Heidi Ho; the Co-ordinator of the Supporting Office to the Secretariat of China & Portuguese-speaking Countries Economic Co-operation Forum (Macao), Ms Rita Botelho dos Santos; the Director of the Office of the MSAR in Beijing, Mr Ng Pak Meng; and the General Secretary of the Economic Committee, Mr Peter Lio.

Seminar on Consumers Rights

Beginning tomorrow, January 24, at 6.30 pm, in the Legal and Judicial Training Centre (Luso-International Bank Building, 18th floor) is the Seminar on “Consumer Rights: New Developments in Europe”. Conducted by Prof. Dr. Ewoud Hondius, Professor of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law at the University of Utrecht, Holland, this training course is part of the Co-operation Programme in the Legal Field between the European Union and Macao. The seminar is organised by the Legal and Judicial Training Centre and will take place in the course of a week until the next 28 January. During the five sessions, more than three dozens of local legal advisors will follow the speaker’s interventions on “Consumer Law and Competition Law”, “Unfair Trade Practices and Contract Terms”, “Product Liability and Medical Liability”, “Consumer Sales and Services”, and “Consumer Redress”. The Co-operation Programme in the Legal Field between the European Union and Macao, which incorporates this seminar, has as its main objective the “Consolidation of the Macao Legal System” and is in the last part of its third year, taking place until the beginning of the year 2006. The total budget for the programme is of 1.980.000 euros, shared in equal parts by the European Union and Macao. The co-ordination of the Co-operation Programme is at the responsibility of the International Law Office, being the organization of the pertaining actions ensured by several other entities of the MSAR’s Government, namely the Legal and Judicial Training Centre, the Legal Affairs Bureau, the Economic Services and the Institute of European Studies, other than the International Law Office itself.

MSAR Government accords honours and awards to outstanding individuals and organizations

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, has accorded honours and awards to 33 people and organisations. The presentation ceremony was held today in the cultural centre. This year's recipients are from all walks of life. They have been honoured or awarded in recognition of their significant contribution to Macao or for their dedicated public and community service. The Medals of Honour are awarded to outstanding individuals and organisations for their contribution to the image, reputation and development of the MSAR. Recipients are: Lau Cheok Va (Grand Lotus); Yuen Tze Wing (Silver Lotus); Tong Kin Mao (Silver Lotus); Fung Kam Hee (Silver Lotus). The Medal of Merit, in seven categories including Profession, Industry and Commerce, Tourism, Education, Culture, Altruism and Sport are given to the outstanding individual and organisation that have distinguished service in promoting the development of the relevant sectors in Macao. Recipients are: Wong Nim Lai (Profession); Chui Sai Peng, José (Profession); Joaquim Jorge Perestrelo Neto Valente (Profession); Associação de Gestão (Management) de Macau (Profession); Ho Teng at (Industry and Commerce); Wong Chi Seng (Industry and Commerce); Lau Veng Seng (Industry and Commerce); Fundação da Deusa A-Má de Macau (Tourism); Associação dos Comerciantes de Peixe Fresco de Macau (Macao Fresh Fish Merchant Association) (Tourism); Lam Hin Fu (Education); Wu Yee Ching (Education); Ao Cam Iong (Education); Ieong Sao Leng (Education ); Lei Kun Teng (Culture); Chau Si Lei (Culture); António Fernandes (Altuism); Clínica dos Operários (Altuism); Iau Mou Pong (Sport); Autómóvel Clube de Macau (China) (Macao Automobile Club (China)) (Sport). Distinguish Service Medal is given to outstanding individual and organisation for their fulfillment in duty. Recipients are: Pedro Amado Vizeu (Dedication); Kong Iun Choi (Dedication); Banda de Música da Polícia de Segurança Publica (Public Security Police Band) (Dedication). Commendations, of Prestige and of Merit are given to the individuals who have contributed in the development of MSAR. Recipients are: David Tavares Lopes (Prestige); João António da Silva Madeira da Fonseca (Merit); Rodolfo Freitas Silvério de Abreu Ávila (Merit); Li Nga Weng (Merit); Vitor Hugo dos Santos Marreiros (Merit); Leong Ka Weng (Merit); Hoi Kin Wa (Merit); Chan Fai Young (Merit); Wong Ching I (Merit).

Government Portal Upgrade

In order to elevate the reliability, system upgrade and power supply project will be carried out in the computer center in the Public Administration and Civil Services this coming Saturday (22 of January.) The Government Portal ( and SAFP's website will be intermittently unavailable between 14:00 to 18:00. We believe that the operation will be more stable and reliable in consequence of the upgrade.

More quality services and business opportunities for SMEs

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah today pledged to provide more quality services and business opportunities for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Speaking at the opening session of the “Zhejiang Week in Macao 2005” and “Zhejiang-Macao Trade and Economic Fair”, Mr Ho said: “ The SAR Government will grasp the opportunities provided by CEPA and continue to enhance business environment in order to provide quality service and opportunity for small and medium-size enterprises from local and abroad.” He said the SAR Government, in its second five-year term, would closely follow President Hu Jintao’s direction to continue the implementation of the “One Country Two Systems” policy and enhance its administration, to speed up the reforms in government administration and the law, to improve the well being of the residents, and to forge a society with quality. The co-operation between Macao and Zhejiang had entered a new period with the implementation of CEPA and the Individual Visit Scheme. In addition, the trade and economic fair that opened today would further amplified the effect of this relation, he said. “I anticipate that Macao could capitalise on its advantage and carry out its bridging role to complement the development of the Zhejiang province,” Mr Ho said. The Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Mr Xi Jinping said in his speech that Macao was already an important platform for economic cooperation and trade between the Mainland and Portuguese-speaking countries, and also served as a gateway for Zhejiang enterprises to “go international” and to attract foreign investment to Zhejiang. Mr Xi said he hoped to further promote multi-level cooperation between the two sides, especially in the service sector. Agreements for seven cooperation projects, valued at two billion five hundred million Renminbi, were signed at the ceremony. Foreign investment in these projects totaled one billion Renminbi.

Zhejiang leaders to visit Macao tomorrow

Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Mr Xi Jinping, is scheduled to arrive in the Macao SAR for a four-day visit tomorrow. After his arrival in the afternoon, Mr Xi is scheduled to meet with the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, who will host a dinner for him in the evening. During his visit to Macao, Mr Xi will attend the opening ceremony of “2005 Macao-Zhejiang Week” and related events. He will also visit some tourist attractions before leaving Macao on 22 January. Mr Xi’s delegation includes the Chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Committee, Mr Li Jinming; the Standing Member of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Mr Bayin Chaolu; and the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Provincial Government, Mr Zhong Shan. Last April, Mr Ho led a delegation of government officials and some 150 entrepreneurs to Zhejiang. Mr Xi last visited Macao In October 2001, when he was the Governor of Fujian province.

Portuguese President departs after two-day visit

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Mr Jorge Sampaio, leaves this evening after a busy two-day visit to the MSAR. Macao is the last stop on his official visit to China, at the invitation of President Hu Jiantao. Before his departure, Mr Sampaio and his wife, Ms Maria Rita Sampaio, hosted a reception for the Portuguese community at the residence of the Portuguese Consul-General in Macao. The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, also attended the banquet. Earlier, in the morning, Mr Sampaio and his delegation visited the Portuguese School, the Portuguese Consulate-General in Macao and the Oriental Portuguese Institute of the Orient. He also visited the Macau Tower where he had a bird’s eye view of Macao and the neighbouring region, from the 58th floor of the tower, before he attended the launching ceremony of a new book entitled “Portugal – an old nation, a country of the future”. He also attended a luncheon hosted by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam. Speaking at the luncheon, Mr Tam said the MSAR Government valued its relations with Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries and would capitalise this advantage to make Macao a platform for trade and economic co-operation between China and Portugal. In the afternoon, Mr Sampiao visited some famous Macao landmarks, including the A-Ma Cultural Village on Coloane Island, the Ruins of St Paul’s Church and Senado Square in the centre of the city.

Portuguese President visits Macao

(Macao – 14 February) The President of the Republic of Portugal, Mr Jorge Sampaio, is scheduled to arrive in Macao SAR on Sunday 16 January for a two-day visit. During his stay in the MSAR, Mr Sampaio will meet with the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, and attend a banquet hosted by Mr Ho. Mr Sampaio will pay visits to the Portuguese School, the Oriental Portuguese Institute of the Orient (Instituto Português do Oriente) on the morning of 17 January, and attend a luncheon hosted by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam. He will also visit some famous Macao landmarks, including the A-Ma Statue and the A-Ma Cultural Village on Coloane Island, the Ruins of St Paul’s Church and Senado Square in the centre of the city. Mr Sampaio and his wife, Ms Maria Rita Sampaio will host a banquet for the Portuguese community at the residence of the Portuguese Consul General in Macao on the evening of 17 January. Mr Sampaio will be accompanied by more then 100 Portugal entrepreneurs, who will attend a trade fair jointly organised by the Trade and Economy Promotion Institute of Portugal, the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province and the Trade and Investment Promotion Institute of Macao. The Executive Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Tang Bingquan, Mr Francis Tam and the Portuguese Minister of State and Minister of Economy Activities and Work, Mr Antonio Barreto, will accompanied Mr Sampaio on his visits in Macao. Mr Sampaio is on an official visit to China at the invitation of the President, Mr Hu Jintao. Macao is the last stop on this visit. The entourage include his wife, Ms Maria Rita Sampaio, The President of the Supreme Court of Administration, Manuel Santos Serra; the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Portuguese Communities Abroad, Mr António Monteiro and Portugal’s Ambassador to China, Mr Santana Carlos. Mr Sampaio last visited Macao was in December 1999.

Chief Executive meets with Portuguese President

(Macao – 16 January 2005) The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah today greeted with the Portuguese President, Mr Jorge Sampaio who is in Macao Special Administrative Region for a two-day visit. Mr Ho and Mr Sampaio met the press after their meeting which lasted for 45 minutes. Mr Ho said he was glad to meet Mr Sampaio in Macao and congratulated him on his successful China visit. He said that thepresence of Mr Sampaio in Macao allowed him to reciprocate the cordiality and hospitality accorded to him when he visited Portugal. Mr Ho said that they have discussed a wide range of subjects concerning the future of Macao and Portugal during the meeting and also exchanged views on the role of Macao as a bridge to the Portuguese-speaking countries. He underlined that Mr Sampaio had contributed much in this relation. Mr Sampaio said he was grateful for the warm reception he received in Macao. He said that he was glad to see that the Joint Delaration Between Portual and China on the and the Macao SAR Basic Law being fully implemented in Macao after the establishment of the SAR . “Macao successfully governed by Macao people is proof of the success of the ‘One Country Two Systems’ concept ” Mr Sampaio said. He also praised Mr Ho’s performance and said it was one of the reasons for Macao’s success. Concerning the Guangdong, Macao and Portugal Economic Cooperation Forum 2005, which opens tomorrow, Mr Sampaio said that it was another proof of Macao’s role as a platform for Portuguese and Chinese Enterprises. Mr Sampaio extended an invitation for Mr Ho to visit Portugal again. Also presented at the meeting were the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs and Portuguese Communities Abroad, Mr António Monteiro, The Portuguese Minister of Economic Activities and Works, Mr Álvaro Barreto and and Portugal’s Ambassador to China, Mr Santana Carlos, The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan and the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam. Tomorrow, the Portuguese President will pay visits to the Portuguese School, the Oriental Portuguese Institute of the Orient (Instituto Português do Oriente) and attend a luncheon hosted by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam. He will also visit some famous Macao landmarks, including the A-Ma Statue and the A-Ma Cultural Village on Coloane Island, the Ruins of St Paul’s Church and Senado Square in the centre of the city. Mr Sampaio is on an official visit to China at the invitation of the President, Mr Hu Jintao. Macao is the last stop on this visit. Mr Sampaio last visited Macao was in December 1999.

Last injured Macau resident has been discharged from the hospital

In regard to the strike of tsunamis unleashed by earthquake near the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the Macau Government Tourist Office Headquarter received no new call to (853)315566 today (Jan. 7). The injured Portuguese who lives in Macau have been discharged from the hospital after days of medical treatment in the hospital of Bangkok. MGTO has learnt that there is no Macau residents in the hospitals of Bangkok and Phuket. The volunteer doctor, who has been staying in Phuket to assist in the work of identification with DNA samples, has left for Bangkok today (Jan. 7). The MGTO staff sent to Thailand continues to provide possible assistance to the Macau residents affected by the tsunami incident and MGTO will continue to closely monitor the incident. MGTO has sent up a help line (853) 315566 on Dec 27 after the tsunami incident, and has received a total of 72 calls --- 24 inquiries, 28 requests for assistance and 20 calls from citizens providing relevant information.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.