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Chief Executive Edmund Ho Re-elected for a Second Term

Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR), Mr. Edmund Ho was today re-elected for a second term with a massive support of 296 votes out of the 299 Election Committee members present. 299 members of the 300-member Election Committee voted at the election held at 10:00 this morning. Among the 299 votes, there are 296 effective votes and 3 blank votes. The election took aproximately 90 minutes, after provisional counting, Mr. Chu Kin, the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Committee for the election of the Chief Executive, announced the provisional result. After being re-elected, Mr. Ho expressed his gratitude to the committee members for their trust and support. In accordance to the “Chief Executive Election Law”, the General Counting Committee would proceed to the general counting of votes at the election and the result would be submitted to the Court of Final Appeal for confirmation before announcement.

DSEJ Chinese Wu Su art work

(from DSEJ)

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