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Executive Council membership announced

(15 December 2004)The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, today appointed the Executive Council for the second term Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government. The appointment was made in accordance with Article 50 of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR. The members of the new Executive Council are:
Ms Florinda da Rosa Silva Chan Mr Tong Chi Kin Mr Leong Heng Teng Mr Liu Chak Wan Mr Ma Iao Lai Mr Ho Iat Seng Mr Leonel Alves Mr Cheang Chi Keong Mr Lam Heong Sang Mr Leong Vai Tac Mr Ho expressed that he was confident that the second term Executive Council will continue to convey different opinions in the community and to help the government in moulding policy, thus building a solid foundation for the long term prosperity and stability for Macao. Mr Ho paid tribute to the current Executive Council members for their notable contribution to the Macao SAR over the last five years.
According to the Basic law, the Executive Council of the Macao SAR is an organ to assist the Chief Executive in policy making. The members of the Executive Council shall be appointed by the Chief Executive from among the principal officials of the executive authorities, members of the Legislative Council and public figures.

Macao Yearbook 2004 available for sale

"Macao Yearbook 2004" , published by the Government Information Bureau, will be available for sale tomorrow. "Macao Yearbook 2004" is an annual publication by the Government Information Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR). Year by year, it outlines major events, details of progress achieved, and changes made in the course of Macao's political, economic, social and cultural development. The Macao Yearbook has been published annually since 2002, with the aim of promoting Macao and providing detailed information and data for all who wish to study and understand Macao. The 568-page "Macao Yearbook 2004" is divided into five sections: Administrative Priorities of the MSAR Government in 2003; Calendar of Events in 2003; Review of the MSAR in 2003; Overview of the Macao SAR; and Appendices. In this edition, the Review of the MSAR in 2003 records all the major developments and changes in administrative, legislative and judicial areas in Macao during the year. The Overview of the MSAR continues to provide a source of data and information covering the political and administrative system; the legal and judicial system; external relations; the economy; tourism; public order; education; culture and sport; health and social welfare; media, communications and information technology; land, infrastructure, housing and public utilities; transport; geography, environment and population; religion and customs; and history. To cater for the community's needs, coverage of the gaming industry has been suitably extended and now forms a separate chapter from the overview of the economy. In general, the Overview of the MSAR emphasises the presentation of information in a systematic and integrated manner. To highlight the city's development, the MSAR Government Information Bureau jointly organised a photography competition, entitled "New Faces of Macao", with eight local photography organisations in early 2004. This Yearbook is enhanced with more than 30 winning photographs from the competition. "Macao Yearbook 2004" is separately published in Chinese, Portuguese and English. The book retails at a price of just 120 patacas/Hong Kong dollars. In Macao, the three different language editions of "Macao Yearbook 2004" are on sale at the Macau Cultural Plaza, Sing Kwong Bookshop, the Portuguese Bookshop (Livraria Portuguesa), Wan Tat Bookshop, Elite Bookstore, One Bookshop, and Universal Bookshop, as well as at the Philatelic Division and following branches of the Macao Post Office (Macao Post): Rua do Campo, Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal, Macao International Airport, Nova Taipa. In addition, "Macao Yearbook 2004" can also be purchased at the Government Printing Bureau and its outlet at the Public Administrative Building on Rua do Campo. In Hong Kong, the three separate language editions of Macao Yearbook 2004 are on sale at the Commercial Press (HK) Ltd bookshops the Cosmos Books Ltd. A 20% discount will be given on any purchase of "Macao Yearbook 2004", meanwhile, purchase of "Macao Yearbook 2003" and "Macao Yearbook 2002" will be given a 50% discount during the period between 13 November 2004 and 31 March 2005.

Continuation of Pricipal Officials’service favorable for Macao – Chief Executive

The Chief Executive, Edmund Ho Hau Wah, expressed his gratefulness to the Central Government for trusting his suggestion of the principal officials and the Prosecutor General for the second term of the Macao Special Admionistrative Region (SAR). On 4 December 2004, The State Council appointed the principal officials for a second term of the Macao SAR Government, namely Ms Florinda da Rosa Silva Chan as Secretary for Administration and Justice, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen as Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Cheong Kuoc Va as Secretary for Security, Mr Fernando Chui Sai On as Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Ao Man Long as Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Cheong U as Commissioner Against Corruption, Ms Fatima Choi Mei Lei as Commissioner of Audit, Mr José Proença Branco as Commissioner General of the Unitary Police Service, Mr Choi Lai Hang as Director-General of the Macao Customs, and Mr Ho Chio Meng as Prosecutor General of the Public Prosecutions Office. Mr Ho expressed that it was favorable for the SAR Government to maintain the continuity of its policies and administration, with the principal officials continuing to perform their duty. He said he was confident that the team would maintain close cooperation and also enhance their administration to achieve the goal of providing better quality of life for the people of Macao. Mr Ho also expressed confidence that the principal officials would be honest and just, and would contribute their effort for their mission to implement the principles of “One country Two Systems” and “Macao People Governing Macao,” and a high degree of autonomy.

5th Anniversary of MSAR photo show opens in Beijing

A photo exhibition capturing the latest developments in Macao has opened in Beijing today as one of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government events to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its reunification with the Mainland. The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Florinda Chan, the Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Chen Zuoer, the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Victor Chan Chi Ping, the Director of the Office of the MSAR in Beijing, Mr Ng Pak Meng, and a representative of Macao’s photographers, Mr Au Ping, officiated at the opening ceremony. In her speech, Ms Chan said the Central Government had strongly supported the MSAR since its establishment on its strict adherence to the Basic Law and the principle of ''One country, two systems''. These factors helped build up the foundation for Macao's success, she said. She stressed that the MSAR's achievements in the first five years were only a starting point for the project of ''One country, two systems''. She said the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, made improving the quality of life of the people of Macao his ultimate goal. She believed that we would achieve it with unity and common efforts. On the photo exhibition, she said that it would bring Mainland residents a better and updated view of Macao. More than 120 pictures presented in the exhibition represented some important moments and the changes of the city in the past five years. The Macao Government Information Bureau and eight Macao photographic societies provided the pictures. The photo exhibition is being held at the Office of the MSAR in Beijing until 12 December.

Macao people firmly support peaceful reunification of China – Chief Executive

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today the people of Macao have always firmly supported the peaceful reunification of China. Speaking at the founding ceremony of the Macao Region China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification, Mr Ho said the establishment of the Council signified Macao’s endless support for the peaceful reunification of the nation. He said the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government would give full support to the Council and contribute its efforts to the realisation of peaceful reunification. “The peaceful reunification of China is the common wish of the whole nation and its long term mission,” he said, pointing out that the establishment of the MSAR five years ago, two years after the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, was one more important step in the process. Mr Ho said Macao had maintained its own social system and way of life, and with the the support of its residents, carried out a series of innovation and overcame much odds to achieve a favourable community, fully implementing the “One Country Two Systems” and “Macao People Governing Macao” principles and realised a high degree of autonomy.

Guangdong-Macao conference constructive for future co-operation – Chief Executive

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, said today the Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference had created favourable conditions for mutual co-operation at many levels and areas. Mr Ho was speaking to the press with the the Governor of Guangdong, Mr Huang Huahua, when they met the press after a review of progress of the Conference. Mr Ho said co-operation had became more inevitable following the trend of globalisation and the implementation of Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between the Mainland and Macao, and the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation in the last year. He said that co-operation had changed from technical co-operation between departments to co-operation in many levels and areas; from simple economic co-operation to a complementary and strategic co-operation. “The two governments have to be more dedicated in policy making and administration in order to keep up with the development, and this meeting has created favourable conditions for more profound co-operations of higher level in the future.” said Mr Ho. Mr Ho and Mr Huang also talked about on-going and future joint development projects between Macao and Guangdong. On the plan of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Mr Huang said the structure would profoundly affect transportation and traffic in the region. Thus a study had been conducted and the findings would be submitted to the three governments soon, he said. On the development of Hengqin Island, Mr Huang said the project, originally a joint venturet between Macao and Zhuhai, would now be carried out jointly by the nine provinces and the two Special Administrative Regions in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region,. On the Macao Zhuhai Cross Border Industrial Park, Mr. Ho said the number of enterprises interested in setting up factories in the park had been more than anticupated. Mr Ho also said that Macao and Guangdong had agreed to prioritise the construction of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao high-speed railway project. Mr Hi and Mr Huang both shared the view that there was a need for procedures to smooth traffic flow at the Gongbei checkpoint.

Central Government, Guangdong Province continue to support Macao

The Central Government and the Government of Guangdong Province will continue to support and co-operate with the Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR as they have done in the past, said the Secretary for Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the CPC, Mr Zhang Dejiang, when he met the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, in Guangzhou today. The Chief Executive led a high-level official delegation to Guangzhou this morning. Upon his arrival, he held talks with Mr ZhangThe Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Huang Huahua and the Executive Vice-Governor, Mr Tang Bingquan, also attended the meeting. “Macau and Guangdong have a fraternal relationship and are working hand in glove,” Mr Zhang described the ties. “The year 2004 is a good year for development. The Central Government will continue to support Macao and Hong Kong with adaqueate measures,” Mr Zhang said. Mr. Zhang also expressed his sincere expectations for Macao to further develop in the future. The Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference was held in the afternoon. A press conference was jointly held after the meeting and thethe Government of Guangdong Province hosted a banquet to welcome the Macao delegation at in the evening. Members of the official delegation comprise the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Tam Pak Yuen, the Chief of the Office of the Chief Executive, Mr Ho Veng On, the Chief of the Office of the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Grace Cheong, the Chief of the Office of the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Ms Lok Kit Sim, the Chief of the Office of the Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Alexis Tam, among other officials.

Macao, Guangdong step-up co-operation

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho will head an official delegation to Guangzhou on Tuesday to participate the The Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference, strengthening the links with counterpart. Mr. Ho will hold talk with the Secretary for Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the CPC Mr Zhang Dejiang in the morning, and attend the working meeting in the afternoon. A press conference will be held after the meeting. The Government of Guangdong Province will host banquet to welcome the Macao delegation at nighttime. Members of the official delegation comprises the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Tam Pak Yuen, the Chief of the Office of the Chief Executive, Mr Ho Veng On, the Chief of the Office of the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Grace Cheong, the Chief of the Office of the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Ms Lok Kit Sim, the Chief of the Office of the Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Alexis Tam, etc. The Chief Executive will return to Macao on the same day. Guangdong-Macao Co-operation Joint Conference , which is annually based, aims at studying and coordinating the development of trade, infrastructure, environment protection, education, culture and technology of the two areas.

10th International Conference of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation in Macau

The 10th International Conference of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation will be held from 23rd to 25th of November in Macau, under the theme “a road to the future – international cooperation fighting crime”. The opening ceremony will be held, at 09:30 am on the 23rd of November at the Macau Tower, in the presence of the Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah. The Conference, co-organised by the Macau Public Prosecution Office and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, will focus on terrorism, corruption, money laundering, counterfeiting of cash and credit cards, fraud and other related crimes. The Asia Crime Prevention Foundations (ACPF) is an international non-governmental organisation, established in 1982, to promote sustainable development, peace and stability in Asia and the world through more effective crime prevention, criminal justice policies and practices, and mutual cooperation among all those concerned The ultimate goal of ACPF is "Prosperity Without Crime." ACPF was granted as a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1991, and was promoted to a General Consultative Status with UN on 3rd May 2000 by the resolution of ECOSOC. Macau Public Prosecution Office expects, through this conference, to push forward the international and regional judiciary cooperation, and continue to promote that mechanism having in consideration the principles “One Country, Two Systems”, equity, reciprocity and efficacy in a way to develop the co-operation and interchange in the judiciary, legal areas and staff training.

Lecture: “The 400th Anniversary of Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church: Testament to Chinese and Western Cultural Exchange during the Ming and Qing Dynasties”

The Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government will organize a Research Grant Lecture in Tap Seac Gallery at 6:30pm on November 23rd. Mr. Yu Sanle, an associate researcher in the History Department of the Beijing Administration College, will give a lecture on “The 400th Anniversary of Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church: Testament to Chinese and Western Cultural Exchange during the Ming and Qing Dynasties”. Mr. Yu Sanle’s lecture will look at Beijing as the focus for cultural exchange between China and Europe in China from 1601, when Matteo Ricci entered Beijing, to 1774 when the Holy See disbanded the Society of Jesus. Beijing’s Nantang (South) Church, which was constructed in 1605, became the core of this centre. In addition to his work in the History Department of the Beijing Administration College, Mr. Yu Sanle is also vice-chairman and secretary-general of the Matteo Ricci Chapter of the Society of Chinese Ming History. His works include The Western Missionaries and Beijing in the First Modern Period (awarded second prize in the 7th Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievements Awards), the translated work From Matteo Ricci to Johann Adam Schall von Bell – Late Ming Jesuit Missionaries, and several articles published in the Cultural Institute’s Review of Culture. This research topic was awarded a grant in the 11th Research Scholarship Competition of the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government. Tap Seac Gallery is located at No. 95, Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida Avenue near the Central Library. Those who are interested may join the lecture at 6:30pm on November 23. Cantonese, Portuguese and English simultaneous interpretation will be provided. Entrance is free. For more information, please contact Ms. Chu at the Studies, Research and Publication Division (5993105) of the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government, or visit the Cultural Institute’s website:

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.