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MGTO staff go to Thailand to help Macau residents affected by tidal waves

Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) is deeply concerned about the conditions, in particularly, the safety of the Macau residents who are traveling in the area after the strike of tidal waves unleashed by earthquake near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. MGTO have contacted the 115 travel agencies in Macau. Among which, 14 travel agencies reported that 92 Macau residents who joined their tour packages or bought air tickets from them were in Thailand (Bangkok & Phuket) and 4 others in Indonesia. Another 18 travel agencies will soon provide the concerned figures and the remaining 83 travel agencies said that they did not organize tour groups or issue tickets to the affected regions. Currently, MGTO is researching on the number of Macau residents who are traveling on individual basis. Yesterday MGTO has adopted immediate action to deploy two staff from MGTO to Bangkok to learn more about the incident and provide possible assistance to the Macau residents affected by the strike. Meanwhile, MGTO will keep close contact with local travel agencies and learn about the update conditions through various means. The two MGTO staff, together with MGTO’s representation office in Thailand, will assist in searching and contacting the Macau residents who are in the area and provide help, if necessary, in arrangement of travel documents and air tickets to return to Macau. As the communication channels/ networks are largely affected by the tidal wave in Phuket, PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) Headquarter has immediately sent members to Phuket to learn more about the conditions of touring groups and individual travelers. They are keeping close contact with MGTO’s staff stationed in Bangkok to provide assistance to the needs. For enquiries and assistance of local residents, please call 315566. Macau residents who are aboard and need assistance, please contact MGTO’s representative office in Bangkok, Thailand at (66-2) 255- 5989, (66) 9685- 8194. On the other hand, Thailand Authorities have also set up rescue hotlines: Bangkok (66-2) 253-7418; Phuket (66-76) 391-596 for inquiry.
MGTO will continue to monitor closely the incident.

Over 800 thousand Crossed Border During Christmas Holidays

Immigration authorities recorded a total of 893809 crossing the five immigration checkpoints of the Macao SAR over the Christmas holidays (24 December to 26 December) Total number of arrivals stood at 450,909,with Border-gate 348,496
Lotus Bridge 10,706
Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal 80,664
Inner Harbor Wharf Nº14 2,221
Macao International Airport 8,822 Total of departures stood at 442,900, with Border-gate 359,637
Lotus Bridge 11,558
Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal 60,092
Inner Harbor Wharf Nº14 2,157
Macao International Airport 9,456 Meanwhile, total number of tourists entering Macao in that period stood at 184,789
with a growth of 39.02%
over the same period of last year.

President Hu Jintao visits Macao

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Mr Hu Jintao, has started his first visit to the Macao Special Administrative Region. He will preside over the Second Term MSAR Government Inauguration Ceremony tomorrow. The President arrived at Macao International Airport this morning. The Chief Executive, Edmund Ho Hau Wah and his wife, Ms Tatiana Lau greeted Mr Hu upon his arrival. The President said at the airport that he is happy to come to Macao for the fifth anniversary of the reunification of Macao with the motherland. “I am bringing with me the warmest greetings and deepest wishes from the Central Government and the whole nation to the people of Macao. “In the five years since its reunification of with the motherland, Macao has achieved significant economy and social development. The people of Macao are happy about these achievement and so is the Central Government and the whole nation.” President Hu urged the people of Macao to stay united and to build an even better future under the leadership of the SAR Government headed by Mr Edmund Ho. Also present to greet Mr Hu at the airport were CPPCC Vice-Chairman, Mr Ma Man Kei, President of the MSAR Legislative Assembly, Ms Susana Chou; President of the MSAR Court of Final Appeal, Mr Sam Hou Fai; Secretaries and principal officials of the MSAR Government: Ms Florinda Chan, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen, Mr Cheong Kuoc Va, Mr Fernando Chui Sai On, Mr Ao Man Long; Commissioner Against Corruption Mr Cheong U; Commissioner of Audit, Ms Fatima Choi Mei Lei; Chief Public Prosecutor Mr Ho Chio Meng; Commissioner General of the Unitary Police Service Mr José Proenca Ló Branco; Director-General of Macao Customs Mr Chôi Lai Hang; Vice-Minister of Public Security, Mr Tien Qiyu; Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Chen Zuoer, Deputy Director of the Information Affairs Office of the State Council, Li Bing, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, Mr Xu Ze; Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the MSAR Mr. Wan Yongxiang; Commander of the Macao Garrison of the People's Liberation Army,Mr Liu Lianhua; the Political Commissar of the Macao Garrison of the People's Liberation Army, Mr Yang Zhongmin and community leaders. President Hu waved to a crowd welcoming him at the airport and received bouquets presented by children The President was accompanied by his wife, Ms Liu Yongqing, Alternate member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, director of General Office of the CPC Central Committe, Mr. Wang Gang;State Councillor, Mr Tang Jiaxuan; Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Director of State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, Mr Liao Hui; Member of the Central Military Commission, Chief of the general staff of the PLA, Mr Liang Guanglie; Director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee Wang Huning; Deputy Director of General Office of the CPC Central Committe, Ling Jihua; Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, Mr Bai Zhijian and other officials of the Central Government.

Important to maintain a stable administration philosophy – Chief Executive

The Macao Special Administrative Region Government today hosted a reception to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the MSAR and the installation of the Second Term MSAR Government. Chief Executive Mr Ho Hau Wah said at the reception that the address of President Hu Jintao was both stimulating and encouraging, and had important directional meaning to many affairs of the MSAR. “With the support of the Central Government and the solidarity of the people in Macao, the SAR Government has fulfilled the administrative responsibilities it was commissioned to carry out in the past five years. “During this process, we made necessary changes and adjustments, and at the same time tried to balance all sides. However, it is important that we maintain a stable administration philosophy. “As a young Special Administrative Region, maintaining historic continuity keeps us from crises that we do not have the experience to handle, it also secures stability and solidarity of the society and laid a foundation for development and security. “ The smooth beginning of ‘One country Two Systems’ in Macao provides reliable political and social guarantee for the development of the SAR in the future and the progress of Macao into a quality society. “The practices in the past five years have greatly elevated our ability to deal with new challenges, ensuring the successful implementation of “One Country Two Systems”, “Macau People Governing Macao” and a high degree of autonomy in a society of sustainable development, enabling the SAR to go for greater success.” More than 1,300 guests attended the reception, including the Director of the Central Government Liaison Office in Macao, Mr Bai Zhijian; President of the Legislative Assembly, Ms Susana Chou; President of the Court of Final Appeal, Mr Sam Hou Fai; Commander of the Macao Garrison troops of the People's Liberation Army, Mr Liu Lian Hua; Political Commissar of the Macau Garrison of the People's Liberation Army, Mr Yang Zhongmin and community leaders. Other celebrations for the fifth anniversary of the SAR include a cultural performance organised by the Macao SAR Cultural Institute, and a fireworks display hosted by the Macao SAR Government Tourist Office.

President Hu Jintao departs after two-day visit

President Hu Jintao and the Central Government delegation left Macao this afternoon after attending activities celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR). President Hu also visited the the Macao Garrison of the People's Liberation Army, on Taipa Island, and met with Central Government officials posted to MSAR, and local community leaders. The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah and his wife, Ms Tatiana Lau, bade farewell to the President and his wife, who were accompanied by the Central Government delegarion. Other members of the party who bade farewell to the State leaders and the delegation were Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, Mr Bai Zhijian; President of the Legislative Assembly, Ms Susana Chou; President of the Court of Final Appeal, Mr Sam Hou Fai; Principal officials of the Macao SAR, Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the MSAR, Mr. Wan Yongxiang and Commander of the Macao Garrison of the People's Liberation Army, Mr Liu Lian Hua and Political Commissar of the Macao Garrison of the People's Liberation Army, Mr Yang Zhongmin. Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Chen Zuoer said the President’s visit to Macao was a very successful one. He said President Hu had told him that the visit had left him with deep and beautiful impressions. He stressed that the President had recongnised the historical achievements of the Macao SAR Government headed by Mr Edmund Ho and was hopeful for the future of Macao.

2004 Honours List announced

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, has accorded honours and awards to 33 people and organisations. This year's recipients are from all walks of life. They have been honoured or awarded in recognition of their significant contribution to Macao or for their dedicated public and community service. The presentation ceremony will be held on 1 May 2005. The Medal of Honour are awareded to outstanding individuals and organisations for their contribution to the image, reputation and development of the MSAR. Medal of Honour:
Lau Cheok Va (Grand Lotus); Yuen Tze Wing (Silver Lotus); Tong Kin Mao (Silver Lotus); Fung Kam Hee (Silver Lotus); The Medal of Merit, in seven categories including Profession, Industry and Commerce, Tourism, Education, Culture, Altruism and Sport are given to the outstanding individual and organisation that have distinguished service in promoting the development of the relevant sectors in Macao. Medal of Merit:
Wong Nim Lai (Profession);
Chui Sai Peng, José (Profession);
Joaquim Jorge Perestrelo Neto Valente (Profession);
Associação de Gestão (Management) de Macau (Profession);
Ho Teng at (Industry and Commerce);
Wong Chi Seng (Industry and Commerce);
Lau Veng Seng (Industry and Commerce);
Fundação da Deusa A-Má de Macau (Tourism);
Associação dos Comerciantes de Peixe Fresco de Macau (Macao Fresh Fish Merchant Association) (Tourism);
Lam Hin Fu (Education);
Wu Yee Ching (Education);
Ao Cam Iong (Education);
Ieong Sao Leng (Education );
Lei Kun Teng (Culture);
Chau Si Lei (Culture);
António Fernandes (Altuism);
Clínica dos Operários (Altuism);
Iau Mou Pong (Sport);
Autómóvel Clube de Macau (China) (Macao Automobile Club (China)) (Sport); Distinguish Service Medal is given to outstanding individual and organisation for their fulfillment in duty. Medal of Distinguish Service:
Pedro Amado Vizeu (Dedication);
Kong Iun Choi (Dedication);
Banda de Música da Polícia de Segurança Publica (Public Security Police Band) (Dedication); Commendations, of Prestige and of Merit are given to the individuals who have contributed in the development of MSAR. Commendation:
David Tavares Lopes (Prestige);
João António da Silva Madeira da Fonseca (Merit);
Rodolfo Freitas Silvério de Abreu Ávila (Merit);
Li Nga Weng (Merit);
Vitor Hugo dos Santos Marreiros (Merit);
Leong Ka Weng (Merit);
Hoi Kin Wa (Merit);
Chan Fai Young (Merit);
Wong Ching I (Merit).

President Hu Jintao praises the achievement of Macao

President Hu Jintao and the Central Government delegation attended a gala banquet at the Macao Tower to celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region. President Hu praised the achievement of Macao in the past five years: “What has happened in Macao in the past five years offers a compelling evidence that our policy of "one country, two systems" is a fundamental guarantee of Macao's sustained development and its long-term prosperity and stability. It shows that the Macao people have the wisdom, ability and means to properly administer, build and develop Macao.” President Hu said in his address:" Since Macao's return five years ago, our basic policies of ‘one country, two systems’, ‘Macao people administering Macao’ and a high degree of autonomy have been fully implemented. Under the leadership of the Macao SAR Government headed by Chief Executive Mr. Ho Hau Wah, the people of Macao have closed ranks and worked hard, thus opening a new chapter in Macao's history. “Today, Macao enjoys greater social stability and harmony, sustained economic growth and a peaceful and contented population. The Central Government and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups are exceptionally happy to see this. " We will continue to unswervingly follow the policy of "one country, two systems", unswervingly administer the region in accordance with law by upholding the authority of the Basic Law, unswervingly support the SAR Government in its efforts to develop the economy, improve the people's livelihood and maintain stability, and unswervingly carry out the policy of "Macao people administering Macao" with patriots playing the dominant role, practising the high degree of autonomy and achieving the broadest unity under the banner of loving the motherland and loving Macao. " The gratifying situation in Macao is closely linked with the excellent situation in the reform and development on the mainland. Right now, our motherland is in a very good shape. “All these achievements are attributable to the concerted efforts of all the Chinese people, including our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao. We have full confidence in the future of our motherland. “It is certain that China's ongoing reform, opening-up and modernisation drive will provide stronger impetus, greater opportunities and broader horizon for Macao's development. When China succeeds, Macao is bound to prosper. We too have full confidence in Macao's future. “I am sure that under the leadership of the Macao SAR Government headed by Mr. Ho Hau Wah, our Macao compatriots will carry forward the glorious tradition of loving the motherland and loving Macao, work closely together with heart and soul to make every undertaking in Macao a success and add brilliant new pages to the great practice of ‘one country, two systems, “ said the Vice Premier. Meanwhile, the Chief Executive said id in his speech that the Macao SAR, since its establishment five years ago, had continued to overcome odds. He said “One Contry Two Systems”,”Macao People Administrating Macao” and a high degree of autonomy had been implemented soundly in Macao and attributed the achievements to the sound foundation laid down by the Basic law and the efforts of the residents. "The successful implementation of ‘One Country Two Systems" in Macao relied on the great thought and historical choice of Mr Deng Xiaopeng and the care and support of the whole nation, ” Mr Ho stressed. "The Fifth Anniversay is the new beginning of our exertion. We will continue to stay firm and united, taking pragmatic steps to enhance our work in all aspect of Macao, committed to the love for the country and for Macao, and regards our people as priority.” Following his address, President Hu and Mr Ho proposed a toast to all guests and expressed wished Macao a brilliant future.

Cheering crowds greet President Hu Jintao in Macao

President Hu Jintao and his wife Ms Liu Yongqing, today visited some of the landmarks of Macao SAR and a school in the company of the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah and wife, Ms Tatiana Lau. Hundress residents and tourists greeted President Hu upon his arrival at the Ruins of St. Paul Church: he waved to the waiting crowds and spoke to some of them. He said that Macao was beautiful, when asked for his first impression of Macao. Afterwards, President Hu visited the Macao Museum on Fortress Hill, where he signed the visitors’ book. He also had a bird eyes view of Macao on top of the hill. President Hu then visited the Macao Workers’ Children School, where he stressed that Macao’s future relied on the new generation, and encouraged the students to study hard. He also posed for a group photo with the teachers and students there and presented three pianos and some books to the school on behalf of the Central Government. President Hu later visited a local family of five in the company of Mr Ho. Director of General Office of the CPC Central Committe, Mr Wang Gang; State Councilor Mr Tang Jiaxuan; Director of State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Mr Liao Hu; CPPCC Vice Chairman Mr Ma Man Kei; Chief of the general staff of the PLA Mr Liang Guanglie, and Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, Mr Bai Zhijian, accompanied President Hu on the above visits.

President Hu Jitao presides over completion ceremony of Sai Van Bridge

President Hu Jintao today presided over the Completion Ceremony of Sai Van Bridge. The ceremony was held at the Macao Tower. President Hu, accompanied by the Chief Executive Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, unveiled the plaque and cut the ribbon for the bridge. Mr Ho delivered a speech at the ceremony, saying that the Sai Van Bridge would not only enhance the overall transport network of Macao, but also established another link between Macao Peninsular and Taipa Island. “As a developing and open city, the enchancement of transport infrastructure and local and outgoing traffice links will remain a priority of the SAR Government,” said Mr Ho. He also gave his regards for all parties and people involved in the Planing designing, constructing and naming of the bridge. Other guests at the ceremony included Director of General Office of the CPC Central Committe, Mr Wang Gang; State Councilor Mr Tang Jiaxuan; Director of State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Mr Liao Hu; CPPCC Vice Chairman Mr Ma Man Kei; Chief of the general staff of the PLA Mr Liang Guanglie and Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, Mr Bai Zhijian. Sai Van Bridge is the third crossing linking Macao Peninsula and Taipa Island. it is a harp-shape cable-stay bridge with a total length of 2,200 metres and a width of 28 metres. Itis the first concrete two-level bridge in the world. The upper deck will have six lanes and the lower deck, which will be open under extreme weather conditions, will have four lanes and could also accommodate a future light railway.. Construction of the bridge begun on 7 November 2002 and the contract cost is just over MOP 560 million.

President Hu Jintao to attend Macao’s fifth anniversary celebration

(Macao – 18 Dec 2004) General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of PRC Central Military Commission, Mr Hu Jintao, is to visit Macao to mark the Fifth Anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region on Monday. Mr Hu will also attend the inauguration ceremony of the SAR Government's second term on the same day. The President the Central Government delegation are scheduled to arrive in Macao on 19 December and attend the Completion Ceremony of the Sai Van Bridge in the same afternoon. In the evening, Mr Hu will attend a welcoming banquet hosted by the Macao SAR Governemnt, following a short tour of the city. On Monday, the President will attend the celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Macao SAR and the Second Term MSAR Government Inaugural Ceremony in the morning, then meet with Macao community leaders. Mr Hu will meet with the Chief Executives of Macao SAR, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, and the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr Tung Chee-hwa, during his stay in Macao. In addition to the celebrations, the Macao Special Administrative Region Government will host a series of activities on the Sunday and Monday, including the Flag Raising Ceremony and a reception to celebrate the Fifth Aniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR. Other celebrations include a cultural performance organised by the Macao SAR Cultural Institute, and a fireworks display hosted by the Macao SAR Government Tourist Office. In addition, the Macao SAR Post Office and the Macao SAR Monetary Authority will celebrate the anniversary by jointly issuing a commemorative stamp and coin set. China Central Television (CCTV) and Teledifusão de Macau (TDM) will provide live broadcasts of the main events, including the arrival of the Central Government delegation, the Completion Ceremony of the Sai Van Bridge, Flag Raising Ceremony and the Celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Macao SAR and the Second Term MSAR Government Inaugural Ceremony. Live webcast of the events and other related information will also be available on the Macao SAR Government Website.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.